What's Your Crazy Riding Story?


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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I've heard some interesting stories from friends about their wild riding experiences, i'm still pretty new to the street experience so sadly i have none to share (yet) :spank: , but feel free to share your stories here :thumbup:

I was riding in the Virginia Mountains (Shenandoah National Park) and came around a curve and up behind some stopped traffic. It was a group of tourists from the city taking pictures of...a BEAR! These people were stupid enough to be illegally feeding the animal by throwing bread from their open car window and the bear eventually walked up to their car! Finally these people realized the situation was getting dangerous and drove off quickly...leaving the bear in the middle of the road, about 30' in front of my stopped FZ6. There were deep ditches on both sides of the road and no way to make a quick turn around without a 3 point scoot!

As I quickly debated my move...the bear finished the food he was chewing on and turned to me for more...then started shuffling my way! I mean what do you do in a situation like this? 500 lb black bear coming straight at you from just 25 feet away and you are on a bike and can't get turned around. As a last resort I blew the horn a couple times...the bear didn't like that much and stood up in his hind legs for a quick second (to my dismay).....and then walked off into the woods.

I stopped at the next overlook to change my shorts!
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Re: BEAR v. FZ6

I was playing in traffic with a busa last week :spank: and we came over a hill and saw a cop, radar gun lined up on us. We both nail the brakes, and after a bit of braking I was still over 100mph. In a 65. They all have laser speed detectors here so I know he caught us right as we hit the brakes basically.

He just waved a slow down motion. I was still over 80 when he waved at us. I mean, it's Florida, and not the end of the month so they don't care. Not that it's really crazy, but that's about it for me. Guess he knew there was no way my FZ6 was actually racing a busa. :BLAA:
Riding to work one morning and rounded a corner .............anyways,to cut a long story short,there was this kangaroo.......................................
Re: BEAR v. FZ6

I was riding in the Virginia Mountains (Shenandoah National Park) and came around a curve and up behind some stopped traffic. It was a group of tourists from the city taking pictures of...a BEAR! These people were stupid enough to be illegally feeding the animal by throwing bread from their open car window and the bear eventually walked up to their car! Finally these people realized the situation was getting dangerous and drove off quickly...leaving the bear in the middle of the road, about 30' in front of my stopped FZ6. There were deep ditches on both sides of the road and no way to make a quick turn around without a 3 point scoot!

As I quickly debated my move...the bear finished the food he was chewing on and turned to me for more...then started shuffling my way! I mean what do you do in a situation like this? 500 lb black bear coming straight at you from just 25 feet away and you are on a bike and can't get turned around. As a last resort I blew the horn a couple times...the bear didn't like that much and stood up in his hind legs for a quick second (to my dismay).....and then walked off into the woods.

I stopped at the next overlook to change my shorts!

Holy S**T.

Front brake on. Full revs and out with the clutch leaning to the side. all while hoping to hell your first attempt to spin the bike 180 will work.

youR screwed anyway so its worth a shot.
Not all that crazy, but I suppose it's worth sharing:

I'm riding toward a car heading my way on a 2 way road. the car is looking really weird and I am trying to make out what it is, but it just doesn't look like anything I've ever seen.
As I get closer I realize it's an Acura Integra with the hood not just open, but tilted all the way back so it's resting up against the windshield and the driver is looking through the gap at the bottom of the hood while doing about 25mph :O
Not all that crazy, but I suppose it's worth sharing:

I'm riding toward a car heading my way on a 2 way road. the car is looking really weird and I am trying to make out what it is, but it just doesn't look like anything I've ever seen.
As I get closer I realize it's an Acura Integra with the hood not just open, but tilted all the way back so it's resting up against the windshield and the driver is looking through the gap at the bottom of the hood while doing about 25mph :O

Haha classic. I had something similar back in SoCal. I was cruising down the 10 hwy (one of the biggest highways in the LA area), about 200 yards behind ~2005 Mustang GT with one of those fake factory hood scoops riveted to it going about 75-80mph. All of a sudden, the hood flys up, hitting the windshield. Catching the air of the highway speed car, the hinges break loose, and the hood goes airborn, I kid not, 50-75 feet in the air. I'm behind him watching it go skyward like a kite, not knowing what I should do. I quickly scan my surroundings for a quick swerve if needed. And watch the hood gently float down to the ground somewhere between the Mustang and myself, and tilt perfectly against the center divider.

