600 Mile Service - Dealer or Self???

^ time to check their customer service! call em up and tell them and see what they say. whats the worst than can happen? they cancell your order for the more expensive one?
First Service

I was told that if they did not see the bike at the 600 mile (1500km) service my warranty would be very flimsy if I tried ot use it in the future. It did cost me $250, but they also caught a couple of things that I would not have so I am ok with it. I do my own oil changes etc now.
that is pretty shady of them. if it were true they would do the service for free. I would probobly stay away from that "stealership"
Did it myself

I did the service myself. It was a great excuse to spend a little time getting more familiar with my bike. There's really nothing in the 600 mi service that you can't do yourself, and the dealer wanted an arm and a leg for what really amounted to an oil change and some quick checks of the functionals (half of which the manual suggests that you do before every ride). In any case, it saved cash and was fun getting to know the bike a bit.:rockon:
I was told that if they did not see the bike at the 600 mile (1500km) service my warranty would be very flimsy if I tried ot use it in the future.

By US law, it doesn't matter who does the service so long as it is done. The warranty won't be affected.

But having said that, I intend to document the heck out of my 600 mile service with receipts and pictures in case there is ever a need for a claim against the warranty.

After finding that the mechanic who set up (connected up the battery) my new bike didn't put the fairing inner panels back in correctly and in fact, left one bolt out entirely, I decided I really didn't want a dealership touching my bike again.

Do it yourself if you can

Fred's right about not trusting dealer maintenance. I don't take my cars or bikes to a dealer or a maintenance shop for anything I can do myself. The IQ of the average guy who works in a garage is not too impressive (please no irate responses from reputable mechanics). I'm just saying that when you drop it off at the shop, you don't know what you're going to get. I've gotten lots of scratches, stains, and damage from "professional" mechanics over the years. I've watched guys strip bots. blow out grease fittings, even take a radiator cap off a hot engine and spew antifreeze all over my engine and paint.

Do it yourself and at least you're guaranteed that the guy doing the work cares about doing it right. :Flash:
Fred's right about not trusting dealer maintenance. I don't take my cars or bikes to a dealer or a maintenance shop for anything I can do myself. The IQ of the average guy who works in a garage is not too impressive (please no irate responses from reputable mechanics). I'm just saying that when you drop it off at the shop, you don't know what you're going to get. I've gotten lots of scratches, stains, and damage from "professional" mechanics over the years. I've watched guys strip bots. blow out grease fittings, even take a radiator cap off a hot engine and spew antifreeze all over my engine and paint.

Do it yourself and at least you're guaranteed that the guy doing the work cares about doing it right. :Flash:

That said I have had excellent luck with independent shops for both cars and motorcycles. The reason being I've been going to them for many years and have develop a good working relationship with them.

If anyone in Central Texas needs a European car repaired I know an excellent place that has been in business for 20 years, and if you need a domestic repaired his brother-in-law can help with that.
Some mechanics are incompetent, that is true. But a majority of them are good, hardworking competent people who are just stressed out and tired. They have deadlines and thanks to flat rate, they make more money by working faster. If they don't work fast enough, they starve. Throw in long hours and it's understandable that they will make mistakes.

I worked in a shop like that for several months, and it's amazing just how fast my work went to s***. Twelve hour days and a whole lot of stress had me making dumb mistakes that I'd never make normally.

I dont understand why anyone would want to spend hours at the dealer changing oil. It takes only a few minutes and if you cant change the oil after reading the excelent instructions that were posted shouldnt be riding.
I was told that if they did not see the bike at the 600 mile (1500km) service my warranty would be very flimsy if I tried ot use it in the future
You were lied to..... This is simply not true. Yamaha won't refuse you a warranty if you do your own service. They expect you to do it with some degree of competence, however. They have to weigh the odds of you ever buying another Yamaha in the future if they refuse you a warranty now.
anyone can finger their way thru a 600 mile service, but it is more than an oil change.....i cringe when i think of all the first services being done so incomplete....do every item, do it all, and ensure your bike is safe. there is a reason for all those other requirements beyond an oil change.

i agree its moe than just oil, evryone should be doing the recommended checks, i figured that was a given.
Well its kind of a mute point now...I just finished the 600 mile service. The only thing left to do is wait for the carb sticks to arrive and check the carb sync.

As far a neglect of the bike I'm really not worried. In the past 600 miles I've changed the oil and filter twice, flushed both brakes, changed the fork oil, lubed the cables, which BTW were not lubed from the dealer...adjusted the cables...checked the bearings for adjustment, cleaned, adjusted and lubed the chain. As stated before the only area I don't know is the FI and Fred has agreed to help with that. If I get stuck in the future, I'll just throw the FZ in the truck and haul it to the mechanic.

I've owned a number of bikes over the years and I do what I can maintenance wise, what I can't I go to a mechanic for help.

I consider myself a good mechanic (not great mind you), I've rebuilt my race motors from the case up, I've worked on HUMVEEs in a combat zone, and I've pulled power packs out of an M1 tank. So I think the FZ and I will be okay.

Cheers! Here's to a FULL powerband! DAMN this thing is fast! :thumbup:
You're making me jealous. I hit 609 miles yesterday but I don't have oil and another filter so I have to wait until Tuesday to ride again!

You're making me jealous. I hit 609 miles yesterday but I don't have oil and another filter so I have to wait until Tuesday to ride again!


I put in about 65 miles today. Lime Creek Road, two up and down runs. She has 585 so I rounded up and pulled the service.

During those runs I didn't ring her neck but kept it between 7,500 and 10,000 rpm, she squirts out of corners.

When I changed the oil and drained the filter I was amazed at the amount of metallic particles that came out. The good thing was the oil from the case didn't have any crap in it, just the oil from the filter.
I put in about 65 miles today. Lime Creek Road, two up and down runs. She has 585 so I rounded up and pulled the service.

During those runs I didn't ring her neck but kept it between 7,500 and 10,000 rpm, she squirts out of corners.

When I changed the oil and drained the filter I was amazed at the amount of metallic particles that came out. The good thing was the oil from the case didn't have any crap in it, just the oil from the filter.

thats a very good thing, means the filter was doing it's job, was the service as scary as you were thinking it would be?
thats a very good thing, means the filter was doing it's job, was the service as scary as you were thinking it would be?

Oh no, what I did today I've done a million times. What I've not done is the carb sync thing. That I still need to do, once the tool arrives. Other than that it's a piece of cake. I re-read the service manual and I covered all the bases, so we are good to go!
I do all I can as well as many of you out there. Just reminder to keep your receipts for all oil and filters bought in case you have a warranty claim in the future - you may be asked to prove you've done the maintanance.

I do all I can as well as many of you out there. Just reminder to keep your receipts for all oil and filters bought in case you have a warranty claim in the future - you may be asked to prove you've done the maintanance.


good point, and excellent advise.