Got Hasselled by a Cop then got a LAUGH


Marine Rider
Elite Member
Jun 24, 2008
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Virginia Beach, VA
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I want to know what it is about motorcycle riders that cop just don't like! I got pulled over Sunday evening because a cop thought I was using my Bright lights!!!! How stupid does he think I am? It was obvious that I wasn't, but I gave him the benifit of just being mistaken. When he came up to me after pulling me over and told me that I was bright lighting people I calmy told him that I wasn't. Then He asked for all my stuff like the registration insurance the usual. I asked if I could show him that I wasn't bright lighting people and he said NO and told me to shut the F*@k up.!! I couldn't believe what I had just heard. So then he went back to his car and I guess ran my information which I don't think takes very long but whatever. He had me sitting there waiting on him for 45mins while he was in the car! BUT here is the best thing that just made my night and made me forget about everything that cop had made me mad about. When he was coming back to give me my stuff an FZ1 and CBR1000 both black and the rider dressed all in black came zooming up. They pull stoppies right beside us and the CBR had a girl with them and she Mooned the cop!!! it was hilarious. but the rider kinda reminded me of the ghost riders you see all over you tube. Sorry about the long post but I had to share.
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So, did you get a ticket or not?

You suck at telling stories!
No the cop left after them and sorry I get distracted because I am at work lol. But it was so funny I couldn't belive that happened.
did you get his badge number to file a complaint, my father just did this because he was being hassled by the police last week.

he got pulled over for having a chrome exhaust, not for it being loud, but because it was chrome (magnaflow performance exhaust). anyway, my dad is a mechanic and knows the inspection laws very well, the officer and his trainee walked up to the car after pulling him him over, hands on their guns and leaning all over the car. they then argued with him about the legality of the exhaust but were unable to cite a law that he was in violation of (they were also quite taken aback that a civilian would know the laws better than they do), they gave him a written warning which had their badge numbers on it and he went to the station to complain. waste of time, improper procedure (hands on guns, leaning on personal property, no reason for even being pulled over)

sometimes LEO's just seem to be looking for something to be wrong.
reminds me of another story as well...

One of my friends drives a lifted jeep wrangler (still within the legal limits) so he gets a bit more attention than a normal car driving down the road. He got pulled over one night for the Plate light being out. Now you have to know that on a wrangler there IS no plate light, one of the tail lights has clear plastic on the bottom so when the tail light is on the plate is lit up... Back to the story...

Officer walks up to the window, it is about 2:00 in the morning...

Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over.

Friend: No, I wasn't speeding

Officer: Your license plate light is out.

Friend: Oh, so i have a tail light out?

Officer: Nope your tail lights are fine, but your plate light it out.

Friend: Wranglers use the drivers side tail light bulb to double as a plate light, so if my tail lights are fine then so it my plate light.

Officer: Really? as he walks to the back of the Jeep, Comes back, and says that it must have come back on.

Friend: Look officer, i know it is late, if you just wanted to see if i was drinking don't make up impossible things, you said the tail lights were fine and then confirmed that it would be impossible to have just a plate light out. Now were you just trying to catch some drunk drivers?

Officer: yes, have a good night sir...

He was a bit embarrassed as he walked away
I've got pulled over 4 times in my truck without doing anything wrong. :D

1, My license plate lights looked "bluish". I almost burst out laughing when he said it.

2, I don't have a front plate. While it is illegal to drive without it in Texas, the law does not apply out of state. I was pretty pissed because I had just picked up food and had just spent 10 minutes already getting randomly inspected at the gate coming on base not 2 minutes before he pulled me over.

3, My friend who is a constable pulled me over and had his shades on when he walked up to my door so I didn't recognize him right away. He immedietely yanked me out of the truck and put me on the ground before I knew what happened. He started cracking up at that point and I jumped him and we both rolled into the ditch. Good thing we were both coming home from work at that time. :D

4, A state trooper pulled me over a few hundred feet from my friend's house, and asked if I had a minute as he was just checking out my truck in the driveway. We then talked about some of the mods I had done to the truck for a good half hour. :D
I got stopped this morning on the way to work for driving with my bright lights on. I wasn't. As I was trying to explain that only one light is on when low lights and two when bright, he then accused me of flashing my lights (i guess to get people to move over?). Then he settled on wanting to give me a ticket for one of my headlights being out. State law only requires 1 headlight anyway, but he just couldn't understand why Yamaha would have only 1 light on low. He finally settled on a verbal warning after me sitting on the side of the road in my gear sweating my ass off for 30 minutes. I was polite the whole time and tried to be more educating that arguing, but I just don't think he wanted to hear it.
I read in a James Michener book that there was a tribe in Africa where the women had ba-donk-a-donks to such an extent that their kids could sit on it and be carried around like in a rumble seat while the mother walked around.

I guess that's what Sir Mix A Lot was referring to: I like big butts and I cannot lie...
yea its funny the things you can get pulled over for.....I got stopped on my way home from the DMV after re-newing my registration by a reno traffic officer. For some backstory, here in Nevada when you renew your registration it gets filed electronically into the system the police use to run your plates with, therefore before you even get into your car to leave the DMV your registration info is already updated in the system. Well anyways I get pulled over and this guy jumps out of his truck, comes sauntering up to my window with his hands on his hips in that sorta "one horse town, im the law around here" type. He then asks me why I'm driving around with expired registration. I tell him bluntly, "I'm not, go check your computer". He looks pissed by takes my license and walks back to his truck to run my tags. Sure enough they come back clean and he comes back to my car to ream me about not having the new sticker on yet. I told him I had to go home and wash it first and would be happy to take care of that as soon as he let me go. Red faced with frustration, he handed me my license and stomped back to his truck :Flip: