Got a visit from the repo man!



So, Danny and I are outside having some coffee this morning, I hear the dogs bark and then charge the fence. Oh look! It's the repo man! He says, "I'm here for a Kawasaki Ninja." Danny says,"I parked it two houses up because I didn't want you to find it." Danny points to the bike up the street..(The bike up the street is some guy's bike that is for sale)...he goes up there and comes back saying,"That's not the bike! The VIN's don't match." We start laughing, and tell him he's an idiot. He gets all bent and says," You know where the bike is, so just bring it out....I don't have time for this." I said, "not a chance in hell, fu**er!" He then walks toward the wrought iron gate and proceeds to open it. I run over and push the gate into him, trying to close it. He pushes the gate back toward me and hits me so hard that I fall onto the concrete. Danny says,"Whoa, WTF....why don't you try to knock me down, motherf**ker?!" and flicks his cigarette right in the guy's face. The guy backs up, puts his hands in the air, and says,"Hey man, I'm just trying to do my job.....I don't want any problems." Danny said,"well, you got a f***in problem now, man!"

Repo man starts to walk away to leave, and mumbles something about ME. Danny rushes him, takes him to the ground and goes off on him, UFC style! I see the guy's partner (that we didn't know was there) get out of the truck, running for Danny....I yell,"Danny watch out!!!" He blind sides Danny...I grab my coffee cup and punch him right in the side of the head.....knocked him the f**k OUT!

Repo man wanted to press charges, but he says he will not press charges, if we just give him "the f**king bike." Danny rolls the bike out and says,"We'll see you in 2 weeks when you come for the other one, b*tch!"

End of result: No charges filed, down to one bike!

See post #6
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It's one thing to be down on your luck and lose your things, but I don't see this as even the least bit entertaining. You know your not paying for it, so why play games. Childish if you ask me!

I'm not trying to be an ass, but posted ths nonsence so I'm telling you how I feel.
Hey guys....I was kidding.

The only truth about the story is the repo man coming to get my bike and it was peaceful. No hard feelings toward the repo guy....he was nice. I already miss my bike actually brought tears to my eyes. :(

It was a good, on the edge of your seat, story though, right?!?! :D
Bikes must be awfully tough to repo just because it's kept inside the garage most of the time. It's not like they come by during the middle of the night and tow it away. They need some assistance from the owner, otherwise they're pretty much out of luck. Right?
Bikes must be awfully tough to repo just because it's kept inside the garage most of the time. It's not like they come by during the middle of the night and tow it away. They need some assistance from the owner, otherwise they're pretty much out of luck. Right?

Yep, that's right.

Danny actually called them and told them to come get it and they set up a day and time. I had it ready to go...just had to push it down the driveway. I just had to sign something saying it was a voluntary repo.
my first thought was: that doesn't sound right.....

glad it was a joke, sorry to hear of your loss, though.
It's one thing to be down on your luck and lose your things, but I don't see this as even the least bit entertaining. You know your not paying for it, so why play games. Childish if you ask me!

I'm not trying to be an ass, but posted ths nonsence so I'm telling you how I feel.

Nevermind... miss read post....
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DUDE please tell me it was the guys from that repo TV show ! I can't recall what network its on but it's so funny

This is what I was thinking!! The coffee mug to the head just seemed so plausible!

On a serious note, I am sorry J you are going through tough times. Things will get better, and you will be back on two wheels before you know it.
My first read of the morning, too, and you totally clowned me, J... It did read just like an episode of cops. Well done!

As others have said, it's a drag you're having to go through this. I have a close friend in similar straits and it's just so painful to standby and only offer comforting words -- but that's all I've got. I'm hopeful that you're on the way to better times.
Did he take the $800 helmet...$400 jacket...$300 boots...$150 gloves that everybody always rolls into the huge payment they have to make for like 6 years at like 18 percent,or until the repo guy shows up.
I seriously thought for a second this was J...


Nice gag post! Sorry to hear about your bike.
Did he take the $800 helmet...$400 jacket...$300 boots...$150 gloves that everybody always rolls into the huge payment they have to make for like 6 years at like 18 percent,or until the repo guy shows up.


All to true in a lot of cases.

Was working a deal for a new FZ1 at the Yamaha shop, was going to be my FZ6 in trade and $3000.00.
The interest rate was going to be around 9 or 10 % for the loan! I decided to keep my paid for FZ6 instead.
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Loved the part where you sent him up the street to the other guys bike- cracked me up. Glad it was a gag though- it would suck to lose your bike AND have to deal with assault/battery charges!
In the end that was a very interesting and well written post to read!

However, I was getting more upset as I went thinking surely not! I'm glad you didn't really handle the situation that way and seem to actually be doing even much better than most!

By the way, I've always wondered how these things works. Do you actually still owe the $ or do you just get a really bad credit rating? If you don't mind sharing of course...