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  • hey man, just curious...do you have multiple windscreens on the fz6? some pics look like light smoke and some look like dark? I'm interested in a double bubble, and want the dark smoke i think...but trying to make sure i know how it looks. thanks!
    Hey Eric,will fill you in on whats been happening as soon as I can,cheers mate.
    Just ticked over midnight here down under mate & thought I better pop in & be the 1st to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY :cheer: :cheer:
    Where did you get that Tinkerbell BD wish? I Love it!
    and did you get Yoshi yet? (John wanted a Conure after my Tiels passed away. But I wasn't ready for another bird.)
    So I got a dog!
    I knew that. :confused: Hey, thanks. Now that I can get to it I'll mess with it sometime. FINALLY got some sun today. It made it to 40 and that's high enough to get a short tour in. Hope we get at least one more good weekend!
    Hey Eric. I'm curious about an option on the CP that maybe you can help me sort out. Under my name it says "junior member". I'm sure that somewhere in my Forum travels I saw a way to change that, but for the life of me I can't find it now. Freakin' newbies. HELP!
    What's happenin', Eric? You seem to be a bit removed from the Forum since your return. Or is that just me? I'm watching the weather here remind me that it's getting time to think about putting the bike away and the storm windows on the house. DAMN! Rain forecast all this coming week. I had planned a ride to Keene, NH for the first weekend in Oct. but those plans have changed. Hopefully I'll get in to the "Live Free AND Die" ;) state sometime this fall. Cheers- Dan
    Thanks man. There are some "staple" members here, and you're definitely one. Thanks for all your input as well.
    Well, if that's what you were referring to in your first message. If not, then what were you talking about your wife, you happy, etc.

    Danny is VERY lucky!!! LOL I'm tellin you, that's why he's still married to me! :)

    And WTF?! You? A man? Likes giving? Better than receiving? Oh jeez, help me out here! I didn't think that could EVER exist!!!
    LMAO!!! Ok, you might be onto it!

    As I've said before (MANY TIMES) I like giving, better than receiving! ;);)
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