Bike and I are OK, but my pride isn't.

Boy, it is like Christmas at my house, two weeks early!!! :D
I had ANOTHER nice surprise today!!
I had a package waiting on my front porch from Kamloops, Canada!! Inside was a VERY well wrapped and padded brand new CLUTCH LEVER!! WOOHOO!!!! :BLAA:

Thank you SO much Kamloops!!
Now I can get my frame sliders in, and it will be time for a pizza party!! :cheer:

Your welcome! Merry Christmas.
That lever has traveled by the way. I was in California (Disneyland) in August. I had found a FZ6 Clutch Perch advertised that was oem with the mirror mount. I only needed the mount. The guy delivered it to my hotel and I brought it home to Canada and then sent it to you!

Here is is when I got it.
Your welcome! Merry Christmas.
That lever has traveled by the way. I was in California (Disneyland) in August. I had found a FZ6 Clutch Perch advertised that was oem with the mirror mount. I only needed the mount. The guy delivered it to my hotel and I brought it home to Canada and then sent it to you!

Here is is when I got it.

That's too funny!!! A multi-national clutch lever!!! :D
Thanks again! It's so nice to have such a caring group of people. :cheer:
(I tried to give you more rep, but it wouldn't let me yet. Gotta spread more of it around first!) :rolleyes:
So it's time for me to join the rest of you members of THE HALL OF SHAME. :(
I had my first spill last weekend. It was cloudy, chilly, and the roads were slick. I am a VERY cautious rider, so I was quite surprised that I ended up in a gentle low side slide.

Here is my story: I came up on a very sharp blind curve (left hander), that was a LOT sharper than any other curves on that road. I saw it was a "switch back" and we don't live in the mountains!
I was very proud of myself for staying steady on the throttle, not hitting the brakes, and leaning a bit more to take the turn. Apparently my rear tire was not on the same page as me, because it came out from under me.
My first thought as I was sliding across the road watching my bike slide ahead of me was, "$h!t, I hope I didn't Fu@k up my bike!!" :mad:
Thank God for good gear, and frame sliders. VERY minor damage. I will need a new clutch lever, and cover. Other damage is very minor war wounds.

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My gear did it's job, too. Just that day, a friend had given me some warmer gloves, which also had a much longer gauntlet, which saved my skin on my left wrist. By the looks of my gear, I slid on my left wrist, belly, and left knee. I also have a small gouge out of my helmet on the left side, and a very minor scratch on the visor. I have quite a big grease mark on my knee, also, which makes me wonder if I hit some oil patch, too.

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Sorry to here about your spill. Thank God for good gear.
Did your engine cut out when it fell?

hi beth, just finished reading all the posts ( have quite a free bit of time at work atm ;)) im glad that your spill was minor and that you kept your calm in such a situation, i think i would have panicked lost my head.. i still have a long way to work on my cornering skills....

i would like to thank brian and kamloops for the freebies they gave you and for helping you save some dosh..

i still have a long way to work on my cornering skills....

i would like to thank brian and kamloops for the freebies they gave you and for helping you save some dosh..


I also have a long way to work on my cornering skills. Most of my riding has been relatively straight (or gently curved). I'm sure this contributed to my slide.

If anyone has a desire to give out rep points, BryanDH and Kamloops deserve it!! :D
Sorry to hear about the fall. Looks like the good coming out of it makes the bad seem not all that bad. I blame it on those darn stock tires.;)