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  • Hey Christopher....It's been too long since you've been on. But today is your birthday & I just wanted to wish you a very "Happy One" & hope all is well with you!
    Brenda (lytehouse)
    i saw on a previous post you have a fe from ebay installed on your bike. do you have a pic of it. i want to know what that fe looks like before i buy one. much appreciated.
    go to my photo albums in my profile...there is a truck load in there, as there are in both my mod threads...New stuff on it's Way - Parts 1 & 2 in the Australia section of this forum.
    Mounting is super easy... I tapped the front of the top triple (2 holes) and used half of the original Koso bracket to mount it directly on the top triple. Solid and very clean... I can send close up pics later if you need them. In terms of the electrical compatibility, it`s quite easy too... you`ll have to tap on the ignition coil (+) wire to get the tach to work and mount the speed sensor near the front brake caliper (with magnets on the brake rotor)... it can all be done in 30minutes. You will lose your mileage though (get a certificate from your dealer or local shop), along with the engine warning light... the fuel gauge won`t be accurate, so you`ll have to use the trip meters (I filled up every 150 miles), but everything else works great. Let me know if you get it and need additional help. Cheers!
    It's a KOSO RX1N speedo that I bought from a french website... you can buy it in North America here: koso north america, gauge, gauges, motorcycle gauge, car gauge, motocross gauges, automobile gauge, atv gauge, speedometer, tachometer
    It rocks btw... I think I did a review on here somewhere... use the search function :)
    I'm not sure. It was on the wall of my house that I left! I'm gonna take a guess and say 24" X 24". So, for that size, it would be around $115 including shipping! :thumbup:
    Hey ChrisTOPHER,

    Have you got a size in mind? That's how the price is figured.

    BTW.....I like the picture ALOT better than the other one! ;)
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