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An interesting perspective on the Corona Situation


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Feb 16, 2017
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Here's a video that although a bit long might be worth your time:

At this point, I will not comment on the ideas presented in the video.

Don't know how it is in the US, but I can assume it's the same everywhere. Right now people are focused on toilet paper wars, gathering various supplies, and monitoring the news. What most don't (yet) realize is the severity of the global economic downturn that will follow. The economy isn't a computer game where you can click "pause" and later, whenever convenient, click "resume" and get back to where it was. People's lives are being destroyed- layoffs, small businesses going bankrupt, personal savings eroded. Soon many people will lose their properties and literally start starving.
Remember the effects of the 2008-2009 recession? That was only around 2% total loss (out of the global GDP). 2% might not seem THAT much but the entire automotive industry is worth 2-7% of the GPD (depending on region)! Now, to put things in perspective- many analysts estimate a 2% total loss for EACH WEEK of quarantine.

I might get bashed for saying this but honestly I would rather get the virus right NOW, and take my chances of self healing, same way one heals of a "regular" flu - be it 0,0001%, be it 1%, be it 50%, that I might die from this, if I could have the economy running. Or even have 50% of it running.
Hopefully it won't get THAT bad but instead of waiting x amount of time until all my and my family's resources are depleted, living worse and worse till one day I have absolutely nothing and end up shot dead breaking in a supermarket, I would just take ANY chances with the virus today.

Fun fact: smoking is responsible for 15% of global deaths (source)! Now, how could the same people allowing (and profiting by taxing) the sale of tobacco at literally every street corner be "taking care" of us in any positive respect?

I'm so sick of this "we gonna take care of you" crap. Every man should have the option of taking care of themselves, and decide for themselves. Do you want to be in quarantine? So be it! Do you want me to avoid all contact with you? So be it! But I don't. Neither do many of my customers.

I would never decide for anyone else what amount of health risk is or is not acceptable, but if even 10 people out of 100 are willing to risk it AMONG THEMSELVES, they should be let to do it! Let us sign a waiver that if the virus gets us we will stay at home, separate the traffic hours or city streets or whatever.

I wish that everyone will keep their physical and mental health during these difficult times, as well as their calm and clarity! If we were truly meant to be driven around by a few barking dogs and old men screaming, we would have been born as cattle!
Let's take a few numbers into account https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

Italy, the most affected country on earth now has gotten to around 10000 deaths, in 2 months.

The entire population of Italy is around 60 million. Due to "regular" cancer alone, 14600 people die in Italy every month. Around twice as much, so around 30000 people die of hearth conditions. Around 7000 people die of diabetes.

So regardless of any pandemics or not, due to heart conditions, cancer and diabetes around 50 thousand people die in Italy EACH MONTH. IF only 10% of the people who unfortunately were dying regardless ALSO caught the virus right before dying, how many "corona deaths" would that sum up to? Yup, it would cover all those "alarming" and "pandemic" 10000 cases. Not to mention that few hospitals worldwide actually have real quarantine protocols- so far there are tons of officially confirmed "corona positive" hospital doctors. What place is usually hosting terminal illness patients? That's right, hospitals. We can conclude to the fact that many of the fatal corona cases actually started, happened and ended inside hospitals themselves.

I know that most people aren't statisticians or data analysts. But I do hope that more and more people would take a step back from the mainstream media, and just research and analyze the data (which is already public and easily reachable) themselves. Only then one will decide for himself if this is a true pandemic or just a seasonal flu.

Here's another food for thought: suppose everyone will stay locked in house arrest quarantine as many months as "necessary". But somehow, the day we all get out of house arrest quarantine, 1 out of every million people STILL HAS THE VIRUS. And the "pandemic" restarts. Then what? They reinstate the quarantine? Or we hope that they would have came up with some half-assed researched vaccine, that my or may not include side effects, and may or may not be effective as viruses evolve and harden by changing their strain, lessening or cancelling the effects of vaccines. Hopefully by then the governments will have at least invented a way of feeding the people with water and thin air alone. Because right now at least in Eastern Europe, with the quarantine in effect many of the poor people from rural areas, who earn their living by working odd jobs and small scale farming, have literally began starving. And with many companies increasingly terminating positions, I'm estimating at most one more month before many people earning low to average income max out their credit cards and begin starving as well.

Do you think that we currently have enough hatred and separation among ourselves based on skin color, race, religious views, political views, sport teams preferences, etc? According to some we don't, so now enter the new age of "social separation". Divide et impera!