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  • Lisa and I didn't even know it happened until days later. We're not plugged into the news anymore because we know when the aliens come to take us on their space ship. the book they'll come with called "To Serve Man" will not be about service to man as a fellow being but in fact, will be a cook book! Lol! Hope you and family are doing well.
    Hey! I wonder if I send you a visitor message and you clear it, maybe it'll go to zero on the counter? Good catch on that last bad guy! Happy New Year and love to you and the family :)
    Yeah,will be watching November with interest and fear,lol
    Our choices were not much better recently.
    You take care too :)
    Thanks for the birthday wishes! This was the last place I was expecting to see them, haha!
    Hey Bren,it has been a while and a lot has happened. I have some BIG news for you, will send you a PM soon xx
    ha yes - I changed it at around 6am and refreshed the page, saw it on the home page. Perhaps that was too late. Thanks!
    You're welcome! It was a clear choice!
    No, not sure what came of Darius (Chris)?! Me being free of work i post enough for the whole west coast! lol
    I've been holding on to this for months and haven't found a good use for it yet. Maybe you'll have better luck! Delete if you like, but I liked it! Had to "do" something with it! :thumbup:
    Thank you Bren! Merry Christmas to you and John too. I hope you had a wonderful time xxx
    thanks fro the christmas wishes, and the same for you and yours.... we are off on a car camp trip but we found a 20 cm bluetongue lizard in our garden and thats a fantastic xmas present
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