In one fell swoop my wife tore up my trucks bumper and bikes center stand

dean owens

Elite Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
pittsboro, nc (near raleigh)
recently i've been parking my bike on the other side of my truck. this morning my wife drove my truck to run some errands. she saw my bike but it didn't register to her. pulling out the bumper caught my center stand. feeling something a little odd she just kept going. then went forward and back again. :eek: net result....

bottom of my trucks bumper is ripped off
bike was knocked over (possibly run over but she's not sure)
center stand is jacked up

at first i couldn't get the center stand up. then the cable guy (who's running a new line for our house) came over and helped me get the stand up. but it's all crooked. the part you step on to bring the stand down is up but slam up against the swingarm. the other side is sticking out some and hanging down a few inches.

if i can't get it bent back into shape i guess i'll be looking for a new center stand. are these universal for all the years. i assume so, just not sure.
:eek::eek: I hope there's no more damage than what you've already found.....
and I'm sure she is feeling terrible about it too!
This is the time when you go and give her the biggest hug and tell her you love her the most!:BLAA: The sooner the better if you haven't already!!!! :rockon:
she does feel bad. but it's no biggie. it's a bike... she's my wife... she wins every time. it'll be a sad day if i ever care more about a bike then her. and it was an accident. hey... if she were ever too screw it up too bad i just have an excuse to get an fz1 or maybe the fz8 if it comes over here. :thumbup:

and as far as other damage... the engine guard seems to have done it's job. and the handlebars and mirror fell in the grass. with all the rain we've had here it just sunk in the mud and didn't damage anything. once i get the stand fixed i'll take it around the block to make sure. but at this point i don't see any other damage.
recently i've been parking my bike on the other side of my truck. this morning my wife drove my truck to run some errands. she saw my bike but it didn't register to her. pulling out the bumper caught my center stand. feeling something a little odd she just kept going. then went forward and back again. :eek: net result....

bottom of my trucks bumper is ripped off
bike was knocked over (possibly run over but she's not sure)
center stand is jacked up

at first i couldn't get the center stand up. then the cable guy (who's running a new line for our house) came over and helped me get the stand up. but it's all crooked. the part you step on to bring the stand down is up but slam up against the swingarm. the other side is sticking out some and hanging down a few inches.

if i can't get it bent back into shape i guess i'll be looking for a new center stand. are these universal for all the years. i assume so, just not sure.

that stinks, dean! I believe all years center stands are the same (as most of the bike is the same). did it ding the tank or scratch any plastics? if it got ran over, make sure the forks aren't tweaked. If you are gonna make an insurance claim to fix the truck, make sure the dealership that does the estimate notes any damage...

edit: I had the reply window open before you posted that no other damage is evident. just make 100% sure.
What's "Hippopotomonstrosesquiped"? Hahaha!

I still use my center stand because I do a lot of my own service but I bet someone on the forum has one just sitting around????

We'll talk soon about those HIDs.....
that stinks, dean! I believe all years center stands are the same (as most of the bike is the same).....

edit: I had the reply window open before you posted that no other damage is evident. just make 100% sure.

no dings or scratches. once i get the stand off (maybe this weekend) and take it around the block i still plan on taking it to the dealer just to have them look at it since i can't be sure what exactly happened.

What's "Hippopotomonstrosesquiped"? Hahaha!
i wondered how long it'd take someone to notice that. believe it or not it is a recognized phobia. get this... it's the fear of long words. how's that for good therapy?

you go in... "doc, i have this horrible fear. it's paralyzing me. i can't seem to leave the house."

"well tell me about this fear" says the doc.

so you say, "i have this horrible fear of long words"

the doc replies, "ah, i know exactly what that is. you have hippopotomonstrosesquiped. that'll be $400.00. you can pay my secretary on the way out."

I still use my center stand because I do a lot of my own service but I bet someone on the forum has one just sitting around????
yeah. i'm a fan of the center stand. but i figure someone has one laying around. if i can't get mine in working order i'll start the hunt.

We'll talk soon about those HIDs.....
yet another reason i'm not so bumbed. i was going to ride it to work tonight but i probably shouldn't. this made the decision easy.

Have you considered that you wife might be jealous of your FZ6?
hmmm. she says she's not but i'll have to keep a close eye on her for now on. :D
:eek: Wow man.....I think I just found out what caused your HID's to flicker. Remove all truck parts from bike and see if that helps!......;)

I'm sure you'll be able to pick up a new centerstand from somewhere and they are not that complicated to remove/attach.

