Flashing Lights and Unemployment


Former '04 FZ6 Rider
Aug 14, 2007
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San Francisco, CA
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Couple interesting things in the last few days...

1. I quit my job after 7 years with the company.

  • My last day is the 8th. I'm going to take some time to work on my house, do some things for my Mother that she needs, and make my pregnant wife's life easier for a while (she is still working so I'll make her lunch every day etc.).

  • I'm also going to make exploring my options my full-time job until I decide what is next.

  • Oh yeah, I'll do a little riding too.

2. I got pulled over for the first time on a motorcycle. Can you guess what it was for? I was on state route 1 (PCH / HWY 1).

  • Yes, you guessed it: passing on the double-yellow. CHP claims to have witnessed it three times.

  • Told me I was speeding also (it took him several miles of foot to the floor in the straights to catch up to me...and he caught up at a stop sign (just south of Jenner, CA)). I told him I was not speeding but that I was doing 55 mph in a 55 and just NOT slowing down much for the turns (hell, I was fully loaded w/ camping gear and on knobby tires). He insisted I was speeding and that "he can keep up with a bike in his cruiser" [paraphrased] so I dropped the issue.

  • He also told me my license plate is illegally mounted (sideways from the KTM factory).

In the end he wrote me up for 1 instance of passing on the double-yellow. He also wrote up my friend....we were 60 miles into a four day dual-sport trip.

Anyway, just wanted to get this stuff off my chest. :thumbup: Comments on anything and scolding for the ticket are welcome.
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Sucks about the ticket :(

Awesome that you're in position where you can quit your job to do better things!
Why are you quiting your job I may ask? If you quit your job (instead of getting laid off) you're not entitled to unemployment benefit?

Are u denying passing the double yellow?
Sorry about the ticket. I know the feeling!
Great that you have the insight, honesty and courage to veer from the norm and be productive in other avenues of life. :rockon:
Bittersweet time I guess.

If I quit my job I would...

1. Loose my house

2. have to sell my FZ6

3. Have to eat Ramen noodle soups from the dollar store

I would never have the balls do quit a job in this economy even if the wife was making the big bucks...
Why are you quiting your job I may ask? If you quit your job (instead of getting laid off) you're not entitled to unemployment benefit?

Are u denying passing the double yellow?

Lord. Did you even bother R-E-A-D-I-N-G the OP's post? Really?
Sorry to hear that Nate. Sounds like your "number" was just up. :(
Everytime I go riding I wonder if today's the day for me. I know I break the law when I ride, not dangerously so but enough to get a souvenir citation for my exploits. :spank:

Congrats and good luck on your life change decision. :thumbup:
Hopefully this means you'll be able to join us for the NorCal/SoCal ride.
Sucks about the ticket mate , never a good way to start a road trip :(

Best of luck with whatever you do in the future though :thumbup: And im sure your missus will appreciate a little lunch everyday , along with some washing , folding , ironing , cooking , mowing the lawn , clean the gutters etc etc etc............ :eek: :eek:

:rof: And you thing your gunna be riding :shakehead: :BLAA:
ahhhhh, gps tracking. instant, verifyable data that SHOWS YOU WERE DEFINITELY NOT SPEEDING, and in their face.

along with video evidence, which they really really really don't like you having when you're pulled oever. I LOVE VIDEOING COPS. absolutely love it.

sorry about the ticket, maybe it stopped you long enough to save your life (drunk driver at the next intersection?) and congratulations on taking a leave from work. i've done it. it freaking rocks. :rockon:
Enjoy the time off. We all deserve a sabbatical once in a while.

I've been tempted to post about dealing with what I think might be career burn out (not to infer that was your reasoning), but alas, I didn't do very well in the anonymity department when I chose my username :D. I'll just err on the side of discretion.
I love what I do, but I wouldn't mind having the ability to take more time off.

Congrats on being able to, and hopefully you find something you really like when you want to.

In the mean time -- definitely enjoy the time off.
I'm going to take some time to work on my house, do some things for my Mother that she needs, and make my pregnant wife's life easier for a while (she is still working so I'll make her lunch every day etc.).

That's awesome! I must have missed the post where you mentioned you were going to be a Daddy :) Congratulations!!

Next career: Mr. Mom!!.....nothing like raising your own child vs. daycare

but seriously, good luck with whatever you decide to do though :thumbup:

and i find it very ironic that you got nailed for passing on a double yellow :rolleyes:.....a guy on a Harley did that to me while in New Mexico a couple weekends ago, in a blind corner (wanker). If there'd been a car or anything else coming the other way, he'd have killed himself, his girl, and me.
First off enjoy!

I probably would have asked him what was safe about him driving with his foot to the floor for miles? Even writing me the ticket how much money did he just waste (gas, tires, wear and tear to the car) How many idiots did he put in danger because they just react to get out of his way instead of doing it safely..... Many of the times cops are much more dangerous than the person or persons they are after......

I work 8 months out of the year. Paid travel all over the USA, Dec through 3rd week or so in Jan & May through 3rd week in august off every year with unemployment. Downside 8 months away from my soon to be fiance and family.....
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The last time i got pulled over the cop told me I must have sped up to a lot faster than what he tagged me doing because, I quote: "It took me 4 minutes going over a hundred miles an hour to catch up to you." (I was going nowhere near 100 myself -- I was tagged going 79 in a 70, and I don't think I varied much from that).

Obviously I didn't say it, but the only thing I could think was what kind of dick this guy must be if he's going to do that to give me a ticket for not even 10 over posted limit.
Couldn't you have appealed to the Troopers better nature?

" Give me a break mate, I'm unemployed"?:BLAA:

Good luck

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i know this is old, but if you decide to challenge it, get the dash cam footage from the cruiser.

Ask for it ahead of time, in writing, copy the clerk of the court and the local states attorney, or whatever the local prosecutor in Cali is called (they won't prosecute the case, the cop does, but you still have to put them on notice.)

If they don't give it to you, and the officer comes to court without it, raise the issue at trial because if its your word against his, and he has a dash cam, AND you asked for it and he didn't bring it, his credibility is undermined.

No guarantee this gets you a favorable ruling, but it gives you a leg to stand on, and possibly a reduction in the fine/points