Eerie picture from the first time I went down on the bike


Mar 23, 2011
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Gilbert, AZ
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I was waiting for my friend to be able to turn around and come back to help me, and while that was taking place, I got out my phone and limped (cracked my knee cap) around taking pictures, and this one still gives me the creeps.

If you haven't noticed it yet, look at 10'o clock on the picture
Yikes. Glad your OK and I hope your bike made it out as good as you did. What happened? Maybe the 'thing' at 10 o'clock was protecting you!??
Its a pretty advanced ride, called Tortilla flatts, which is this long twisty ride down this mountain leading to a lake. I was a very new rider, and my buddy who was more experiences on that ride was hauling ass, and I was trying to keep up. Anyways, long story short, I hit gravel on the inside of a turn and lowsided into the mountain. Aside from my knee, I broke my helmet and got a LOT of road rash.
Its a pretty advanced ride, called Tortilla flatts, which is this long twisty ride down this mountain leading to a lake. I was a very new rider, and my buddy who was more experiences on that ride was hauling ass, and I was trying to keep up. Anyways, long story short, I hit gravel on the inside of a turn and lowsided into the mountain. Aside from my knee, I broke my helmet and got a LOT of road rash.

Glad you made it out of this one relatively ok (guess those angels were looking out for ya)...but I also hope you learned at least 2 important lessons from it too....
Yes yes, this was about a year and a half, I'm just fine and so is the bike. And absolutely, I learned a lot from it. That 'eye opening' experience that luckily I got the opportunity to live and learn from.
That is such a sad picture, kind of like a horse lying on it's side on the track after it just suffered an injury.

Yes, never try to keep up with a faster rider, one of the easiest ways to crash. Ride your own ride, arrive alive.
Nice pic, but you really should change the title of your thread! It gave me all sorts of weird imaginative thoughts of a human and motorcycle in bizarre positions!:ban:
I've been holding out on my oral exploitations on the FZ6 thread until im a few months in. I'm still a noob, after all...