My Hall Of Shame


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Jun 9, 2008
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So as you probably guessed from the post...I crashed today. I was cruising to work doing 65-70 mph on the 405N. I was about half way to work, and somehow my tail bag came off (I guess I did not lock in the seat where it secures). Well the tail bag somehow wedged itself in between the tire and the fender. Initially I felt a loss of power and thought I lost a cylinder or something and then the next thing I knew, the back tire locked up and I started fishtailing at about 65 mph.

I was able to control the slide and bring the bike onto the shoulder. Probably around 40-45mph it kicked sideways really hard and sent me into a high side. I landed on my right foot and broke a couple bones in it and got light road rash on my back where the jacket lifted a little. Good thing I was wearing a full face helmet because the side and face shield is all scratched up...which would have been my head.

So now I am gimped and have to wait a while for the swelling to go down so that I can get surgery on my foot and have a screw pull the bone back together.

As for the bike, it made it much better than me..especially for the speed of the crash. Expected major damage with a high side, but I looked at it this afternoon at the grave yard (wait I mean tow yard) and lots stuff is scratched or broken like the right foot peg. From what I could see, there were no scratches in the tank. There is a light superficial scuff on the frame. I know they usually total a bike if there is a scratch, but this is a scuff. To be honest...I think I have to say I hope they total it because...I almost cry saying this...but I think I rode my last ride today. The FZ6 was an awesome first and last bike...we had many great times together in the 35,000 miles we had together.

If it is not totaled, I will be parting out some of my mods 2bro exhaust (no scratches or damage from what I can tell), a corbin seat (with a couple tears..I will sell at a good price if there is interest).

Be safe out there...even if you are being safe, things can creep up on you. I did not secure the tail bag correctly even though I do it all the time, but something that simple caused a major wreck.

I am just happy it didn't end up worse. When crashing on the freeway I am just thankful that no one hit me, it something like that.

You're here to talk about it- so that's real good.

Give it some time to make the decision on hanging up riding.

Were you wearing good mc boots or just street shoes? Just curious about your gear.

Thanks for the reminder about those tail bags.
unfortunately I was not wearing boots...I had my other gear...but not those...stupid decision.

I am not justifying not wearing boots, but I do not know if they would have helped in this instance because I broke my foot from impact causing the heal bone to break the bone above it. So the impact would have been equal with either type. Maybe it would have helped, but I definitely think using boots is best because it could have easily twisted in any other instance.

As for not riding again, it is going to be hard to justify risking a similar injury again when this one is going to take 12 weeks before I can walk or even drive my car again.
Man I am real sorry about that. Very glad you are OK. That's the most important thing. Give it some time and don't make any rash decisions. It's always better to sleep on it so to say. Best of luck.
I wish you a fast recovery!!
I know I wouldn't be able to manage a bike while fishtailing at highway speeds.
That takes some HUGE plums.....:thumbup::rockon:
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I'm glad you're o.k. Jeremy, high sides are the worst.
I crashed in '76. broke both my legs and the only thing that kept me from riding for 9 years was my ex-wife. I've been back riding ever since we divorced and wouldn't give up riding for anything now.

Wait until you're healed before making any decisions..:thumbup:
I ride the 5n to the 405n and then exit Jamboree everyday...lot's of traffic all the time:eek: This could have been a lot worse..Glad to hear you okay:thumbup:
Very sorry you crashed and got hurt :(
Sorry, but breaking bones is NOT "Okay". Sure it could have been infinitely worse, but it's pretty damn bad as is. Hang in there and heal well.

I've broken bones twice (mountain bike crash in both cases). First time required no riding for 6 weeks. 2nd time was 3 months in cast (right wrist and I'm a righty) and LONG rehab (about a year before my wrist felt 90%).

The thought of quitting mountain biking had never crossed my mind. I don't know if it'd be the same for motorcycle crash, but I'd like to think so.

