Search results

  1. Tailgate

    Time for dual sport bike on this one!

    My brother, recently back from Pakistan & India, sent me this link: Looks awfully exciting, like maybe a motorbike's Mt. Everest caliber ride. I would do it and am looking into a rental if available. Would be especially exciting doing this solo. What...
  2. Tailgate

    170 CCamp battery for FZ6?

    I've noticed some replacement batteries have only 170 CCamps while the Yuasa OEM has 220 CCamps. Anybody riding around on a 170 CCamp battery? Geesh, I think I'll spend the extra for Yuasa since it's 220 CCamps. Lots more expensive, though.
  3. Tailgate

    Official CHP release: Lane Splitting 101

    February 7, 2013, THE SACRAMENTO BEE (front page article ) California Highway Patrol posts rules for legal lane-splitting by motorcyclists - Transportation - The Sacramento Bee. The California Highway Patrol has issued official guidelines for lane splitting. Graphics included (find CHP...
  4. Tailgate

    People suck, don't they?

    Earlier this week, rolling my FZ6 out of the garage, I noticed that somebody vandalized my tank. Aren't people wonderful! This was either done in Reno at the Grand Sierra Casino parking lot (parked next to a dual sport and two Harley full dress) or in my work parking lot. I highly suspect it...
  5. Tailgate

    "Please don't judge the 'motorcycle' community"

    Some of you may have heard/seen the news concerning the recent Sparks, NV casino shootout: CA Hells Angel boss dead in NV casino shootout - Too bad the police chief talkiing in the video didn't refer to the "Harley" community instead of the "motorcycle" commuinity. Last time I...
  6. Tailgate

    Sacramento (Gold Rush Ride) Sept 4, 2011 ride

    So far, looks like Driftboat (Bob) and Tailgate (Stacy) and maybe Visions (John) are planning to rendez-vous at the El Dorado Hills Union station (US 50 & El Dorado Hills Blvd) at 8:00 am this Sunday, 9/4/2011. From there, one possibility is that we could head south on either Latrobe Rd or 49...
  7. Tailgate

    Quick tour of Ducati & Ferrari Museums

    This summer, I visited the Ducati factory and museum (public tours are offered of both) in Bologna, Italy. No pics are allowed inside the factory but, here are a few museum photos. I found the Ducati factory/museum tour just as fascinating as the Ferrari Museum (in the neaby city of...
  8. Tailgate

    World's most boring ride/route: Sacramento-LA

    Interstate 5, from Sacramento to LA is, undoubtedly, the world's most boring route. Well, let's say 300 miles of the total 381 mile trip. There is no route more boring anywhere in the world (money back guarantee). What's worse, there's a speed limit of 70 MPH when it should be 100MPH or so...
  9. Tailgate

    Our counterparts in Italy: near fanatics!

    Here's a link to our counterpart FZ6 Forum in Italy. Even if you don't understand Italian language, you can get an idea of how seriously "Fazer" riders over there take group riding! It's really something. The top of the page refers to an upcoming 20-22 "maggio" (month of May) group ride. Check...
  10. Tailgate

    Tabacco: mixed couple workable?

    Can/does this kind of relationship work? :noworries:One smokes and the other doesn't. Anybody out there in this kind of relationship? :hug:The burden/sacrifice is 100% on the ex or non-smoker, right? I'm wondering if such a relationship is viable. Can the character outweigh the habit? Is this an...
  11. Tailgate

    Supermarket Drop--anybody else?

    Anybody else ever do this? On Saturday, I did something for the first time: In the liquor/wine department, I placed a 1 liter glass bottle of Merlot wine in the toddler seat area of my Safeway grocery cart. Before I knew it, the bottle slid backwards through and out one of the two openings...
  12. Tailgate

    Tailgate cleared in Bellago "Bike Bandit" Heist

    :spank:In case there was any doubt, the arrest of Anthony Carleo should dispel all suspicion of me having had any involvement, whatsoever, in the recent Las Vegas "Bike Bandit" casino heist on December 14, 2010. Before his arrest, it was reported that the somebody slipped a $25,000.00 Bellagio...
  13. Tailgate

    BT016 Pair Sale at CG

    For those of you wanting/needing new Bridgestone rubber---Cycle Gear has a pre-sale going on for $199.00 Cycle Gear - BRIDGESTONE: BT016 Street Motorcycle Tire PACKAGE DEAL, COMBO
  14. Tailgate

    Obviously, not a rider!

    :eek:OMG, a lane splitter "extremely frustrates" a cager! Today, November 9, 2010, the letter below appeared in the "Letters to the Editor" page of the Sacramento newspaper: "Motorcycles rev up this writer I am extremely frustrated. It seems that I am regularly bombarded with signs...
  15. Tailgate

    Sacramento-Sunday, 10/3, noon El Dorado Hills

    Sacramento area riders: This is late notice (today!) but we're meeting at the Union 76 at El Dorado Hills and US 50 at 12 noon, TODAY, Oct 3. So far, NickJ and Tailgate. We will be touring Gold country area roads. Come on up! (Niners aren't worth watching)
  16. Tailgate

    Lakers trash fans

    I think the Lakers players and even coaches, all, ought to come out and remark on what a bunch of idiots these degenerate and rioting Laker fans really are. Someone's gotta put them in their place. Evidently, they (rioting fans) don't realize how dumb they are. The Lakers themselves need to...
  17. Tailgate

    B.S. Photo Shoot?

    We all know how successfully the drug war is coming along (CA votes to legalize marijuana this coming November). You gotta wonder about the photo shoot in the link below:
  18. Tailgate

    120 MPH, Evasion? HA, HA, HA!

    This is one of those stories that can bring a smile. Guy thought that he was free & clear after wild 120MPH CHP chase; he even set up bike on stand inside kitchen. Ha, ha, ha! Obviously, not somebody on this forum. (sorry, no pics but the story alone is worth it) Sacto 9-1-1: Sacramento...
  19. Tailgate

    Latest Runaway Toyota Prius a LOAD?

    What do you think, was that recent Toyota Prius runaway-accelerator incident that James Sikes said happened on a San Diego freeway a big load of B.S? (remember the Colorado Balloon dad/son hoax?) In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's link to the story: The College Driver...
  20. Tailgate

    USA gas prices: Don't complain!

    Reminder that gas is a BARGAIN in USA: (see below for gas price in Italy (February, 2010) Prices below are in Euros. Current exchange rate: 1 Euro = $1.35 USD 1 liter gasoline @ 1.29 Euros-$1.74 USD That comes out to $6.96 USD for 4 liters or 3.78 liters (1 gallon) x $1.74 = $6.57 per...