I can't believe it...

Wow, that's terrible! Sounds like a team for sure. Probably 2-4 dudes with a van, and they just swoop in and snag it in 2 minutes or less. B******s!

Whenever I read threads like this, it just makes my blood boil. Moto crime is out of control on your side of the pond. Why is it so bad? Do they just get a slap on the wrist if caught? I'd love to set up a bait bike, and be waiting near by with a team of snipers, and just hose the thieves down. But leave one somewhat alive, to extract intel from of course.......:D
that soo sucks... hopefully they will find these bastards and extend the long $##$ of the law.. will never understand why people are that evil.. cant the office get you a garage to park into so this wont happen again??
with the title, I hoped it wasn't what you posted . . . . :disapprove:

that so sucks,

hope you get sorted soon . . .
WOW, that sucks a lot. First your work needs to invest in security cameras for its parking areas. Second, you need to get another Yamaha, say a R1. Third, you know that they are after your stuff so work with the police to set up a sting. Basically use your new bike as bait, and get these pricks.
Oh, man! I'm so sorry to hear this. That is totally effed!

I dunno what to say. I'm a big fan of the bike as bait idea, or man traps. I personally like the idea of coming back to my bike, and having to kick aside the smouldering corpse of the c*** who tried to steal it before I can ride off.

Unfortunately, that is frowned on, so I hope you have some good luck with the tracker.

And I know it probably doesn't help, but it sounds like you've done everything reasonable to protect it, so try not to do the self recrimination thing.

Also +1 on the getting a "Gunka" to ride to work.
Sorry to hear that mate, you take all the precautions and still some gang of scroats get away with it.
Makes you wonder if its worth owning anything decent.
When I saw your post my heart dropped and I was hoping that it wasn't what I thought. Man, so sorry to hear about this. I hope those ----heads get caught.

Good luck on the retrival of your baby.
Sorry to hear about your loss. My beloved Yamaha RD400 got stolen when I was in college. I never recovered from losing that bike, it was too much fun.

Good luck and I hope you can get another replacement.
Sorry to hear about your bike. Like everyone else has said, hope the A**holes get caught, and your bike is recovered intact. Any new word from the tracking people?
wow......so what now?

here's my 2 cents: get another bike, but just for recreational purposes and drive a really ugly car to the office. Good luck David. :hug:
I had to read your first post twice as i thought i missed the (ha ha only joking)

Thats some bad luck your having David losing one bike but a second :jawdrop:

Good luck in catching the theiving feckers.
So to hear that mate :( , I hope something bad happens to them :sinister:

I'd definately start looking for a new employer , HIGH up in the mountains where the insects that steal other peoples stuff cant survive ;)
That's horrible news! Not much more you could have done to protect it though it sounds like you did almost everything you could. I like Mikey's idea of making it detonate.
Thanks for all the nice comments everyone!

I'll probably stop riding all the way into London and just ride to the train station around here and catch the train into town. I can't bear another one being taken.

I would drive a car, but there's a congestion charge in London that's around £10 a day now so I can't afford that.