To wave or not to wave, that is the unorigionally named poll...

Who do you wave at?

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I wave to anything with two wheels and a motor. Everyone has their choice in style all to achieve the same goal the "joy of riding". I must admit I do find it annoying that all riders wave back accept Harley riders.
I try to keep my karma up by not flipping off the scooters or squids no matter how much I want to. Trikes tend to not get the wave, sidecars with dogs in them get a very emphatic wave from me. And anyone driving the same cage I have (volvo s60R) will get a wave and have no idea why.
Being from WI, where Harley's are king, because of "Pride, Tradition, and the Inability to step out side of the box"... Harley riders Rarley wave back, so in my opinion, eff-em. I'll wave to most anything else though.

And my Ma rides a trike.. So I'm kinda obligated to wave to em..
My god, I forgot I even started this thread!

My view has somewhat changed- on good days everybody gets a wave but some days I just want to get where I'm going. However even on those days, if someone initiates a wave I always wave back when possible.
When I'm riding I generally wave at everyone. Including kids and dogs. Riding makes me happy and I just want to spread the joy! :Sport:

Oh, except those three guys on the I-don't-know-what-kind-of-bike-with-a-bubble-headlight. :disapprove: I pass them in my neighborhood all the time and they've never ever waved back. Can't let them harsh my mellow.
I wave a bit; I figure the more I drive like a sane person on a sporty looking bike and acknowledge people for not cutting me off, the better they think of motorcyclists in general (and people on fast looking bikes in particular) and the more they look out for us.

I am new to riding. It made my life complete the first time a guy did that clutch-hand-down thing to me when I drove by him in the other lane. I just like being part of the motorcycle community.
Everyone gets a wave or a peace except mopeds and scooters. Does anyone else wave to bikes while you're in your cage or is that just me?
Everyone gets a wave or a peace except mopeds and scooters. Does anyone else wave to bikes while you're in your cage or is that just me?

This is my philosophy exactly.

And if my window is open while in the cage, I'll throw some fingers out for bikers. Get mixed reactions on that ;)
Wave to anyone and everyone including scoots. My thinking is that they are risking their lives just the same as we are by being on two wheels so why not acknowledge them with a friendly wave. Whether they wave back or not is a whole different issue as most scooter riders around here are somewhat "odd".

Motorcycle cops around here almost always initiate the wave before I even think about it. I think they know that responsible non-squid riders are probably some of the most safe motorists out there.
He11, I wave at everybody, I don't give a hoot what they ride, I even wave at horses and cows and I wave at people who let me pass on mountain roads, and I wave at people who don't pull out from intersections or make a left turn in front of me, man is my arm tired:BLAA:


Been waiting for this thread to come up! This line still cracks me up!!!!
, I even wave at horses and cows :rof::rof::rof: Way to go Jerry! :thumbup:
Chopper/harley dudes never wave back, I no longer bother. Scooters and mopends don't get a wave - too many of them, mostly kids. Sport/street riders get a wave, always wave back, enduro riders get a wave, most wave back, not all.
I wave a bit; I figure the more I drive like a sane person on a sporty looking bike and acknowledge people for not cutting me off, the better they think of motorcyclists in general (and people on fast looking bikes in particular) and the more they look out for us.

I am new to riding. It made my life complete the first time a guy did that clutch-hand-down thing to me when I drove by him in the other lane. I just like being part of the motorcycle community.

This. Though it took me a while to get used to using the clutch hand to signal it. I wasn't sure about the etiquette. The Harley and cruiser riders always seem to do it, regardless of my sportier bike...