Another winterizing question.

why winterize now? i plan on riding for another month at least!!! I will be putting stabilizer in Keira's bike and putting it in the basement over the weekend though, probably charge the battery every couple weeks to keep that in tip top shape. but that is the extent of what i do to winterize.
i may have to give into this winter beast soon. i have been telling myself i would ride through the winter, but i don't want to risk it with hitting a spot of ice or something. this whole 'oil eating my engine' early in the thread has got me worried. i just changed the oil with AMSoil 10w40 less than a month ago and have put maybe 600 miles on it since. do i really need to change the oil before i winterize? can i just put her to sleep as is and then change the oil when she wakes up in the spring? also, would stabil be something you would find at a gas station? it looks like you add it to the gas at the station and then ride it for a little bit to get it worked through the lines? thanks!!
My plans? I'm riding through the winter. Where I live, the winters do tend to be quite cold, but hardly are they really ever considered harsh. If we ever get snow, it's either gone in a few hours or the next day. The main thing that I will keep an eye out for is the black ice. If I ever think that there would be enough water/condensation/whatever to cause the ice, I'll just take the truck to work that day.


We got hit with close to a foot of snow the past 2 days. I'm closing on my house tomorrow, so the bike's getting moved this weekend. And it's supposed to snow all week! I just need the roads to clear out long enough to ride it the mile to the new house.

Winter sucks!
i may have to give into this winter beast soon. i have been telling myself i would ride through the winter, but i don't want to risk it with hitting a spot of ice or something. this whole 'oil eating my engine' early in the thread has got me worried. i just changed the oil with AMSoil 10w40 less than a month ago and have put maybe 600 miles on it since. do i really need to change the oil before i winterize? can i just put her to sleep as is and then change the oil when she wakes up in the spring? also, would stabil be something you would find at a gas station? it looks like you add it to the gas at the station and then ride it for a little bit to get it worked through the lines? thanks!!

Check hardware stores for sta-bil. It's red in a small bottle with one of those squeeze measure things in the top (no clue how to really explain it). Add it to the gas, top off the tank, then ride it back home to store it.
thanks for the info about the sta-bil, think i will be ok leaving one month old synthetic in during winterization, and then change in the spring? or do i really need to put new oil in to sit for the winter?
Has anyone used Seafoam instead of Sta-bil? I have used it for a few years now on the boat and lawn equipment, and everyone around here swears by the stuff. On the can, it says that it is ok to put in just about everything. Just curious.