No longer in danger, I speed up to catch the Mustang. As I pull up next to him and look over, he looks back and shrugs his shoulders like "what could I have done?" Turns out it was only the outer half of the hood as the buttom half with all of the insulation were still attached to the car. Good ole' Ford quality engineering, couldn't even rivet a hood together properly.:spank:
This little tale takes place about a two years ago. I was working nights at Home Depot, and I was riding my TW200 to work. I was cruising down Union Ave, going the speed limit of 35mph. This particular stretch of Union, has two lanes in each direction, with homes and duplexes on either side. I was in the left lane, humming along, when out of one of the side streets to my LEFT, I see headlights coming right at me, this of course being with my peripheral vision. Luckily, the right lane was wide open, as there was nobody going either direction, other than me. I swerve hard, and narrowly escape getting sideswiped by a car. I was like "WTF?!! Who the heck failed to see the ONLY vehicle on the road, ME!!". I look over at the offender, and it's some middle aged woman in her whatever car. She's totally oblivious to the fact that she almost ran me over! At the next light, I'm fuming. I'm in the right lane, she's in the left. I yell at her "Try looking before pulling out you f****** ****!!". I then stare at her, an rev the piss out of my TW(have a Pro Circuit pipe on it). All the while she looks straight ahead, either totally brain dead, or scared(hopefully the latter, probably the first). Now the next bit I shouldn't have done, because it was really stupid, and could've ended badly, but I was still pissed, and acted like an idiot. The light turns green, and I launch the little bike as hard as it'll go, and immediately cut her off, flip the bird, an turn around and look at her a few times, then gunned it and raced to the next light. By that light, if you want to go straight, you've got one lane to do it in. I'm watching her in my mirrors, and she pulled up VERY slowly, and got no closer than *5* full car lengths away. :D I have no idea if she knew why I did that(probably not), but dang it felt good.

Another night ride to work story will be coming soon, maybe tomorrow. And it's another near miss story! Oh yes, downtown Campbell at night is borderline suicide on two wheels. :spank:

GREAT thread by the way! Can't wait to read more stories! Get to posting you buggers!! :thumbup:
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Good ole' Ford quality engineering, couldn't even rivet a hood together properly.:spank:

Just last night after work a car pulled in to our work, and my mate asked "Is that a Ford?" I said to him "Just look for a trail of parts falling off it, that's how you tell it's a Ford!"
Not my story but a friend of mine RAN OVER a 90lb black bear cub on I-95 in FL. Some how he rode it out and didn't crash.
I have a short story from my days as a motorcycle courier.
I had been in the job about three months and I thought I was the bee’s knees.
I was riding around the Eros fountain at Piccadilly Circus with my peg down. Thinking how cool am I? When another motorcycle courier on an old GS500 , blew underneath me with his knee down. Talk about a reality check lol.

This was on my old ninja 250....i was goin home from brooklyn on a single lane one way street im just cruising by some apartment buildings...farther down the street was a huge commotion going on involving at least 15- 20 people just yelling at eachother... so im like damn! theres no other way to go besides straight through them bc theres were a lot of cars behind me and no where to go bc of all the cars parked on both sides of the sidewalk...then like 2 mins later fists start swinging n its just a BIG BRAWL in the middle of the street:tard:!! im three cars behind all the action... all im thinking is i hope no one pulls out a gun n starts shooting:( lol!! so im just there watching all of these people smacking eachother around :popcorn: n all the cars behind me are beeping like crazy...long story short cops come 5 minz later n everyone scatters except for 2 women n 1 guy that get arrested!! that nyc for you!:Sport:
I'm afraid my story is from off road biking. It was the last time I rode my pit-bike (mini-bike), I had just bought a new race spec pit-bike and went to a motocross track with my friend. His bike had broken down so we were taking it in turns to ride mine. He was having a cigarette by the side of some trees and I thought I'd give him a full throttle fly-by as those thumper engines make a lovely sound. I pinned the throttle and as I got within about 20 feet of him, I suddenly noticed that right in front of me was a piece of rope tied between 2 trees with no time to turn. Panic like I have never felt before made me react by braking as hard as I possibly could, as in my mind the only other option was decapitation. As I braked those big knobbly tyres dug into the dirt and turned the bike into a catapult. I flew through the air head first, superman stylee, hitting the ground like a sack of s***. The bike then landed on top of me. I was now lying about 3 feet in front of my mate, I looked up at him desperately trying to breath as I had been badly winded. With a WTF look on his face he said "You should have gone straight through it". Looking up at the rope I noticed it was actually that tape like the police use to cordon off an area, if I had carried on I wouldn't have even felt it. I said back to him between gasps for breath "Well I f****** realise that now, s***head"!!!

Anyway 6 weeks with some really terrible bruises, a broken rib and broken pride later, I decided to quit the off-road game and get back into road bikes. Not quite as fun but faster, which is fun!

I'm just glad my helmet was on when it happened, there had been moments that day I wasn't wearing it. I will never, ever, ever ride again without it. I took a huge hit to the head and can not imagine what would have been the outcome had it not been on, all for the sake of some plastic tape!!!
No road warrior stories other than the Big 4X4 Dodge PU in my lane on my second ride so i'll tell of the sand. . .

