The Riding Game!

Argh! I won't have time in the next 48 hours to go visit the HUGE jesus statue near me. So its only a little random just sitting near the side of the road but its like 30 feet tall!! I always mean to stop and take pics but it always sneaks up on me.

Next Challenge:
Anybody have some tacky yard art around??? Take a pic and post it!! Only one more day left!!
I rode an hour out of my way after work last night looking for this cool dinosaur looking thing welded together out of old tractor parts. I remembered seeing it last summer. Couldn't find it, but I found this lame figure in the bushes across from a neighbor's house.
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Next challenge: Your bike in a cemetary. Bonus points if the tombstone can be read and the person was over 90 years old.

Please be respectful
Ok, so the person on this tombstone was 85 when he died BUT was born 192 yeas ago!!!!!


Next challenge: Picture of your bike with a beautiful stanger posing on it. Honor system for this one, but bonus points if you can get the beautiful stranger to join the forum and confirm :)
WOW!! Good job, Client! That was probably the fastest response yet!!! Bonus points for you!! (OK, we don't really have points, but here's a kiss for ya!!) :blowkiss:

Next challenge: Picture of your bike with a beautiful stranger posing on it. Honor system for this one, but bonus points if you can get the beautiful stranger to join the forum and confirm :)
if it were warmer this one would be simpler.. as i have lake michigan about 15 min away.. but it is only about 65 today.. so see what i can do.. (first one i will be able to try and get... stupid work)

Next challenge: Picture of your bike with a beautiful stranger posing on it. Honor system for this one, but bonus points if you can get the beautiful stranger to join the forum and confirm :)
This ought to be interesting.

Next challenge: Picture of your bike with a beautiful stranger posing on it. Honor system for this one, but bonus points if you can get the beautiful stranger to join the forum and confirm :)
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HEY WAIT!! I thought the rule said this needed to be something we could all participate in.

I just asked my wife if I could go out and get this picture and see said :disapprove:

... this really is a good one, come on single guys, go out and work it! :thumbup:

Next challenge: Picture of your bike with a beautiful stranger posing on it. Honor system for this one, but bonus points if you can get the beautiful stranger to join the forum and confirm :)
Haha, this one is hilarious. I'm pretty sure I can muster up a few hotties here in SoCal for this. Hope no one beats me to it. Either way I may post this up for $hit and giggles.

Next challenge: Picture of your bike with a beautiful stranger posing on it. Honor system for this one, but bonus points if you can get the beautiful stranger to join the forum and confirm :)
Sorry, I was out of town, couldn't post a new challenge - but its totaly lame that nobody could muster up some *$%#@* to aske a cutie to stand next to their bike for a picture. :-( If someone had, it probably would have gotten them some good street credit on the forum.