Very few go through life without hitting rough patches. Most find a way to cope with it and many come out stronger. I hope you'll be one of the stronger ones :)

I highly recommend taking up a hobby or two if you don't already have something that you can do without having to use your leg. Learn to play a musical instrument or something like that.
Get well soon,
I high sided wearing full gear + boots. I broke my tib & fib, right wrist and 4 fingers.
It took 14 months to heal. It's a real pain in the bum but it happens.

In the 14 months I had a great career change, went back to University and met my wife (for the first time).

At least you know why you crashed. That should help to rationalize it.
You could be driving the same route in your car, and some buggers tail bag comes off and goe's through your windscreen.
As everyone has already said get well soon and make the best decision for you.

Sorry to hear you had an off. Sounds like you did really well minimizing the crash. I've heard of some really bad crashes from rear wheel lock-ups whether rider error or mechanical.
My brother was in his car the other day and he looked in his side view mirror and saw a bike all of a sudden go out of control and go down. He said there as nothing he could see that would have caused the bike to go down. I bet it was you!

Get better!
Glad to hear you are ok.
Dont give it up yet. Take some time to think about it.
I smashed my femur last April, in a car park. Again, one very silly mistake, and its caused all sorts of problems. I just bought a brand new disc lock. Popped it on the bike, went shoe shopping, with the wife, and forgot to take the lock off when we returned. I was unlucky enough to be parked next to a really high curb. My leg was at a 45 degree angle, when the bike landed on it.
I haven't been able to walk, let alone get back on the bike. I cant wait to do it, though!!
Worst part, the hospital didnt fix my leg correctly, and now I have to have it re-broken, and another femoral nail putting in. It is going to be another very long year...
On the bright side, I have spent alot of time cleaning, polishing, and modding the FZ. She is sitting in my living room. Every now and then, I get on her and make vrooom vrooom noises, much to the wife's amusement!
At least you dont have to be embarrassed about your story.:(
thanks for all the support guys. Cliff, if your brother was on the 405N around Washington blvd at around 6am...then that was me. I guess I will wait to see if I will ride again. I really want to, because it was my favorite activity to do. I actually looked forward to my 5:45am commute to work in the cold because it meant I was on my bike. But it is hard to imagine after 12 weeks of no walking and driving that I can justify the risk.

People always said that crashing on a bike is a "when" not an "if" but I always hoped I would be the exception and getting to 35,000m without an incident made me keep my fingers crossed. I guess I just finally join the inevitable club.
Glad to hear you are ok.
Dont give it up yet. Take some time to think about it.
I smashed my femur last April, in a car park. Again, one very silly mistake, and its caused all sorts of problems. I just bought a brand new disc lock. Popped it on the bike, went shoe shopping, with the wife, and forgot to take the lock off when we returned. I was unlucky enough to be parked next to a really high curb. My leg was at a 45 degree angle, when the bike landed on it.
I haven't been able to walk, let alone get back on the bike. I cant wait to do it, though!!
Worst part, the hospital didnt fix my leg correctly, and now I have to have it re-broken, and another femoral nail putting in. It is going to be another very long year...
On the bright side, I have spent alot of time cleaning, polishing, and modding the FZ. She is sitting in my living room. Every now and then, I get on her and make vrooom vrooom noises, much to the wife's amusement!
At least you dont have to be embarrassed about your story.:(

Great attitude! Keep it up, man!! It'll all come back eventually.
It's always bad to hear anyone is hurt.
Hope you feel perfect soon and don't quit riding, an accident can happen everywhere and to every one.
thanks for all the support guys. Cliff, if your brother was on the 405N around Washington blvd at around 6am...then that was me. I guess I will wait to see if I will ride again. I really want to, because it was my favorite activity to do. I actually looked forward to my 5:45am commute to work in the cold because it meant I was on my bike. But it is hard to imagine after 12 weeks of no walking and driving that I can justify the risk.

People always said that crashing on a bike is a "when" not an "if" but I always hoped I would be the exception and getting to 35,000m without an incident made me keep my fingers crossed. I guess I just finally join the inevitable club.

That's a lot of crash-free miles and your crash cause had nothing to do with riding safely. Heal up and install hard luggage and this can never happen again :D