Venting about this site!

i understand that completely. But somethings i have seen or heard of people doing and bragging about is JUST PLAIN STUPID. I am sorry, but there was a video just a week or two ago that showed the FZ6 rider riding within 6 inches of oncoming cars, crossing double yellow lines, cutting people off, tailgating, and more. I am sorry, but that stuff needs to be discouraged. I am all up for knee dragging, pushing the speed limit and/or such, but done in a safe area, going 75 on a 55 country highway, and redlining the 6th gear on a deserted highway is all within relatively controlled excesses. But when someone is doing something WAY TOO STUPID, they need to be called out on it

They have the right to post and brag, and i have the right to call them a dumbass for being too much of a squid....
Ahh the internet where being anonymous keeps you from getting punched in the face.

I've been on the internet in some form or another for over 20 years and there is always one constant: anonymity means A-holes in large abundance. It is similar to a sporting event where the guy next to you is spouting explatives and spilling his beer on you but on the largest possible scale.

Yes there are times when someone on here has been rude or worse. I will even admit to it at times but this forum is pretty tame. Xbox live has 10 year olds yelling more rancid things.

Rule #1 of the forum is be respectful.
Rule #1 of the internet is grow a thicker skin.

If you are getting offended on the internet there is always the solution of turning off your computer. If you are getting offended in the grocery store there is always the solution of punching the guy in the face, I mean walking away.

Just remember it isn't always the guy being a big D who needs to grow up.
The main reason some here crack down on certain things is perspective. Posting videos of "street stunting", while some think is cool, most do not. I have been riding for 14 years. I want to help improve the image of motorcycling to the non riding public. With tougher noise laws on the horizon and lawmakers who want to impose new stricter laws and mandate more expensive insurance coverages, we need to focus on the positive. I love motorcycling and all that it embodies, including the camaraderie amongst those who share the love of two wheels. I always viewed the :squid: as detractors of the sport. The last thing we need is the non riding public up in arms about some idiot that was going 70 mph in 30 and wearing sandals, shorts and a t-shirt on the nightly news segment on a bad motorcycle crash. I am all for mastering the bike, just do it in a place/manner that will not put others at risk.

This forum has been a blessing. I have learned lots and talked with people from all over the world and all walks of life. And as always, ride safe and smart, I want you posting here again tomorrow.:thumbup:
guess i missed something being away for a week at camp. oh well.

i can't really comment on the rudeness because i honestly haven't seen any. i'm quite surprised at the freedom and self-moderation done on this forum.

now about voicing differing opinions... if i see someone acting like a fool it needs to be pointed out. you can't put something dumb out there and not expect someone to call you on it. if i say or do something dumb i expect someone to call me on it. it's usually helped to make me a better person in the end.
Ahh the internet where being anonymous keeps you from getting punched in the face.

I've been on the internet in some form or another for over 20 years and there is always one constant: anonymity means A-holes in large abundance. It is similar to a sporting event where the guy next to you is spouting explatives and spilling his beer on you but on the largest possible scale.

Yes there are times when someone on here has been rude or worse. I will even admit to it at times but this forum is pretty tame. Xbox live has 10 year olds yelling more rancid things.

Rule #1 of the forum is be respectful.
Rule #1 of the internet is grow a thicker skin.

If you are getting offended on the internet there is always the solution of turning off your computer. If you are getting offended in the grocery store there is always the solution of punching the guy in the face, I mean walking away.

Just remember it isn't always the guy being a big D who needs to grow up.

I wasnt going to say anything on that subject, but I do agree 90% of the time that punching them in the face is the best answer. I couldnt have said it better myself. :rockon:
To sum it up, if someone posts "what do you think about....?" then yes its open for opinions. They are opening the invitation for discussion.

But if someone pots, "How can I..." OR "I need help with..." ETC. Then they really aren't interested in what you think of the topic but simply need some help.

Example: Conceal and Carry a pistol on a motorcycle.

The gentleman simply asked for some ideas on carrying concealed on a motorcycle. By page three of the post it was talking about Australian politics and Americans being cowboys. Uncalled for? Sure.

Im sure its been said before but if you have an alternative view on the topic then start a new thread. :Flip:
I can't think of anyone that I have had an issue with.. I often just read posts that interest me and rarely comment.. usually just a congratulations here or there. . .but regardless no matter where you are or where you go.. you will disagree with peoples view points, but often that gives you an opportunity to learn what others are thinking. That is the beauty of forums is that you can give it, take it or leave it. I have found the people on this forum are great, and far more respectful than other forums.. rarely are there nasty or vulgar posts.... that is why I enjoy it here. We all participate as much as we choose or not to.




Kidding of course.

This forum is actually quite friendly compared to other ones I've been on. I spend more time here than the FZ forum I came from because of the great atmosphere. :Flash:

Every once in a while you'll see a barbed comment, but it's rare in my experience. Either the mods are doing a good job of keeping things in-hand, or the members we attract just don't generate that kind of nonsense.

I am with the "thicker skin" comments though, in that it's a discussion forum, not a support group (unless you count riding or modding an addiction;)). As long as things remain civil, anything you say or post can (and should, if this is going to go anywhere) be commented on. Disagreement is not the end of the world IMHO, as long as it's done correctly, and can actually make a thread more informative as each side brings their thoughts or research to the table.
I for one love to hear why people disagree with me or view things differently....if I were to go through life trying to figure everything out on my own, I wouldn't learn much.

Tact goes a long way (just use your head) and that can't be forgotten....but I genuinely like to share and receive knowledge...I don't let (99% of the time) the possibility that someone will take my words the wrong way block the opportunity that this forum provides.

We can ALL learn from each other...just take it easy (not directed at anyone specifically...BTW)