First Used Bike Mileage?


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Jan 17, 2008
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New to the forums, just found them actually. I'm looking at buying a used 2004 FZ6 the current owner of the bike has had since it had roughly 3.5k miles it now about roughly 9K. I'm also going to have a someone I trust, years of riding experience, test ride the bike and inspect it. Assuming everything checks out ok would this be ok to buy. I know cars fairly well that when they near 80-120k its usually not a good idea, due to transmission and engine problems. I'd hate to be stuck with something Id be forced to dump more money into. Thanks!
Hi Mate,
9K is still very low milage, as long as the bike has been serviced properley and you are happy with the reasons why he selling. Definately have a look at it. The engine is renowned to be pretty much bullet proof.
Will this be your first motorcycle? If so Its advisable to get some good training. The FZ6 whilst being forgiving is no pussy cat.
I wish you all the best with the purchase and welcome you to the site.
Good luck.
Not sure if there are any after market parts added onto the bike, but being an '04 with almost 10k miles, personally, I don't think you shoud pay over $4000. We just had a member from California purchase a brand new '07 FZ6 for $6100, OTD. Thats with tax and everything. There are a couple of threads regarding how much we paid for our bikes so that it can give you an idea what kind of money you should dish out.
9k miles should be no big deal if it has been taken care of, just take into consideration that you would probably want to change the oil, spark plugs, air filter, and other basic things as soon as you get it then you should be all set. Enjoy the bike, the FZ is a beauty
I have over 13,000 miles on a 07 if it makes you feel anybetter. LOL
I am trying to wear mine out though. If you keep good care, they will last a long time. 9000 miles is not alot.
^good advice from everyone!

9k miles should be no big deal if it has been taken care of, just take into consideration that you would probably want to change the oil, spark plugs, air filter, and other basic things as soon as you get it then you should be all set. Enjoy the bike, the FZ is a beauty

you may want to look at the plugs before purchase they can tell you a lot if you know what to look for. I don't know as much about bike as i do cars but in high performance cars a little known thing to look at is the brake fluid, if it has been raced the fluid has a tendency to boil and darken in color more than normal....maybe the guys who track their FZ's can lend some more insight to this. (i know motorcycle brake fluid is better than a cars (higher boiling point) and they could just change it never know):thumbup:
Would you hesitate buying a '04 car (well taken care of) if it had 9k miles on it? If it was in GOOD condition and had 20k miles should it be a problem? I think not!

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after
the sweetness of a cheap price is forgotten!"
9000 miles is just broken in. I'd just ask about service records and inspect it for any crash damage or stuff like blown fork seals and sprocket wear basically anything that would make me think it has been abused or neglected.
I have over 12000 miles on mine and have had no problems caused by the bike.(I had a vibration, but that was a tire issue) I personally don't have any service records but I service my bike myself. that may also be the case with this bike too. if everything else looks good and the price is right(I agree with Vegas about the under $4000.00 mark) go for it.