Re: -1 sprocket

-1 FTW!!!

I actually got slightly better gas mileage after the mod, but that`s just because I used to keep the rpms quite high at all times with the stock setup (to remain in the torquy range), and found myself a gear up and in lower rpms after the -1 swap... that would provide me with the same torque if not more, and a much better feel overall. That is my experience though, and someone riding more conservatively will certainly see a slight decrease in gas mileage.

I agree that the only issue with this mod is the slightly increased buzz at 80 mph in 6th gear (since rpms will be a little higher in that gear/speed compared to stock).

Overall I`d recommend that mod to anyone looking for more torque down low in all gears on their FZ6. I loved that mod indeed.

I would definitely NOT recommend -1/+2 even though I have not tried it... it is pretty obivous to me that highway speeds (anything above 70mph) would be horrible with such a swap... -1 is just right, but anything more would mess it up imo.
Re: -1 sprocket

You can do an unintentional wheelie in stock form.

what i mean is it doesnt add up anything to the stock form,,,,if you go full throttle on the 1st,,the front end will come up close to the end of the 1st,,thats all it would do on the -1 mod,too

it wont do anything on second unless you clutch it
Re: -1 sprocket

A few guys have done the mod, Wavex aka David, DefyInertia aka Nate. PM one of those guys to get the low down. David actually lists it as his number one mod. I personally don't see wheelies as a negative to the mod. I am hoping for some of the same once my speedo healer is installed.


Nope, I haven't done the -1. I think 6th gear is too short for the highway and I'd actually like a taller 6th gear for cruising. For the track I think it is probably a great idea.
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Re: -1 sprocket

+1 Hellgate. I'm getting a speedohealer so I'm considering getting a +1 sprocket for commuting, I cruise at 75, and a -1 for going on short trips in the mountains, and whenever I want a little more pull. Anyone recommend certain brand of sprockets??
Re: -1 sprocket

i heard that changing the sprockets would also throw off the odomoter resulting in untrue mileage? dont know if its true anyone know?
Re: -1 sprocket

Nope, I haven't done the -1. I think 6th gear is too short for the highway and I'd actually like a taller 6th gear for cruising. For the track I think it is probably a great idea.
Sorry Pete,

I stand corrected I will edit my post to reflect that.

watch out! I am a maintenance technition at a factory. When i went to change my front sprocket i had got the retaining dimples out of the shaft before i tried to take the nut off. When I tried turning it the threads from the nut staye don the shaft, and when i cleaned out the threads on the shaft they where messed up. Used a little pick to clean out the threads.YES I DID TURN IT THE RIGHT WAY! It is in the shop now they said it should be covered by warranty I have only had the bike about 7 weeks, and I put 3300 miles on it so far. Anybody else ever heard of this happening?
A sprocket?

Hey Guys,

I'm trying to figure out what front sprocket to order. I see so many name brands and different metal compounds and am getting a little confused. Can someone recommend a decent front sprocket mfg, and shed some light on this for me? Thanks for your time.

p.s. I'm going with a 15T and I need the stock 530.
Re: A sprocket?

i bought AFAM , it seemed to have a little whine in the beggining but i think its gone now,or i got used to it :D

i wanted to get vortex but something happened i couldnt buy it,,out of stock or something,i dont remember..

i think vortex is the most common one,isnt it?
Re: A sprocket?

Here's a nice little ratio chart for the FZ6.

This shows front sprocket teeth on top and rear down the left side.

Gear Ratio

48 3.20 3.00 2.82
47 3.13 2.94 2.76
46 3.07 2.88 2.71
45 3.00 2.81 2.65
44 2.93 2.75 2.59
43 2.87 2.69 2.53
42 2.80 2.63 2.47
41 2.73 2.56 2.41
39 2.60 2.44 2.29

Renthal is a quality brand. See here: Renthal - We Build Championships

Here's a link to the 15T... Front Chainwheels

Are you both looking to go up or down a tooth? What result are you looking for? MPG or lower end performance?
Re: A sprocket?

