Venting about this site!


Junior Member
Jun 27, 2008
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Tacoma Wa.
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I know I'm totally late on this thread, but I have to say something. this is a fresh thread, so it cant possibly be aimed at anyone. when someone wants to drag a knee or wheelie ect. why do people feel like it is ok to judge them and shoot down their efforts to do so? If you ever broke the speed limit on the street, you put innocent lives in danger. If you ever broke any traffic law, you put innocent lives in danger. Its not cool to try to be self righteous and tell someone else not to break one law, when you have broken several. Everyone says ride your own ride, so you should do that, and let everyone else ride theirs. this site is very helpful, and negativity doesnt help. if you disagree with someones post, maybe you should just not respond to it. attacking people and treating everyone like noobs or squid doesnt help anyone get better at riding. If someone has a question, lets just answer it, instead of destrying them and leaving them to find answers the harder way. lets just try to make a better forum for people to learn on. Also, when someone post a new thread that has been posted before, whats the point in responding, if you know its a repost? why not just skip it instead of wasting time and space? what if some of us on the site never saw the other post? what if we missed out on something good, and the old post is then brought back to life thanks to the noob who reposted it? Here is my point, if your not interested in a post, or you disagree with a post, do us all a favor and move on. :thumbup: venting complete!

EDIT: I fully believe in posting your point of view even if its different from everyone elses. Thats what me and othe soldiers in the U.S.A. go to war for, our freedoms. Attacking people and just being a %^*$ is what we should be avoiding. If no one posted their oppositions, we wouldnt learn anything.
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Learn not to care what others say. (Except for those bits that make sense). You are your own man

PS I can't wheelie but wish I could.
RULE #1: Don't sweat the small stuff.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say.....chances are you misinterpret where people are coming from with their posts the majority of the times that you're getting's easy to be upset with someone when you don't understand their point of view.

EDIT - but yes, some people are just jerks...see rule #1
I am sorry to hear that you are upset over some responses on the forum. I have found the forum to be nothing but friendly and helpful.

I agree with DefyInertia - I try not to sweat the small stuff - and if I get a negative comment to a post, I shrug it off.

It's all good. :Flash:
Some people like to make sarcastic comments and to me that is harassment, so it needs to stop and you know who you are.
It's all about the emoticons.... Keep a watchful eye on how they are used as it is the only way people can convey their intent. :D

I find most stuff here is extremely helpful. Yes, I throw in whit and sarcasm once in a while, but usually in the very same post, I follow up with a "Seriously......."

But in light of your view, yes, there are some that jump and pounce immediately. Those are not typically the "Old Guard" here but newer folks who came from other forums where hostility has taken over. We try hard as Moderators here to squelch all that we can but sometimes it slips through the cracks. For that, you have my sincere apology.

A few of the "Old Guard" here have posted some wise advice. The best thing to do is ignore the words that do nothing to help out, let it roll off your back. Absorb what is useful and give praise when you've been helped.

Two things happen with negative posts here. One, the OP is looking for attention and to get a rise out of folks. When folks feed into this, they make it worse (see ANY thread about MJ's death, et. al.) Two, when the person whom the negativity is implied responds in the public thread, you've just 100% satisfied the intentions of the offensive poster. That is the last thing you want to do.

I can only ask this... if you have an issue with a reply in the thread that bothers you, please check in with the moderator of the thread first and ask their opinion. Debate with the mod if needed but keep it civil. Typically an agreement is reached with the mod that is amicable. If not and you feel that strongly, bring it to a Super Mod and give them time to work with the mod and review what is causing angst. We'll do all we can to resolve it for you.

Last, try to remain as optimistic about posts and look for the helpful and bright points that you can extract and use. As stated above, "Don't sweat the small stuff...."

Here's a :iconbeer: for you to enjoy while you ponder... Have a GREAT Weekend!
For the most part I agree that this site is very helpful and friendly, I too try not to sweat the small stuff and ignore negative postings.

There was one thread recently that you may remember that a member posted a link to a site that had some personal riding videos on it. The vids showed him pulling some dangerous moves on public roads and driving beyond his abilities.

I personally agree with the "spirit" of most of the remarks which generally said he should "smarten up" and ride more safely. However there were some comments that bordered on rude and sounded more like a personal attack than "good advice". I think that this may be what the author of this post may be referring too.

Anyway, I love this site and soak up the best it has to offer!

