SoCal "Hoonapalooza" June 22 2013

Uh, yes, that's a roger, Cliff. We arrived in SoCal after the all-day ride and I'm sinking $200 fifth whiskey right now with my brother in Carlsbad. See everybody manana. Most tiring part of the ride from NorCal: splitting all the heavy traffic going south on I5!

I just called Lefty and he's hanging out with Cali rider and Wavex.. :)

Yeah, a Friday afternoon evening on the any freeway here is a lot of fun!

See Y'all in the morning! :BLAA:
Sorry for the bs guys and thank you all!

Not sure what happened as I wasn't going near my limit at all.

Oh well, broken ribs & scapula. No big deal just painful.

Thx again for all the help and support. You guys and girls are awesome.
Sorry for the bs guys and thank you all!

Not sure what happened as I wasn't going near my limit at all.

Oh well, broken ribs & scapula. No big deal just painful.

Thx again for all the help and support. You guys and girls are awesome.
Uh oh....what happened?
Well Wavex, now I know how you got the name "Mr. Lucky!"

You didn't have to crash the party! You were invited :D
Yes glad to see you posting. Just keep hitting the morphine button and you will be floating around in a happy place. I've got your helmet. It has served you well my friend. Will try and get it down to you on Monday. It'll be a good keepsake for ya at least.
Lisa and I just left the hospital from visiting with David and Leah. Any visits from us local Hoons this week will help our brother pass the time. If you need info please pm me. :)

Sent from Moto's Droid using Tapatalk 2 :mikebike:
5hit're gonna give your poor wife premature gray hair!! Or is she used to these calls by now?!?!?

Hope you can give some details when you're feeling up to it :hug:
- dont know why i crashed, and remember very little
- 8 ribs broken on right hand side
- punctured lung same side
- broken scapula same side
- very good painkiller :BLAA:

Perhaps explains why everything is upside down in post above.... ??? :spank: :spank: Dirty Rascal fixed / deleted it....

OUCH!!!! Hang in there!!!!!!
Hi everyone this is Leah Tessier, David's wife. I'm currently at the hospital with him. He is resting and pumped up on pain meds so that typing is not in his skill set right now. He goes in and out of sleep as a result of the medications but is significantly more comfortable than he was yesterday. The doctor came to visit him about an hour ago and our goal for the day is to get him to attempt to sit up. Also he will be allowed to try some solid foods this afternoon. He'll be in the hospital for 3 to 5 days. He'd like to thank all of you who were there at the scene getting things handled!He loves you guys (and girl... Jennifer). He'll post in the next few days as he improves.
