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  • Really? I haven't noticed any discomfort. Of course, I am coming off of a Suzuki DRZ400S which basically has a dirt bike seat so the FZ seat feels like a pillow in comparison. I absolutely love this bike- 340 miles so far and I'm definitely getting smoother with each ride. Can't wait to get beyond the break-in period- it seems like there is a "monster" hiding just beyond the 7,000 RPM mark. I'm not a crazy rider by any means (no wheelies or race track type riding on the street) but I love acceleration. When you broke yours in, did you stick within the limits (per the manual) or did you go beyond?
    Hey bluez! Have you noticed that the '09 has a really uncomfortable seat? My '07 was more comfortable on the bunz. Sure like it otherwise though. You?
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