To wave or not to wave, that is the unorigionally named poll...

Who do you wave at?

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I don't wave.

Only thing I will do, however, is if there is a squid coming the other way, I give them the old frantic helmet tap, and laugh as they slam on the brakes anticipating a cop. While they assume I am giving the signal for the 5-0, I am really just saying "nice invisible helmet."
Doh! Problem is i literally have never seen a bike cop, save for on tv... Probably why i forgot.

Horse cops, sure. Motorcycle cops, Does not compute :(

I was riding around the countryside outside my town and i was about ten miles over the speed limmit. four bike cops passed me on the other side of the road that were hidden behind a truck! they just waved to me and i made sure wave back. close one. lol if they wave i wave back:D
Was driving along Canandaigua lake (for you WNY'ers) in Naples and saw a guy on a dual sport coming.... got close to me and waved! i was in shock so i quickly waved back... looked back and got on the brakes for the car that had just stopped in the middle of the road :spank:
It's not their fault...they were probably busy changing the station on their stereo or trying to put their beer back in one of the cup holders. :D

have you looked at one lately? I just started working at a Honda Dealership and was looking at the controls they have. OMG!!! I admit to getting confuse with the few buttons we have at times. They have it all right there. It's worse than looking at an X-Box Controller.

I pretty much wave at everyone, and by way I do the downward peace sign. If they wave back great, if not then its' their loss..

I don't count the guy on a spree or motorized bicycle.
i generly wave at everyone minus scooters but it ticks me off when i wave at sport bikes and they look at me like wtf i guess it just cause im naked:BLAA:
Like most here, I'll wave at everyone with 2 / 3 wheels, except for the dbags who dress like they're at the beach and hipsters on scooters / mopeds (unless they wave first, I'll nod, except for the dbags).

I have no problem with cruisers or Harley guys. I've drank with them and they've been cool with me.
hmmm I expected the cute girl in the tank top get more waves LOL

I wave at all 2- or 3-wheel riders, granted i'm not working the clutch, in which case it's a nod. Many wave/nod back - Bimmer riders, even the most hardcore-looking harley riders. Not without exceptions, of course:

  • squids on gixxers and one particular R6 squid from my train station
  • scooter riders - some wave some don't, but mostly, judging by the intense look in the bugged out eyes, they are holding on to handlebars for their lives
  • bimmer riders with bmw logo density greater than one BMW logo per 5 square inches of surface - BMW helmet, BMW suit, BMW bags, BMW navi
  • Harley dudes on bikes that look like they just got out of dealerships

Hard to tell with GoldWingers - unless they climb off the saddle onto left footpeg, then hang out further to the left with a leg and an arm (I'm assuming they get the passenger to counter-weight all that acrobatics by hanging on the right a-la sidecar riders or yacht racers.) and/or pop a smoke signal, you can't see them from behind all that fairing.
I saw some German riders in Spain, The lifted their left leg off the peg and kind of waved that. Unusual but noticeable.

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He11, I wave at everybody, I don't give a hoot what they ride, I even wave at horses and cows and I wave at people who let me pass on mountain roads, and I wave at people who don't pull out from intersections or make a left turn in front of me, man is my arm tired:BLAA:

I no longer always initiate waves to Harley riders. I'm always super glad to reciprocate should one wave at me. I'm tired of stuck up (mine's bigger than yours) Harley riders thinking that non-Harley riders are supposed to look up to them or something. The whole thing with Harley kinda annoys me. Many, many of them seem to be primarily concerned about blowing away people with super loud pipes and that this is supposed to impress (or is it initimidate?) others. I dunno, I could never blow off another rider who flashes a wave at me but, I can't tell you how many times Harley riders do just that. I'm just not impressed/starry-eyed with the Harley image. I prefer the concept that all are motorcyles are equal. So, if an oncoming Harley rider "looks" like another non-waver I just ride right by. I never blow off another rider who waves unless---and this should be obvious---I'm in a maneuver or something that requires my full attention.
In these parts the HD gang is on the up. 95% of them wave first or wave back. Me, I'm not big on initiating contact with scooter-boy/gal in flip flops and dress clothes.

