Search results

  1. chaskell27

    3rd Annual FZ6 forum Fantasy Football League

    Hoping to drum up some interest again this year for another fantasy football league. It's always a good time and the way we did it last year was if you wanted to commit to an entry fee of $25 you were eligible for the winnings at the end. If you want to play for fun, than that is fine as well...
  2. chaskell27

    life expectancy of scorpion slip ons

    Hi all- just wondering what the general findings have been on the life expectancy of the packing on scorpion slip ons and the carbon fiber slip on itself actually. Thanks for the help Chip
  3. chaskell27

    Need One More Person for fz6 fantasy football league

    We currently have 9 teams and need an even number. If you or a friend or family member would like to play pm me your email address so that I can send the invite. You need to be signed up by 7:00pm TONIGHT at the very latest. It will be a good time for sure.
  4. chaskell27

    Fantasy Football 2011

    Any interest in doing this again this year. I had a blast with it last year. Just thought I'd send out a feeler and see if I could generate a little buzz.
  5. chaskell27

    Saw an FZ6 in Bangor Maine last night...

    in downtown. I've only seen one other fz6 around here before. Was it somebody here??
  6. chaskell27

    I'm getting married this weekend!!

    The time has finally come. after being together for 7 years and being engaged for 2 years the wedding day is almost here. :thumbup: we've been planning it for quite a while now... actually I say we but we all know I mean she has been planning it for quite a while now!! We're getting married...
  7. chaskell27

    New Zealand Earthquake

    just read an article on a large earthquake hitting Christchurch New Zealand. Just hoping no forum members/family were involved. You guys have been hit hard out there lately. Thoughts and prayers go out to you. - Earthquake in New Zealand Kills at Least 65, Traps More not sure...
  8. chaskell27

    I had a Nightmare!!!!

    So I haven't been able to ride my pride and joy for four months now and there is no end in sight. Apparently I'm getting the itch to ride because I had a dream that I was going to go for a ride. I went into the garage, got all geared up, hopped on the bike, started her up and noticed my...
  9. chaskell27

    Am i the only one having problems with the site???

    I couldn't even get on the site until 10:00 or so. Now nothing is showing up under any thread. :confused:
  10. chaskell27

    UTAH ski trip/ bachelor party

    So as the title says, I'm heading out to Utah at the end of the month for a week with some buddies. We'll definitely be skiing Alta, Snowbasin, and Brighton. I just want a little input from locals or people who have been there to see what they recommend for other mountains, bars, bars with ...
  11. chaskell27

    Craigslist Scammer?????

    So this seemed like a HUGE red flag to me when the "seller" replied to my posting on craigslist within 10 minutes for an electric range that I priced high to begin with. Not only that but the content of the email is even worse. -- Hi there, I will like to know if this Item is still...
  12. chaskell27

    So this is what Christmas is like in Australia!!

    I always wondered what was going on over there in Oz over the holidays. Now I wish I didn't know!! :spank: :D jk jk Aussie Christmas Kangaroo - Videos - Funny Hub
  13. chaskell27

    Holy Crap!!!! The Pats Beat the pulp out of the Jets!!

    That was one of the most lopsided games I think I have ever seen. The Patriots pretty much had their way with the Jets in every phase of the game. Please tell me you didn't miss this one.
  14. chaskell27

    Intercom Recommendations

    My fiance always complains that she gets bored when she is on the bike and wishes she could talk to me. Not gonna lie that's kind of one of my favorite things about it :D:D:spank: but as I've learned, when she's happy everybody's happy!!! So I'm in the market for an intercom system that...
  15. chaskell27

    Buying a house...Any advice??

    So as the title says, my fiance and I are in the process of buying our first home. The pic is the house we're looking at. It is a foreclosed house that will need a little bit of minor work (decks and front door, paint, carpets) that we are getting a pretty good deal on. Any advice from you...
  16. chaskell27

    cooling fan question

    I already know this is a stupid question but I just wanted to run it by you guys. I rode my bike to work this morning (about 20 mins.) it was cool this morning. Probably about 60 degrees F. When I shut the bike off at work I heard a fan still running. I was parked next to a few other bikes...
  17. chaskell27

    What do you recommend for a tank bag

    I'm looking for some kind of soft luggage to be able to carry a limited amount of stuff with me. what do you guys recommend for tank bags or tail bags? Or something else? Also those of you who have tank bags have they had any adverse affect on the paint on the tank or not?
  18. chaskell27

    What is your longest ride??

    How far have you made it in one day on a motorcycle? I'm sure I'm nowhere near the most here but last fall my buddy and I made it just over 350 miles from the east coast of Maine to Canada and back. It was a great ride on a road through a town called Coburn Gore. For those of you in the...
  19. chaskell27

    Coming to Boston

    Hey guys, My fiance and I are coming down to Boston for a few days in the beginning of may for a Sox game. I was just trying to get some inside info for some other places to go before and after the game. Good bars, restaurants, touristy stuff, museums, all ideas are welcome. We've been...
  20. chaskell27

    Need a quick answer!!!

    I can get a crazy deal on a Leo Vince exhaust for an 07 fz6. Problem is I have an 06. Is there any significant difference?