-1 Sprocket

Looks like I won't be getting mine on before my bike gets stored for the winter. I just called Tennysons and the Sunstar sprocket is on back order. I told Nannette to just get me whatever -1 sprocket she could. Is there any brand I should stay away from?!?

PS, look at their website...it is definitely...original.
Re: -1 Sprocket

I cant speak for what to stay away from, but I'm very happy with my Vortex sprocket, hardly any noticable noise at all. Gets my two thumbs up. :thumbup::thumbup:
Re: -1 Sprocket

+2 on the Vortex, I have -1 front +2 in the rear and 520 Red chain, and i will say THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST MODS". It gives you a power band from 2k rpm to 12k rpm. It is a major difference in power, the only thing you lose it top end and when i say top end I'm talking over 100-120 mph, otherwise ounce you hit the throttle hold on tight.
Re: -1 Sprocket

I have an AFAM also no more or less transmission noise over stock. It was also £3.00 cheaper from the store than the web. Now thats original lol.

Re: -1 Sprocket

I just put a -1 on my bike yesterday, noticeably more pull, but quite a bit more noise...no cush drive...:(

Is an interim measure till my -2 Vortex arrives....if that ever happens!

speed difference on new front sprocket

i replaced my 16 tooth front sprocket with a 15 tooth one a couple of months back and i was wondering if any one knew what my new speed ratio is? example: factory sprocket actual speed 45 mph speedometer reads 45 mph. 15 tooth sprocket actual speed 45 speedo reads 48 mph. my friend bought his bike already modded that way and we took an 84 mile trip (used my bike to clock it with factory sprocket) and his odometer said something like 92 or 96 or something along those lines, but we drove the exact same distance. i know i can get a speedo healer but i don't have 200 bucks to drop on that right now and was just wondering if any one knows the new speed ratio. thanks
Re: speed difference on new front sprocket

Borrow a speedo healer from a friend of member in your area :thumbup:
Re: speed difference on new front sprocket

Or get your hands on a GPS....they are brutally accurate!
-1 front sprocket

today i just did the -1 front sprocket mod.. i use GPS when riding and notice my GPS said -3mph less the the speedo on my bike when doing 50mph or less, then when i was doing 50mph or more on my speedo on the bike; my GPS said i was doing -4mph less then what my bike said.. dose the sound right to you? dont have a speedohealer yet, but just wondering is if the 15tooth will make my bike do less mph then the speedo says. and will it make my odo gain more miles or lose more miles?
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Re: -1 front sprocket

so i wont have to worry about getting a ticket for speeding if my speedo say 45mph i will always be realy going less mph? so wont it make my odo read less miles then what i realy put on?
Re: -1 front sprocket

I think it's the opposite. If you drop the front sprocket your RPM would be elevated, and the speed will be faster. By dropping the -1 you bike will spin faster causing the bike speed to move quicker, tacking the mid range torque away but adding top end.
Re: -1 front sprocket

I think it's the opposite. If you drop the front sprocket your RPM would be elevated, and the speed will be faster. By dropping the -1 you bike will spin faster causing the bike speed to move quicker, tacking the mid range torque away but adding top end.

I know this can be confusing, so lets break it down.

For a given ACTUAL road speed (ie: consistent rotation of the rear wheel), going -1 front sprocket will make your engine speed higher. You speedo has it's pick up before the front sprocket, which means your speedo will read HIGHER than stock (ie: bigger error rate). Stock, my speedo has about a 10% error rate. You can expect to see a bigger error than this by doing the sprocket mod.

I highly suggest getting a speedo-healer if you are going to do this mod. No need for doing the math in your head after that's done.
Re: -1 front sprocket

today i just did the -1 front sprocket mod.. i use GPS when riding and notice my GPS said -3mph less the the speedo on my bike when doing 50mph or less, then when i was doing 50mph or more on my speedo on the bike; my GPS said i was doing -4mph less then what my bike said.. dose the sound right to you? dont have a speedohealer yet, but just wondering is if the 15tooth will make my bike do less mph then the speedo says. and will it make my odo gain more miles or lose more miles?

That's right. changing the front/rear sprocket affects bike speed/engine rpm in a percentage/linear fashion.

going from a 16T to a 15T gives you a (16/15 = 106.7%) change. So if you're actually going 50MPH on the road your speedometer is going to indicate you are going 6.7% faster than 50MPH or 53.3mph. Or if you are going 50mph according to your speedometer you'll be going 46.86mph according to your GPS. If you're going 100mph according to your speedometer you'll be going 93.72mph according to your gps.

And any mileage on the odometer since the time you changed the front sprocket is going to be 6.7% higher than actual mileage. (i.e. if you had 10,000 miles on the bike when yuo changed the front sprocket, then put 10,000 more miles on the bike according to the odometer you've actually put 9372 miles on it so even though your odometer reads 20,000 miles the bike would have 19,372 miles on it)
make sense?
Re: -1 front sprocket

That's right. changing the front/rear sprocket affects bike speed/engine rpm in a percentage/linear fashion.

going from a 16T to a 15T gives you a (16/15 = 106.7%) change. So if you're actually going 50MPH on the road your speedometer is going to indicate you are going 6.7% faster than 50MPH or 53.3mph. Or if you are going 50mph according to your speedometer you'll be going 46.86mph according to your GPS. If you're going 100mph according to your speedometer you'll be going 93.72mph according to your gps.

And any mileage on the odometer since the time you changed the front sprocket is going to be 6.7% higher than actual mileage. (i.e. if you had 10,000 miles on the bike when yuo changed the front sprocket, then put 10,000 more miles on the bike according to the odometer you've actually put 9372 miles on it so even though your odometer reads 20,000 miles the bike would have 19,372 miles on it)
make sense?

This is spot on. The best way to calibrate the speedo-healer though is to take a test run with a GPS unit and visually see the difference in the readouts on the gauge cluster and your GPS. Estimating the percentages off by the # of teeth changed on the sprocket is fine and dandy assuming all bikes created equal, but does not take into account the varience of each bike during the manufacturing, not to mention the other 10% of error already built into the speedometer from the factory.
Re: -1 front sprocket

One more thing....

When calibrating the speedo-healer, I'd suggest getting to the speed you normally cruise the highways at. I personally tend to stick to around 80mph (normal readout is 88mph), so I calibrated to this speed.

As mentioned before, the error rate is a linear percentage error, not a raw number. What I mean by that is, just because at 50mph you only get 4-5 points of error doesn't mean at 80mph you'll have the same. At 80mph you'll more likely have around 7-8 points of error. Notice these points of error are approximately 10% of the actual speed, which is fairly consistent with what most people notice on their stock bikes. Going -1 will make this error rating a little higher.
Re: -1 front sprocket

when i did the 520 conversion (-1 +2) the speedo was off by -14.9, so now im dialed in a good to go.
Re: Front Sprocket switch back to stock

I have had the 15T conversion for about six months. In the last few weeks I have noticed a clicking / grinding noise when pulling away. It's like the chain is jumping a tooth. I have re-adjusted the chain and checked the alignment and run out (all within spec). The noise goes away for a short while and then comes back. I have 9200 miles on the chain and sprockets which I reckon is about 1/3rd into there service life. I clean and oil my chain regularly.

I decided to go back to stock to see if there is any change.
trouble is I can't remember what the stock Speedo healer setting is:confused:.
