Young squid taken out by a deer. Funny but sad

the video on youtube is self says he had a couple things broken and now has some screws in his knee or ankle. Thank sucks, but I can't help but laugh at his lack of gear and his cries for help...

If I reacted like that after a crash...I would NOT post that up for the world to see.:BLAA::spank:
omg, what a whiny little b i t c h! help me! (there's nobody around) mommy come get me! (she has no clue where you are) my leg is broken, I'm in so much pain, I don't need 911, my mom is on the phone, I'm okay... hahahaha

I've never been in a serious wreck, so I have no clue what he is feeling. Though seriously dude, be a man!
At first I felt bad...then I saw what he was wearing.

Second, his reaction....PRICELESS!!!!!

Reminds me of a time when I high sided my dirtbike on the track, I was up and pushing the bike off the track before I could see what I was doing.
I feel bad for the kid. He's definitely not all that bright for lack of proper riding attire, but that wreck looked painful. Could he have done more to help himself? Absolutely; but don't forget he's just a kid, likely on his first bike...

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Just remember, not all riders are educated when it comes to riding with proper gear. Not all riders are educated enough to ride out on the streets either. But they still do and this is an example of what happens to riders who they think they know it all and think that nothing can happen.

Obviously this rider failed to understand the consequences of riding without the proper gear, but I'm sure he knows now.

By the way, my number one fear riding a motorcycle; not Bambi but Wildlife in general just because they are so unpredictable. Cars are easy.
OMG! What a woose!

I take offence that someone said he screams more than a girl - girls wouldnt' even carry on like that :rof:

Glad he was ok, but, seriously,

"Help help help help help help help....."
I was trying so hard not to laugh :spank:

BTW, before i get flamed, I know how seriously injured he could have been, but he wasn't.

ATGATT - it helps :)
All that skiddin to a stop defffffinately lost some skin. :( Bones break, but skin loss sucks! Still no reason to waste your time screaming like that. Poor soul. I wonder what mommy said to make it all better?
shesh guys i dont get the whole mommy thing... when i wrecked my bike i didn't call the police or anything cause the whole ambulance ride is around $2000 (****ty health insurance) i called my mom and had her take me there since she lives 10 min from my house...

This is probably his first major wreck and with a broken leg he was in shocked and just screamed for help... didn't think to use his phone.. when i wrecked my bike the first time (no gear) i had major road rash was bleeding like crazy but just got up found my phone in the grass had people come up to me asking if i was fine then when i told em they said i could be a perfect fit for a zombie movie right now lol.
Now look, I think I read every post and no-one I REPEAT NO-ONE, has given a tinkers cuss about bambi


oh yeah there's not many tinkers in the world anymore and no one cusses anymore they swear.
and I bet we all think of bambi the way we do about errant dogs, wallabies, bush turkeys, badgers and wombats

Hey where can I get some sneakers like his, and what sort of phone was that, good reception in the woods.

why did we have to watch the first 5 or 6 minutes to get the bit of interest?
why did he not have some proper gear on ? why?
he learnt....the hard way ouch

Im being pretty mean, seriously I hope he ended up ok
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From my perspective it was a little disappointing to see his reaction.

I've had some HUGE offs, broken my patella (knee cap) into 9 pieces (and took a chunk off my femur and fibula) in one accident (ran up the back of a trayback utility that decided to swing around a car in front and stop) and I swear before you all, I tried to move and my knee hurt, I reached down and picked up a piece of my patella and said "I've fked it now" before getting up (as best I could with one good leg) and hobbled to the side of the road.

The best one was when I broke my hand, wrist and middle finger of my left hand.

Got a lift to the hospital from the scene, walked into the waiting room and told them. They didn't believe me and 11hrs later when the Radiologist said he was going home, I literally begged for him to x-ray me before he left.

The Nurse came in 30mins later and said "You've got three broken bones" to which I said "I know" (3hrs later I had pain relief when they bandaged my arm.....)


That last was from dodging a squirrel and hitting a rock wall! (shoulda taken my chances with him!)

This squid obviously has everything done for him - rather than check himself and get off the road - he just lay there screaming for help.

The strange thing was, it looked like the area was fairly uninhabited - so to whom was he screaming?

And as for the 'maybe no-one told him about gear' - if you've ever picked up a magazine or watched telly (or seen a leather clad Hog rider) then you would know.

If you've fallen off your pushy as a kid, and given yourself gravel-rash - then you would know.

Just a member of the 'It'll never happen to me' crowd - and that deer had other ideas.... (bloody good waste of venison right there!)

I wanna send this to my mom so bad but I'm afraid she'll just worry more.

Chicken soup can cure a lot of things, son, but that ankle is gonna needs some serious PT.
my number one fear riding a motorcycle; not Bambi but Wildlife in general just because they are so unpredictable. Cars are easy.

+1! What's worse.. most of the roads I ride look just like that.. lots of trees and varying light conditions. Very hard to spot those effers :(
I agree on the gear, but to be honest I would say 90% of motorcyclists don't wear more than he was. I wouldn't consider him a squid because of his attire at least he didn't have flip flops on and he had a shirt on. It didn't look like he was speeding and it looked to me like he was very aware of his surroundings. I don't think anyone would have been able to avoid that deer. As far as what he did after he hit the ground everyone reacts to things differently. It said his shoulder and ankle were messed up pretty bad, it is possible he wasn't able to move himself. I used to race motocross, the rear tire got taken out and my foot planted but my body twisted. The weak link was me knee. I went down and it cause my knee to twist and I tore the meniscus in my knee. I was able to get back up with my right leg but the second I moved the left leg I passed out and hit the ground. He is obviously young, so mom was his first thought. He didn't really do anything wrong. Its very possible he felt every bit of pain. If he was like half of the people I went to high school with his mom still lays out his clothes for him. I don't find pain funny regardless of what else is around it. And the comment of be a man. Really..... Those comments remind me of the tools that walked around high school talking about how big their member was, but couldn't figure out why they couldn't get a date...
Does anyone use those deer whistles? Do they even work?

I had one on my scion XB. It was a double barrel and the holes went all the way through. Not sure if it worked or I just got lucky. But in 113,000 miles and 4 1/2 years I never once had a deer run out in front of me. I drive all times of the day. Early in the morning and late at night.
If you were riding without a license or insurance on a public roadway you would probably call mom before the police too.

****ing deer have to be my biggest fear when riding. They are the only obstacle that actually TRIES to hit you.