Do I dare tell a short story?
I was in the auto and some D/A lady pulled in front of me on a scooter nearly getting herself ran over (failure #1). She had Shoei helmet, tank top, shorts and 6 year old girl on the back with foam bike helmet on (Failures # 2 - 10,000). Here it's against the law to 2up on a scooter.
- By chance she ended beside me at the light and I let her have it for having child on the back in a skirt and gators with a bike helmet on. She wasn't too happy when I said they could both be skinned alive in a second for her reckless driving, lack of safety gear and breaking the law. I told her to PARK IT and phone a friend to pick up the child (among other things).

The whole thing P/O'd me that the child probably didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Mopeds are designed for one rider only—the driver. It is unlawful to carry a passenger on a moped in Oregon. Carrying more than one person or heavy items is unsafe and can damage a moped." Notice where they placed the importance here??? :thumbdown:

/end rant
He11, I wave at everybody, I don't give a hoot what they ride, I even wave at horses and cows and I wave at people who let me pass on mountain roads, and I wave at people who don't pull out from intersections or make a left turn in front of me, man is my arm tired:BLAA:


Farm animals!!!! hahahaha
In these parts the HD gang is on the up. 95% of them wave first or wave back. Me, I'm not big on initiating contact with scooter-boy/gal in flip flops and dress clothes.

Do I dare tell a short story?
I was in the auto and some D/A lady pulled in front of me on a scooter nearly getting herself ran over (failure #1). She had Shoei helmet, tank top, shorts and 6 year old girl on the back with foam bike helmet on (Failures # 2 - 10,000). Here it's against the law to 2up on a scooter.
- By chance she ended beside me at the light and I let her have it for having child on the back in a skirt and gators with a bike helmet on. She wasn't too happy when I said they could both be skinned alive in a second for her reckless driving, lack of safety gear and breaking the law. I told her to PARK IT and phone a friend to pick up the child (among other things).

The whole thing P/O'd me that the child probably didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Mopeds are designed for one rider only—the driver. It is unlawful to carry a passenger on a moped in Oregon. Carrying more than one person or heavy items is unsafe and can damage a moped." Notice where they placed the importance here??? :thumbdown:

/end rant

I'll wave at a scooter if they wave first and are fully geared, but that never happens so they dont get too many waves :eek:
However i did last week accidently wave at a T-max, because they made the front profile of it look like an R6 lol... The rider kinda of looked confused like he didn't know what to do then took his hand off the bar real quick like,waved ,then resume his death grip on the handle bar lol.
I have a second part to this question... Who waves when on the highway (road with a median of grass or cement)? I do and I think 1 out of 10 wave back (practically flagged down the 1). Do people just not look at the other side?
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A friend of mine and I went for a ride one time and after the ride he asked me why I would wave at some riders and not others? I told him I didnt like the ones that I didn't wave at for some reason: no gear, scooter, whatever. His reply made me wave at anyone on two wheels after that. "Shoot man, they dont know why you dont wave, they just think your just another di#k who is too good to wave back!"
I have a second part to this question... Who waves when on the highway (road with a median of grass or cement)? I do and I think 1 out of 10 wave back (practically flagged down the 1). Do people just not look at the other side?

Good point! I don't wave at riders on the other side of a freeeway in urban areas because it's awkward with the median (usually a concrete wall or barrier) and I, as probably along with most everybody, is primarily concerned about what is going on in MY side of the busy freeway. I think that this is the norm (riders not waving to each other from different sides of a busy freeway). Sometimes, say, if there are only two vehicles on the freeway (both sides) riders might wave at each other because they two are the only items around. In the odd case when a rider waves on the other side while zipping by I usually don't even have time to acknowledge the wave because the other has already passed by.