Thanks for the info Fz6inNH. I have seen a few models in stock. The AFAM, Vortex, JM and a couple others. They all seem to be made of differant materials. My question is qwhat are the pros and cons of the. I've seen Aluminum, Steel, some sort of Carbon Steel, and a few others. I guess I would be happy with a OEM 15T. Maybe I'll give the dealer a call tomorrow, but I know they will probably want 2X what an aftermarket will.

I'm looking for a little more pep on the bottom, a little more thrust, you know?
Re: -1 sprocket

i heard that changing the sprockets would also throw off the odomoter resulting in untrue mileage? dont know if its true anyone know?

Yes it will. Your speedo will read fast. However, if you contact PrayHarder, he can probably get you a good deal on a Speedohealer which corrects this. I just got mine in the mail today so I have yet to install it. Now that I have it im going to get a -1 sprocket and see what it does.
Re: A sprocket?

In my opinion you want a sprocket of a hard material. The harder the material the longer it will last but the more it will cost. Also you want one with an anti rust finish but I think most have that.
Re: A sprocket?

Thanks for the info, I wound up calling the dealer and just ordering one from them. It was actually cheaper than online as well.
Fun with numbers!!

Does anyone have an idea what the torque changes to with the change from the stock 16-tooth front counter sprocket to the 15-tooth? This for a 2007, US FZ6.

I believe the stock 16-tooth delivers 46.5 foot-pounds at 10,000 rpms. What happens to the torque when the 15-tooth sprocket is installed?

I was reading up on what every had to say about the front sprocket as I anxiously wait for mine to come and I wanted to clarify.

The stock ratios in say first gear are 2.8 for 1st gear 1.955 for primary reduction and 2.875 for secondary reduction. Which is your front and rear sprockets.

That's a total multiplication of 15.7:1

When the transmission is in first gear at 10000rpm engine speed, the rear wheel is spinning at 10000rpm/15.7 = 636.9rpm and 730 ft. lbs. (46.5ft. lbs*15.7) are being applied to the rear wheel's axis.

now when you go down -1 on the front sprocket you get at total gear reduction of 16.8:1. Which would mean at the same 10000 engine rpm the rear wheel is spinning 595.2rpm (10000rpm/16.8) and torque applied is 781.2 ft. lbs. at the rear wheel's axis.

But now you are traveling slower but with more torque applied at 10000rpm in 1st gear with a 15 tooth front sprocket.

to go the same speed you would have to rev the engine up to 10700rpm

636.9rpms / 595.2rpms = 1.07
16tooth 15 tooth

1.07*10000rpms =10700rpms for the same rear wheel speed.

except now torque applied will be different because the engine make peak torque at 10000rpms. At 10700 it may be 40 ft. lbs. instead of 46.5. I don't know.

So you can see how the gearing does affect the actual torque being applied to the ground through reduction and thus limits traveling speed due to the slower rpms of the rear wheel.

the 180/55/17 has an approx. circumference of 198.6 cm or 1.986 meters. Multiply that by the stock ratios calculated rear wheel speed of 636.9rpm and you get 1264.88 M traveled per minute or 74746m per hour = 74.7km/h.

with a -1 front sprocket at 10000rpm you will be going 69.9km/h

(1.956m * 595.2 rpm *60minutes = 69.9km/h

Check it against the gearing commander site and you'll see it's correct. Neat huh?

I am by no means an engineer so anyone that is can chime in. But I'm fairly confident in my theory even though I leave out a lot an engineers precise calculations.
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Re: Fun with numbers!!

You're saying that going -1 in the front is a good thing........right? :D
I'm also going to try a 15t front sprocket....What the heck, for $40 it's worth a try and is a mod that's easily reversed if I don't like it.
Edited to add: Where are you getting your 15t front sprocket from? :)
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