Chips story


Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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So last night I had to go run an errand, so I jumped on the Buell and away I was... on my way back home I am splitting lanes between the carpool lane and the far left lane... traffic is crawling at like 20mph and I am going 10-15mph over that.

After a few minutes I see a cop up ahead of me doing the same thing I am doing... I keep doing what I am doing until he spots me and decides to slip into the far left lane (outside of the carpool)... so I figured I'd keep doing what I am doing since it's not (supposed) to be illegal...

I end up passing the cop and give him a head nod as I pass him (still splitting between the carpool and far left lane)... After a couple of minutes I come up to 2 SUVs that are too close from each other for me to squeeze in, so I wait there until they see me and let me pass... after about 30seconds @ 10mph, I hear the cop's BLEEP alarm (1/2 a second honk) RIGHT on my ass, which scared the hell out of me (and made me jump in my seat and almost sh*t my pants)... I immediately think to myself: "ahhh f me... wth did I do?!?"...

It seems the past 2-3 times I've been on that freeway (405 around Long Beach), I've had chips on me...

Anyway, so I pull to the left of the carpool lane to give him room (figured he may just want to pass me and make these SUVs move), but no, he rides up next to me and looks at my bike very carefully and then makes a sign that he wants to talk to me... We're now riding at about 30mph in the carpool lane a few inches from each other... I pull my visor up, and he mumbles something that I can't really hear (thanks Jardine LOL), so I yell "WHAT WAS THAT?", and he repeats "THERE A GUY ON A BIKE HITTING MIRRORS AROUND HERE, BLACK LEATHER JACKET, BUT I CAN TELL IT'S NOT YOU"... I answer "NOPE" and he smiles and says "thank you!" with a head check and goes on his way.

I was like PHEW! I am sure the 4-5 cars that were around us were all staring at the conversation wondering wth was going on and probably expecting me to get busted for lane splitting or something (a lot of cagers don't know it's not illegal around here)...

Anyway, I felt like sharing because it felt good when it was over :BLAA:
I am really shocked that a cop tried to talk to you while riding. It sounds dangerous to talk from bike to bike just to make small talk on the freeway. If you decided this guy is not who you are looking for, move on. If not, pull them over. Dont be stupid. God why are cops so stupid in LA...
lol Mike yeah...

A couple of months ago Cali Rider and I were on our way back home from a Montezuma run with nccoder and again, we were cruising on the 405 in the Long Beach area... we must have seen 2-3 cops before seeing a CHIP on the side of the freeway behind a stopped car (must have just busted that one) and he looks up at us as we pass by...

A mile down the road we see him in our rear view mirror... I was going 70mph (65 limit) and John was behind me... I see that he finally passes John... I know he is now behind me but I can't see him in my mirrors... turns out he was cruising in my dead angle checking me out for a mile or 2... At this time I am still cruising at around 70mph in the middle lane about 2 car lengths behind a cager, so the CHIP decides to pull right next to me to my left... then he accelerates and squeezes between me and the cager in front of me, making me brake and make room for him... he then turns his lights on and I had no idea wth he was up to... was it for me? We're now going 55mph, so I decide to change lane and pass both the cop and the car while still wondering wht I should be doing here... turned out that he pulled the car in front of me over (no idea why).

these are great stories. When I lane split, I, too, have continued doing it including times when I'm passing by a police unit. I figure, to alter my behavior would signal that I must be somebody who has a guilty conscious or something about lane splitting. Isn't CA great?
I've yet to be pulled over on the bike. I was given a visual warning though at the end of last season. I was doing about 70 in a 50 and an SUV came up behind me. I was slowing down to exit the highway when he pulls up beside me. It's a statie, one that weighs trucks... I look over and he's got a very P/O'd look on his face and pumps his hand palm down and mouths "SLOW DOWN!!!!" I nodded, waved and SLOWLY exited the highway. :eek: :Flash:
these are great stories. When I lane split, I, too, have continued doing it including times when I'm passing by a police unit. I figure, to alter my behavior would signal that I must be somebody who has a guilty conscious or something about lane splitting. Isn't CA great?

I do keep going too. I adjust a little bit though and here is the reason. The law says that lane splitting is legal when done in a safely manner. A cop told me this once when he pulled me over for speed. And it is hard to believe what the f'n pigs say in LA but I assume there is some truth to it. So it is really loose what safely manner means. Which leaves it up to the cop to decide. So If im splitting normally and see a cop, I make sure it is a calm and safe pass close to the speed of traffic. You may think you are legally splitting but there are many urban legends that turned into "laws" that might misguide you. For example in CA, the white line that goes along the carpool lane seperating that perfect space for a motorcyle is not a "bike lane" as some bikers believe. You are eligible for a ticket for that anytime. The point here is, dont give them a chance. I hate how everyone drives like maniacs normally and become grannies when they see a cop car. But it seems to work.
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I don't know how everyone else feels around this forum who lives here in the states outside of California, but I'm JEALOUS!
I think he CHP just wanted a closer look at the Beast (Beull)... glad he wasn't a jerk and pull you over. I pass cops all the time on the highway while splitting in traffic. Thank g-d it's legal here. I don't know what I'm going to do in Boston next year... probably get a lot of tickets for it.:BLAA:
Lane splitting is totally legal here, actually, most things are legal so long as you do it carefully. Sure motorcyclists in Ireland are forbidden from driving in the bus lanes, but we all still do it and the Gardai dont say a damned thing to us for the most part! :)

Thankfully its not as strict as the states, i feel sorry for you all! :)
I hate how everyone drives like maniacs normally and become grannies when they see a cop car.
Isn't that the sober truth! LOL You don't even have to look around---if everybody is "driving like a granny" you know that there's a unit in the vicinity. What I wouldn't give to be a HP officer for a day!