In one fell swoop my wife tore up my trucks bumper and bikes center stand

heh..women drivers..

[ame=]YouTube - Woman Rolls Her Car On A Fence[/ame]
she does feel bad. but it's no biggie. it's a bike... she's my wife... she wins every time. it'll be a sad day if i ever care more about a bike then her. and it was an accident. hey... if she were ever too screw it up too bad i just have an excuse to get an fz1 or maybe the fz8 if it comes over here. :thumbup:

and as far as other damage... the engine guard seems to have done it's job. and the handlebars and mirror fell in the grass. with all the rain we've had here it just sunk in the mud and didn't damage anything. once i get the stand fixed i'll take it around the block to make sure. but at this point i don't see any other damage.

You, my man, are a saint!!! :D

Talk about being totally understanding of a mistake that damaged your beloved bike...You totally love you're wife!! :rockon:
Sorry to hear about the wife doing a number on your bike, Dean. The backing up thing reminded me of this video...

[ame=]YouTube - woman trying to park a car[/ame]

Hope this takes the pain off a little. Chin up, she's only human.
sucks.. but hey.. its an accident.. next time i bet she throws it in park when she feels something "off".. but good additude. possibly get a new bike from her :)...

and yea, post up some pics when you get a chance.. good luck on finding a new center stand.. i'll keep an eye open in my travels to the motorcycle bone yard...
a lot more understanding then i would be... good for you though, sometimes i wish i could be like that:thumbup: i agree on the pics of the damage!
I just wondered if you were selling your children now. I would make an offer for the wife but on second thoughts maybe not ;Ø)

Accidents happen....but that won`t apply the first time you do something wrong, but you already know that.