Good attitude though as it is just a bike. Besides, if you need to you can hold this one over her for the next few years! ;) "remeber that time when you backed over my bike..."
she saw my bike but it didn't register to her. pulling out the bumper caught my center stand. feeling something a little odd she just kept going. then went forward and back again

I'm sure you didn't post this expecting all sweetness and light so let me be the bad guy. Quite frankly if my wife "saw my bike but didn't register" she would be looking for a new place to live. Especially if she "felt something odd and just kept going". WTF are you blind, or stupid, or both? Either way, tear up the licence and take the bus.
I'm sure you didn't post this expecting all sweetness and light so let me be the bad guy. Quite frankly if my wife "saw my bike but didn't register" she would be looking for a new place to live. Especially if she "felt something odd and just kept going". WTF are you blind, or stupid, or both? Either way, tear up the licence and take the bus.
Single? :rolleyes:
I'm sure you didn't post this expecting all sweetness and light so let me be the bad guy. Quite frankly if my wife "saw my bike but didn't register" she would be looking for a new place to live. Especially if she "felt something odd and just kept going". WTF are you blind, or stupid, or both? Either way, tear up the licence and take the bus.
Trust you to be the bad guy! :spank:
Sorry for your luck but I can't help but laugh. When I bought my FZ6 my wife said that she thought about running it over when she first saw it. I showed her this post and she started laughing. But seriously, I hope you can fix everything.
My wife has killed a few of my boys trike's when they were little, not much left when she backed over them.

I always park the bike on the drivers side of our SUV so she can see easily.

OK, great to be forgiving of your lovely wife but man I think she owes you some good lovin' for this one.:thumbup:
I'm sure you didn't post this expecting all sweetness and light so let me be the bad guy. Quite frankly if my wife "saw my bike but didn't register" she would be looking for a new place to live. Especially if she "felt something odd and just kept going". WTF are you blind, or stupid, or both? Either way, tear up the licence and take the bus.


But let this be a small lesson to be learned. What Andz said is correct, when you feel something that's odd, you should stop immediately. You should not force it and keep going. What if it was your pet, or a small child? Okay, so you don't have any, but you get the idea.

Not sure if you mentioned if she was backing up or pulling out, but when I drive car or truck, I always back the vehicle up when I park. That way, there is a less chance for conflict when I pull out. Very few people will take the time to do a walk around their vehicle to see if everything is clear, they just get in and drive. Who knows what has found it's way near the vehicle over the time period when it was parked.
recently i've been parking my bike on the other side of my truck. this morning my wife drove my truck to run some errands. she saw my bike but it didn't register to her. pulling out the bumper caught my center stand. feeling something a little odd she just kept going. then went forward and back again. :eek: net result....

bottom of my trucks bumper is ripped off
bike was knocked over (possibly run over but she's not sure)
center stand is jacked up

Sorry to hear about your bike, but it sounds as if it has faired quite well (all things considered). Hope you get your stand fixed relatively easily, otherwise it's already prepared for the track :thumbup:

she does feel bad. but it's no biggie. it's a bike... she's my wife... she wins every time. it'll be a sad day if i ever care more about a bike then her. and it was an accident. hey... if she were ever too screw it up too bad i just have an excuse to get an fz1 or maybe the fz8 if it comes over here. :thumbup:

Great attitude, as Cliff says give her a hug, she's probably more torn up about it than you are :thumbup:

i wondered how long it'd take someone to notice that. believe it or not hippopotomonstrosesquiped is a recognized phobia. get this... it's the fear of long words. how's that for good therapy?.......

It was probably thought up by the same mean bast*** who put the "S" in Lisp.:eek:
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Wife backing up skills

My wife has the opinion that the majority of women are horrible at backing up, herself included. I agree with her. :)

When we first moved into our house, she had her car in the garage and I was still moving my other vehicles to the house. I caught a ride to my old place and brought my 95 Trans-Am to the house one evening. Since it had to stay outside, and I didn't want her clipping it after she backed out and turned out of the side entry garage, I parked the car directly behind the garage. That was, she'd see it when she got in the car and when she looked in her rear view mirrors. Plenty of room to turn before the car and avoid it.

Yup, you guessed it. She didn't see the car, flew out of the garage in reverse and smashed my door. The door that I had just replaced a few months prior to this.....

Argh! The door is still smashed up. Weird, as it's some sort of fiber reinforced plastic and although it doesn't look dented on the outside, the entire door skin partially delaminated from the door frame. I need to get yet another door.