GPS theft


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Jun 18, 2008
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Changing the oil in my car/bike is something I've always done myself, but I recently aquired a 50% off coupon for an oil change at Jiffy Lube, so I thought "why not"? My wife's car needed its oil changed, so I bit.

As I am sitting in the tiny waiting room, one of the employees goes to exit the front of the building, but stops in the doorway and stands there holding the door open. It takes about 15 seconds for the waiting room to turn into an ice-box since it's freezing cold outside. Slightly annoyed at his lack of awareness, I jokingly yell across the room "Hey buddy, it's cold outside!"

He grins without moving and says "sure is." This jagoff knew exactly what I meant, and after about another 10 seconds, I couldn't bite my tongue. I stood up, and took a step toward him as I said "What I meant was, it's cold outside, could you close the door?" He let the door swing shut without looking up or saying anything. I thanked him. I'm sure he thought I was a dick, but my request and delivery were not unreasonable, and I was polite--firm, but polite.

So the oil gets changed, and I drive home. As I'm getting out, I notice a huge oil smear on the back seat. This is one of the biggest reasons I hate going to these places. Every surface that is touched has a thin layer of grime. It happens every time...but whatever, it's an easy fix.

But then I notice that my wife's GPS is missing from the center consol. It was last Friday when we used it, and neither of us took it out of the car. I am wracking my brain trying to come up with another scenerio for it's absence (other than this guy taking it) and I can't think of anything. He had opportunity/motive and I am 95% sure that he took it, but without proof, it's pure speculation.

So what do I do? Stalk the place hoping to see it in his car? Call and complain? Nothing at all?

BARTENDER!! I need a drink.
Thats a tough you said it appears all the signs point to this guy.It might be worth speaking to the manager ..i just dont know
Contact the Jiffy lubes manager and then your local police to file a report.
These are you only options besides doing nothing. Good luck.
you can call and ask if they use security cameras in the shop, if so then ask the management to show you the tapes of your car being worked on. worst case if that you are SOL, the same as you are right now.
Contact the oil places's manager and then your local police to file a report.
These are you only options besides doing nothing. Good luck.

I thought about the police report, but I as long as there is room for doubt, I don't feel comfortable with it. I know my options are limited. It feels a little better ranting about it though.
you can call and ask if they use security cameras in the shop, if so then ask the management to show you the tapes of your car being worked on. worst case if that you are SOL, the same as you are right now.

That is a great idea. I'm going to do that first thing tomorrow. Thanks!
I thought about the police report, but I as long as there is room for doubt, I don't feel comfortable with it. I know my options are limited. It feels a little better ranting about it though.

The police report would just confirm that it was stolen. They will record when you last used it, and that you no longer have it. May come in handy later, or may hurt your case later if you don't do it. They will not take your suspicions as fact.
Is there a way to track YOUR particular GPS?? (Like On-Star can track your car's whereabouts? Or cell phones can be tracked?) Just a thought.
Is a GPS covered by insurance (homeowner's or auto)?
What a pain. I'm sorry you are going through this. :(
The police report would just confirm that it was stolen. They will record when you last used it, and that you no longer have it. May come in handy later, or may hurt your case later if you don't do it. They will not take your suspicions as fact.
Is there a way to track YOUR particular GPS?? (Like On-Star can track your car's whereabouts? Or cell phones can be tracked?) Just a thought.
Is a GPS covered by insurance (homeowner's or auto)?
What a pain. I'm sorry you are going through this. :(

Those are some interesting thoughts. I will call Garmin in the a.m. to ask about tracking. I hadn't thought about my insurance. I have coverage for up to $5000 in mods on my bike. I can see a plan coming together...JL manager/video, police, insurance, garmin tech support...I'm starting to feel a little better about it. Updates to come...
I thought about the police report, but I as long as there is room for doubt, I don't feel comfortable with it. I know my options are limited. It feels a little better ranting about it though.[/QUOTE

Having been in law enforcement for 15 years, 80 % or more of the reports I take are unknown offenders, but an Incident/Offense report is the only way to get the police involved.Who knows , maybe just by mentioning a report, the GPS might make a guest appearance in Jiffy Lubes lost and found....just saying.;)
That is a great idea. I'm going to do that first thing tomorrow. Thanks!

another reason for a report, because most businesses will not let a customer view their security footage, but can't deny access to law enforcement for lawful purposes;)
I agree with Reiobard. Talk to the Manager, state that it was there before your service and relay the incident with te employee's tude. Also mention the oil "accident" on your seat. Explain if you get it back (undamaged or replacement) no harm, no foul. Management can handle it. Otherwise you will file a Police report. a BBB report and hold the business accountable besides, since it was an employee and the business is responsibile. I would do this in a polite, but business like manner. If you get no results, follow up. You might even consider a civil complaint. Although this is probably not worth your time.

Definately check for video. If they have it and it's noticable or probable, and the manager is not helpful, I would not say anything about video, but I would tell the Police all this and let them ask for it.

A buddy of mine had an IPOD taken dring a service change. This is what he did and he got re-imbursed. That taught me to allways check my property before and after service calls for any vehicle. I also try to use the same shops unless I'm out of town.

Couse, this is just my opinion. Good luck.
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Who knows , maybe just by mentioning a report, the GPS might make a guest appearance in Jiffy Lubes lost and found....just saying.;)[/QUOTE]

Good point--I think I'll do the report.
Maybe your report will be the 2nd or the 3rd.... enough to pin it on someone. When you file a police report, they will ask if you suspect anyone in particular. It's their job to take it to the next level and then up to the judge and jury for the rest. My point is simply that you can't shy away from reporting because you don't have evidence. Go for it! Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. Pisses you off though, doesn't it.
I have a used Garmin Street Pilot that I just got. I was just wondering if my unit was ever stolen, if they could not track it could they kill it by not letting your serial # recive a signal, so it would be useless. Just a thought.

I had a ten dollar bill taken out of my ashtray at a dealer where I had a little service work done several years ago. I immediately went back and talked to the manager and got my money back, I think just to shut me up because I did get a little loud. I know a GPS costs a lot more than ten bucks, but you have NOTHING to loose, because you already lost it. I'd fight for it.
You know, I'm usually pretty good about keeping my head on a swivel, reading body language, knowing what could go's a cynical way of being, but is sure as hell pays off when you prevent bad sh*t from happening.
I have a used Garmin Street Pilot that I just got. I was just wondering if my unit was ever stolen, if they could not track it could they kill it by not letting your serial # recive a signal, so it would be useless. Just a thought.


The only way anything like this could be possible is if the SatNav had a traffic update service that was paid for (eg not a free to anyone service).

A vanilla flavour SatNav is a radio receiver that receives positional data from freely available radio signal. Nothing about that signal is unique to any particular unit. What you are suggesting is equivalent to your local radio station being able to send out a signal to kill a car stereo.