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  1. W

    New Bike, New Problems. Starting Issues and Code 33

    Howdy guys, I just maybe bought a lemon of an FZ6 and could use a little help. (I really like this bike and hope you can help with some solutions) First off, it’s a 2004 FZ6 with a few miles under it. Has a few mods: Power Commander, TBR exhaust, air filter.. etc. the usual stuff you put...
  2. FinalImpact

    1st unofficial post from L3FTY, after storage, injectors leaking?

    L3FTY Hi and welcome to the 4'uhm Mr L3fty. I am sharing this here vs a PM as I think others will benefit from your methods and perhaps the outcome of this process. That said I also find it unlikely 8 different injectors leak so we are on the same page. What I want to question is the...
  3. H

    Greetings from Sacramento

    Just picked up a 2006 FZ6 yesterday. 10k mi on the odo, plastics are great shape and it's never been down. Got a pretty darn good deal for this area considering some seem to think their stored outside, rashed bike with 30k mi on the odo and no maintenance performed is worth $3200 :thumbdown...
  4. J

    Another Stalling Thread

    So for the past months my bike (07) has been stalling randomly when I pull the clutch in, mostly within the first 20mins after start up but has done it after a long ride. To get the bike to start back up I usually have to crack the TB's, its smells pretty rich after. My idle is set to...
  5. TommyT

    Intermittent Death - Everything Else Works Fine ? !

    Afternoon y’all, new to the forum - I’ve had a search around for my the problem I’m experiencing, but nowhere seems to have exactly what I’ve got (great). Went out for a nice blast the other day, everything fine - came to a set of traffic lights on the way home and the engine just cut out. No...
  6. G

    Bike won’t turn over and start

    Hi All, First time posting on here. I had my bike in the garage and forgot to connect up the trickle charger. Obviously when I tried to start it for first ride of the year it was flat as a pancake. Left the trickle charger on for a few days and then the bike fired up great. Rode to work...
  7. P

    Fz6n 2004 won't start

    Hi guys, I've changed the oil + oil filter on my 2004 FZ6. Nothing else. She got 2.8 liters, as per the manual. Warmed up the bike, and did the job. Once done, the bike wouldn't start. Ignition on -> dashboard comes to life -> fuel pump cycles -> lights on -> Start button -> bike starts...
  8. C

    stolen bike recovered but won't start

    I have a 2004 FZ6, I just got the bike April 1st and it was stolen this past Monday and just (fortunately) recovered. There was no damage, but I tried to start it and it wouldn't start so I had it towed to my place and thought I would try to get it up and running. The bike doesn't turn on...
  9. T

    2007 FZ6 Restoration from Storage Help

    Hi everyone, I bought a 2007 Yamaha FZ6 brand new in 2007 when I was in college. Drove it for about 900 miles and respected all of the break-in period rules. I ended up having to move after I graduated in 2008 and couldn't keep the bike and sold it to my father who put it in his garage. For a...
  10. M

    Fz6 doesn't start after long drives

    Hi guys , my bike recently was exposed to a lot of rain and I also power washed it :( n since then after I go on a long drive the bike won't start up with the electric start n it drains down the battery trying to start it .... Will jump start no problem ... I've had it in the bike shop twice...
  11. V

    Bike engine will not turn over. Help!

    Hello All, My bike was fine when I parked it in my garage a few days back (about a week), and now it won't start. At first I thought it was the battery (just a year old). So I charged it up, and tried to start it - No luck.. I see the Err-1 flash. So I hooked it to the car battery (car turned...
  12. J

    05 fz6 no start

    My 05 fz6 won't start.... it cranks fine has spark and new plugs... fresh fuel.... just won't fire up unless I spray ether onto it... I can see it spraying fuel into the throttle bodies so I know it's getting fuel to the engine ... don't have a battery on it just using a car to jump start it...
  13. D

    fz6 wont start unless the clutch is engaged but dies when released

    so the background for my issue is as follows i am a nube, i bridged 2 wires now my fz6 wont start unless the clutch is engaged, however when i release the clutch it dies. i have tried bypassing the clutch switch and the kickstand switch, checked all the fuses and the wiring all look good. when...

    Starter switch or starter?

    Hello all, Few months back the bike would not start, I hear one click. The gauge lights are all on and the engine with the orange light comes on. I thought battery, charged it up and started. Did this a couple of times and I bought a new battery. Did it again 2-3 day after new battery where...
  15. KB2WYL

    S1 headers, oxygen sensor placement

    Hi all. I'm finally getting serious (and the time) about giving my '07 some attention. I joined here a couple years ago when I got her, but never posted much and only did a few simple mods. I find myself coming back here again and again, so I figured it's time to start posting some of my...
  16. S

    Can't get new bike to start! Interlock?

    Hey everyone! I'm new here. I recently bought a 2006 fz6 with 8300kms. I got a good deal but didn't attempt to start it before buying since it was -20 Celsius. I drained the fuel, added fresh premium fuel. Was still unable to start. Checked the air box for critters. It was ok. I am getting...
  17. lytehouse

    December 2016 BOTM - winner - FinalImpact

    The December 2016 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" under the "What's New" link. Click on that to start your upload. December 2016 - BOTM <== click here Gallery set up will on the 1st...
  18. B

    Short while riding. Bad starter switch and or bad kill switch?

    Well my beloved FZ6 betrayed me last night. She must have known I was winterizing her for storage. I just washed it like I have done easily a dozen times before. Waxed her up and was taking her for a quick spin back to my garage. Low pressure hand wash, very careful. That is when I started...
  19. R

    Need help with battery size replacement for my FZ6N S2

    I think my battery is death. The bike won't start, and the pump keep reseting whenever I hit the start button. Problems for me is I cannot get the 150x70x130 battery size, which is perfectly fit in the FZ6 battery box. I can only get 150x87x145 battery size. So can that big battery fit into...
  20. T

    New to fz6 need help

    Hey guys brand new to motorcycles just got my hands on a 2005 Yamaha FZ6 with 6000 miles on it it hadn't been written a whole lot within the last couple years so I'm having to work on it before I can ride it worked on cars my whole life but this is my first motorcycle. The issue I'm having is...