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  • Hey! I was thinking you left me a message to complain that the BOTM pic hasn't been changed or something! LOL...not that ANYONE but you or I would even notice that!
    Anyway, things are going okay here....got 4 of the bikes out yesterday, it got close to 70f, today there's snow on the grassy surfaces...ah Colorado!
    I hear that you have had some unusually nasty weather up there lately.....a bit more snow than you are used to.
    So how have you been? What are you doing these days? I'm still playing with Hasbro Toys and John (husband) and son in law Scott have started a construction business. They are dabbling in a bit of everything so far! But mostly windows and doors.
    Thanks for checking up on me Randy :) Sad the forum isn't like it used to be. Life goes on huh?
    Hey Randy! I've been busy with an internship with Texas and I don't have my bike with me. It's been tough going through the summer without it! I'll be replacing the cam chain tensioner when I get home, so I'm looking forward to getting back on the horse and riding again.

    Got any pictures of that belly pan? What did it cost you? I've always liked the look of the belly pan with the naked conversion and thought about it myself.

    Speaking of naked conversions, I love the looks of mine, but the headlight assy leaves something to be desired in terms of light output. Recommendations for increasing that?

    Thank you for the rep but you're the one who deserves the reps for all the great work you've done!
    A TS seat I bought from another member who had sold his FZ6 and was moving into more of a cruiser I think. Previous to that I bought a factory comfort seat from ebay, but I didn't find it to be much of an improvement. My problem was I hated sliding around on the seat, especially under braking. The Top Selliere seat however has several modifications to the stock. It's turned up at the tank, the seating area is carved out from the rest of the seat and the material is not so slippery. One more thing, it has more padding.
    Thanks again for sticking out my various mechanical problems and giving support through my trouble causing OCD! A lot more helpful than my more local "Just leave it alone!" crowd!
    Thanks for all your replies, despite little reaction, it sometimes seems dead around this place, except for a few loyal members, thanks for helping people (like me) :-)
    Project went on hold, got too busy with shoveling my driveway to work on the subframe, then broke my hand so I was pretty worthless for the last month and a half, got the cast off last week and rode to work - extra subframe is currently chopped in the basement waiting to be sanded and welded together when I get the time to tackle that monster, it's probably coming after some much needed suspension work on the car though, potholes are rough in this town.
    Need help with a tech issues? For more information, Say "THANKS" once in a while when "YOUR QUESTION" is answered!
    LOL - am both the crazy one and the big sister as I unfortunately don't have any brothers or sisters.... I'll take crazy though :)
    OMG! Those pics you posted are hysterical! Tried to give a rep, but forum says I have to spread the love....hahaha like a cheap date!
    Randy, thanks for the vote! Maybe ext time, lol
    Hey, have you heard from Chris, I noticed he hasn't been around in awhile.
    omg, you do know how to make me LOL! That was wicked cute! Thank You Randy :hug:

    How are things going for ya these days??
    Sorry for the delay. It is an old Yamaha, I don't know the model. Was on display at some grocery store in Spain, with other old bikes.
    Here is the full pic
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