Too Small?

t has been said before, but it is about what you like, who cares about him. I get comments constantly the "That's an awful big bike for a girl." It's backwards in yur case, but if it is the right bike for you at this stage of the game,t hat is all that matters. Who knows, maybe in a few years you'll want an old, heavy vintage litre bike.
Alternatively keep the FZ6 fro 20 years and you will have a vintage bike lol.

Keira, I reckon that those blokes are just jealous, If you enjoy it you keep it, My father used to have a GSX1100 in the early eighties. He reckons that my FZ6 would beat his old GIXER hands down in every department.

I know for a fact that the FZ will obliterate the KZ's in any test. I was a sales manager for a Kawi dealership back in 1980 and between me, my dad, and my friends we've owned a crap load of Kawi's. I've had KZ 400, KZ 650, then put MTC 740cc kit in the 650, 1980 KZ 1000, and a 1982 KZ 1000 J2 then added a Yosh 1105cc kit with ported and polished heads. That last bike was really fast, and I ran an 11.68 @ 129 1/4 mile pass with it. This was my first time ever racing. The biggest factor with all of those bikes was the crappy handling compared to the FZ. I've owned close to 30 bikes and I think the FZ6 is the best all around bike of anything I've owned. Would I like more low end power, sure, but it has plenty and keeps me from getting stupid which I did allot on my ZRX1200R.

My wife just bought me a new bike for my birthday and she took my red '07 FZ6 that she bought me last year for Fathers Day. I could have gotten what ever I wanted and I bought a blue "07 FZ6 because I like the blue better. I can't think of any bike being better than the FZ or I'd of bought it.

By the way, the two bikes look awesome together, even if I do say so myself.