Riding in the sand on XR500R where no gear below 4th is of real value so speed is the key!!! Do to the current stretch of flatness I open it up and hit 70 75?? and am flying along noticing the very cool rooster-tail behind me (ya, look at that :rockon: ). . . and then . . . . I look ahead only to see what seems to be a jump/ramp of mirage style. . . It launched me far and high! As I was so poorly prepared for being airborne I push the bike below me so its now straight up and down - I sored like superman until "Final Impact" whereby my chin was drivin about 8" into the sand. Fearing the thumper would crush me I roll only to see it on its back and falling over. . . Wew i think that was a flight!!!

I get up and drain the 50lbs of sand from my body scanning the horizon to see who saw that. Realizing I am unhurt and the bike is amazingly OK too, I bust out laughing at my stupidity and cough up the pound of sand from mouth. . . shaking my head. . . That's how I got that name!

It was funny - if only there were film. . .
Let me preface by voicing that I am not a hooligan...

4th day on the fz6, last Friday. I neutral shifted from 1st at about 20-25, the revs climb to 9k. Rachael (my FZ6) decides she wants to go into 2nd gear and what do ya know? WHEEEEELIE TIME from a stoplight and I looked like a total butthole. This was the first time in my entire life (including bicycles) that I have wheelied and it happened within a few seconds.
I celebrated beginning of the 2010 riding season with a deer encounter. I was riding back home from my parents on my KLR 650 on route 111 in Trumbull - a fairly busy two lane road with single-family houses on both sides. About 2 blocks before intersection with the Merritt, the road turns right and bushes come all the way to the road just enough so you don't see what's behind the corner. It is dark,I approach that part at about 25 mph, and lo and behold, there he is, jumping out of the bushes right onto the road. I swerve left as much as I can, ending up right next to the double yellow. The deer runs into me, but at the last moment turns and aligns himself parallel to me, so he impacts me with his side shifting me onto the double-yellow. I somehow managed to hold the bike straight and we continue on for about 10 feet as best buddies, attached to the hip - i can feel the deer's muscle motion through jeans on my right leg as he runs parallel to me. After about 10 feet we separate and he jumps back into the bushes. I make it back home ok, check the bike - the big SW Motech crashbar is bent and plastic fairing is broken. I still have no idea how I held the bike up.

I have another story with a deer, this time in the car. At the time I was starting to work at 5 am in the morning, so I'd drive to office around 4:40 am. One day I get onto Merritt in Fairfiled, and floor it on my Saabaru (Merritt goes uphill at this exit), following two Lincoln Towncars - on in each lane almost in parallel - about 30 feet ahead of me. All of a sudden, almost at the top of the hill, the two towncars hit the brakes briefly and pull to their respective sides. And what do I see in between of them? A deer that is about as scared as all other participants in the event and cannot pick a direction in which to go. The towncars pass him on each side, which freaks the deer out even more. Now it's my turn - I'm on the right side, halfway on the grass, trying to drive by, and it's at this moment the deer decides to run back to the woods. I was half way through, and he plants his head straight into my door, just below the door handle. The impact kicks him back, I keep on driving and the deer gets up and runs for the woods. I get off the next exit and spend about 15 minutes trying to calm down - I don't even want to think what would happen it he hit me in MY window.

I know, not as exotic as a black bear or a roo, but I was scared s%#$less in both scenarios. (Though I wonder what my reaction would be if i saw a roo on a road in New England)
Well, I had an interesting experience the other day, whilst on my yz426f riding with my friend around the farm. We have a 1 mile (exactly) kind of enduro course including hairpins uphill turns and long fast straights..the lot. Anyways i was a ways ahead of him come around the hairpin, pin the throttle and out of the bushes comes a woodchuck charging at me, i swerve to try and miss him but this chuck has an attitude problem, and ends up getting run over by both of my wheels. I look back expecting road kill on my track, but no, the little bastard runs back into the bushes...i get to our makeshift start/finish and wait for my friend to tell him what happens, he pulls his bike up next to mine shuts it off, and before i get a word out he says "dude, i just ran over a woodchuck". I was dumbfounded, on the same lap we both hit the dam rodent, we went back to see if the woodchuck had been killed by his bike, but no we went to where it happened, no sign of a woodchuck. We shut our bikes off at this point and started talking about how nuts it was that both of us hit the same chuck, when our little friend came charging at us again about 40 yards away. We both started furiously trying to kickstart our bikes to escape this loony of a woodchuck. I got mine started pinned it whipped it around in a 180 and took off, followed quickly by my friend. We gave him a name actually- Tyrone cuz this woodchuck must be on the crack... anywhom to avoid him we have adjusted our track so that its a wide sweeping turn around old Tyrone as to not to further disturb the loon....