Father was in Motorcycle Accident

Of course, I'm glad that he was wearing gear. And, accidents happen. But, what about riding---and not just this person, I'm talking everybody, especially in group rides---smart and not crowding in too close or tailgating? (or was this not the case this time?). The best medicine is not to go down in the first place. I don't know all the details, but it might have been a preventable accident. Group rides that I have been on, we stagger and not ride too closely. If one goes down or brakes suddenly, etc., others in the group should, ideally, have enough time/distance to safely maneuver. And, yes, gear can mitigate also!
Yeah, im keeping the helmet for a reminder, he is like "just throw it away" im like hell no! LOL I think im going to hide his skull cap. He has a big head which sticks out around the helmet. I think it needs to go for sure. Right now hes doing pretty good. I imagine I will be helping him with his bike this winter. Last year I worked on mine. I let him know that everyone is wishing him better. Thanks again guys! I will post some pics later tonight of the bike. Its fixable.

!!!THANKS!!!! :Flash:
I have got more information about the accident. Its pretty vague though. According to my father, Riding with the group until a lot of bike infront of him had to slow down. Said he tapped the rear break the and bike lost control. I find it hard to believe but, then again. Anything is possible. He was up there on the highway where traffic builds up for hours and could of hit a slick spot. He was going in a straight line direction, so its kind of confusing to me what may or didn't happen. This was his first wreck in 27 years...So much for that record.
Sorry to hear this Geoff, Hope he feels better soon. Thanks for posting, it is good for us to see these sort of things to remind all of us how quickly even the most experienced can go down.
Wow, glad he's ok! I can just imagine how heart-stopping it must've been to get that call. I think about this sort of thing when my father goes for a ride.

Dang, seeing pics of full face helmets with scrape marks on the front always makes me cringe, then thankful that I wear a full facer. This is another great case for ATGATT.
Glad to hear your dad is ok. at 60 mph, looks like the gear did its job well - the injuries could be much much worse. Wishing him speedy recovery.

I'd keep the helmet too - that's an illustration of ATGATT at its best.
Hey, Geoff. Not a thread title any of us like to see, but glad he is coming out of this in good shape. a 60 mph slide could have been MUCH worse.
Maybe you outta buy him a replacement helmet for Christmas?? (and yeah, hide his puddin' cup from him.) :thumbup:
Good thing it was cold huh?!?! I do hope he's going to recover ok & that he's learned something from the looks of his helmet.....you'll have to get your Mom to keep on him about wearing all his gear! :spank:
I'm glad to hear that your Dad is doing well. I would keep the helmet as well as a reminder. I've worn one of those skull caps once because someone stole my helmet and someone loaned me their spare so I could get back home. I don't know why people like to wear them.

I hope for a speedy recovery. :thumbup:
Wrist has to have open surgery, needs a plate and a pin. Cracked rib. Knee cap is just sore from the fall. Other than that he is doing pretty good. Surgery is tomorrow. I haven't been on a whole lot. I've been just out of it lately. I haven't really been myself since Saturday, motivation is just low in work, school and everything, I'll be fine though. I have the pictures, just havent uploaded them yet, I will get them up tonight...
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Wrist has to have open surgery, needs a plate and a pin. Cracked rib. Knee cap is just sore from the fall. Other than that he is doing pretty good. Surgery is tomorrow. I haven't been on a whole lot. I've been just out of it lately. I haven't really been myself since Saturday, motivation is just low in work, school and everything, I'll be fine though. I have the pictures, just havent uploaded them yet, I will get them up tonight...

That really is not that bad at all! I'd rather have surgery, at this point, than be stuck in a cast for 3 months as was the case with my last serious injury.
Cracked ribs suck, but it's just a matter of hanging in there for about 4 weeks. He'll be fine!