Site rule #1

Forum Rules:

Respect other members

Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. You have the right to disagree with that opinion. You do not have the right to be rude, vulgar, or disrespectful in expressing your opposition. Flaming will not be tolerated!
Site rule #1

Forum Rules:

Respect other members

Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. You have the right to disagree with that opinion. You do not have the right to be rude, vulgar, or disrespectful in expressing your opposition. Flaming will not be tolerated!

there is a reason that this is rule #1
I definitely agree that we should, and from what I have seen so far, do, respect each other, no vulgarity, or rudeness allowed.

However, if you disagree with a post or a practice I don't see why you can't comment. If we all agreed on everything that would be ridiculous.

Some of the best information I have recieved from this forum has come from respectful disagreements in posts. One in particular was the Airbox Mod, I learned a great deal in that thread, because people didn't agree on the topic.
I definitely agree that we should, and from what I have seen so far, do, respect each other, no vulgarity, or rudeness allowed.

However, if you disagree with a post or a practice I don't see why you can't comment. If we all agreed on everything that would be ridiculous.

Some of the best information I have recieved from this forum has come from respectful disagreements in posts. One in particular was the Airbox Mod, I learned a great deal in that thread, because people didn't agree on the topic.

No one is saying that you shouldn't post your disagreement. What the rules state is that you post it in a manner that doesn't attack others or cause a ruckus. The key here is to avoid the word "You..." and make sure everyone understands it is your own opinion. Once stated, people WILL disagree. But also, once stated, there's isn't much use in defending it when you feel attacked unless you've decided that your point wasn't clear enough. Still keeping "You" out of the post is key.

It really helps if one has taken Debate in high school. ;)
I definitely agree that we should, and from what I have seen so far, do, respect each other, no vulgarity, or rudeness allowed.

However, if you disagree with a post or a practice I don't see why you can't comment. If we all agreed on everything that would be ridiculous.

Some of the best information I have recieved from this forum has come from respectful disagreements in posts. One in particular was the Airbox Mod, I learned a great deal in that thread, because people didn't agree on the topic.

the problem is not THAT some people disagree, it is HOW some people disagree, and if you have a problem with HOW someone is disagreeing then use the Mods, that is what we are here for. If it is a problem THAT someone disagrees then maybe the internet is not the place for you...
No one is saying that you shouldn't post your disagreement. What the rules state is that you post it in a manner that doesn't attack others or cause a ruckus. The key here is to avoid the word "You..." and make sure everyone understands it is your own opinion. Once stated, people WILL disagree. But also, once stated, there's isn't much use in defending it when you feel attacked unless you've decided that your point wasn't clear enough. Still keeping "You" out of the post is key.

It really helps if one has taken Debate in high school. ;)

I agree. disagreeing is always accepted. but attacks and finger pointing can definetly be done away with. With that said, a sence of humor does go along way, It wouldnt hurt to atleast try to see the brighter side of things. Sometimes comments are not ment as attacks but are taken as such. It goes both ways, Like a fun girl aka "Keepers" :rof:
REPOST :spank: j/k

I think repost are necessary sometime's because it gets :hijack:

I can't agree more with you, but you always have those clowns that got to voice their opinion, you can't stop them that is thier right. I would really hate to live that way, If I don't agree I just move on like you say. Yeah I could voice my opinion, but what good is it going to do when you don't have any control over anyone but yourself.

Venting is great! :stupidpc:
Coming from many other forums, I think this is one of the most laid back, calmest forums I have been on. Other forums you start a new topic, and not only get torn apart for not searching you get torn apart because you dont have over 10,000 posts, on most sites it seems like only a select few run the sites and they have an outrageous post count, and they push the noobs away, here I have felt welcome for the most part, with a few exceptions of my first few posts (but I know I need to handle myself if I want to be a member of the club lol)

That being said, people should ride their own ride, and if someone has something negative to post about you, just ignore it, I have said alot of a$$ hat comments to others on other forums and most of the time, I am just in a bad mood and taking it out on some helpless guy on the web..

But this is just my opinion...

(I am against hypocrites though :Flip: lol)
Or here's a thought - if "one" comes on this forum to boast about something that may be perceived by others to be unsafe, rude or disrespectful, DON'T post! Otherwise, be prepared for the results. We're all grown ups (aren't we?! LOL), know the rules of the road and agreed to abide by them when we signed on the dotted line and had the "M" endorsement put on our license. We have all also been advised of the rules for posting on this forum.

No, I don't agree with being rude and disrespectful and/or obnoxious but we are all entitled to express our thoughts and opinions within the "rules".
