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Can’t find first? Am I in neutral ?


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Apr 14, 2024
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what’s up everyone, I am new to the Yamaha space and acquired an 08 FZ-6 from my step brother because it would die on first gear apparently. So for the back story

About 2-3 years ago he was riding the bike and something happened where it had locked up and the chain broke and was stuck in the front sprocket. My dad had taken it in, cleaned it up and planned on giving it back to him with a new chain on it. He got it started and running in neutral but would die on first gear or going into gear. He thought it odd and asked me if I could help him look it. Not knowing much about the bike I began tearing down some obvious covers and checking to see if anything was broken or looked out of place. Removed all the side covers and oil pan and found nothing out the ordinary. At this point my step brother had given me the bike to see if I could do anything with it because he believed to be a lost cause.

Fast forward to now. I’ve obtained a service manual and gone over a couple more easy checks to make sure everything is in order. I noticed the bike had been laid down at some point at least twice because of damage on both sides of the bike and frame protectors. I checked the tip over sensor through the diagnostic menu and found it working o.k. Also checked the kick stand switch for proper function and found o.k. Found no other serious fault codes other than fault code 12 for the crankshaft position sensor. Found o.k. through testing as well.

At this point I’ve began to put the bike back together to see if it was some fluke. I’ve cleaned and recharged the air filter, changed the spark plugs, new battery , just finished putting in new clutch plates and springs, and have put most pieces back together on the bike.

My main concern at this point is the gear shifting.
I noticed when turning on the bike I am in neutral but can’t seem to get it to stay in first gear. I am wondering if I am really in neutral or not, and or if I have a problem getting it into first? I will be attaching a photo to show the gear selector position when in “neutral” according to the Speedo. I have already also adjusted the foot shifter to different positions to make sure it wasn’t too low to not be able to actuate into first.

I am concerned maybe part of the internal gears on the gear shaft may be damaged and need further tearing apart.


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Welcome to the forum and thank you for the detailed first post. Is the problem that the engine shuts off when the bike is put into first gear, that bike won’t stay in first gear or you can’t engage first gear? All three seem to be mentioned in your post.

If the bike shuts down, I would suspect the clutch switch at the lever. Of course the kick stand position switch would be suspect as well but you mention that you have checked that.

If the bike won’t engage first I would suggest disconnecting the shaft that goes from the selector lever and the shift shaft and try to engage it directly at the shaft.

If first is engaging but it pops out, I suspect something is bent in the transmission itself.

You do know that you could ride the bike by starting off in second. I would probably get the bike going with footpower first, Flintstone style.
Welcome to the forum and thank you for the detailed first post. Is the problem that the engine shuts off when the bike is put into first gear, that bike won’t stay in first gear or you can’t engage first gear? All three seem to be mentioned in your post.

If the bike shuts down, I would suspect the clutch switch at the lever. Of course the kick stand position switch would be suspect as well but you mention that you have checked that.

If the bike won’t engage first I would suggest disconnecting the shaft that goes from the selector lever and the shift shaft and try to engage it directly at the shaft.

If first is engaging but it pops out, I suspect something is bent in the transmission itself.

You do know that you could ride the bike by starting off in second. I would probably get the bike going with footpower first, Flintstone style.
Thank you for the quick response!

So to answer, it is yes to all three in a sense.
2/3 years ago the bike ran in neutral, and engine would shut off when shifting into first gear.(according to my step brother) my dad started tearing it down and I took over the bike to now put it all back together/ try and figure out what’s wrong with it.

I unfortunately have yet to see this “engine shutting off when going into first gear” for myself,

So fast forwarding back to now, as I am putting the bike back together so that I can see it for myself, I have noticed the next two issues which I am not sure if is normal operation or what is my underlying problem.

I have noticed that either
1. The bike is having trouble shifting into first gear
2.something is bent and not letting me engage all of the way

But wait, now it’s getting even more interesting.
While writing this reply I am sitting here messing messing with the shift pedal going back and forth from neural to 2nd, I noticed it finally shifts into first fully, and stays there until I put it back into neutral with and up stroke on the shifter pedal.
But now, it feels the same way when trying to go up into 2nd gear out of neutral. It starts to move, but then stops before dropping into the next tooth on the selector, and is now not going into 2nd.

The combustion engine isn’t running at this point, I am just trying to make sure that I can actually shift through gears before putting her all back together. It is seeming a little bleak at the moment though

I hope that clarifies some things!
I am also at the point where I did remove the
Selector lever and have also eliminated that being a factor, and can turn the star shaped gear selector by hand to first and neutral, but not going up into 2nd.

Which now is making me sad I can’t ride off flinstone style
Ok, we are getting somewhere. Motorcycles are ALWAYS hard to shift between gears when the engine isn’t running. If you want to do some “cold engagement” then simply rock the rear tire back and forth as you try to engage the next gear.

You may need to check if the shift linkage is bent. You can do this by removing the rod and rolling it on a flat surface. There shouldn’t be high or low spots.
I looked much closer at your very first pic, the shifter detent (star with pins) and the steel roller.

That roller appears to be worn out as it is not evenly spaced all around. It is definitly
much tighter at the bottom, where it engages the star. Probably not the main issue, but it doesn't help.

To add to Garys point, you can pull the spark plugs and turn the crank slowly from the RS rotor bolt while shifting.
Try just shifting (with engine slowly turning). Make sure (with a known good roller), the star shifting part is fully seated and the roller indexed...

If it still won't change gears, or go into any gears when manipulated, you have some internal damage to the transmission. Bent shift forks would be very likely..

I looked much closer at your very first pic, the shifter detent (star with pins) and the steel roller.

That roller appears to be worn out as it is not evenly spaced all around. It is definitly
much tighter at the bottom, where it engages the star. Probably not the main issue, but it doesn't help.

To add to Garys point, you can pull the spark plugs and turn the crank slowly from the RS rotor bolt while shifting.
Try just shifting (with engine slowly turning). Make sure (with a known good roller), the star shifting part is fully seated and the roller indexed...

If it still won't change gears, or go into any gears when manipulated, you have some internal damage to the transmission. Bent shift forks would be very likely..

Thanks guys ! Here’s a few better pictures for you. I will try turning the engine while trying to shift to see if I can get any more gears out of the bike. I did check the shift linkage and found that to be o.k. The pictures are showing neutral and 1st and then where it gets stuck when trying to go to second.

Thank you again guys for all your help so far!


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Hey guys! Wanted to update everyone. Not sure what was really going on during the whole ordeal, but I buttoned everything back up and took it for a test ride up the street! So id say she’s good! 🤙🏻 thank you again for all of your help!