Rear tire Blowout + corner at speed = Down Quick


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Jan 14, 2008
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San Antonio, TX
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Sat night (11/14/09) heading to work around 10pm was taking a 40degree corner going under a overpass at about 55mph. Just before the apex I felt the rear tire get really heavy and the rear is really uneven and wobbled. A fraction of a second later I'm doing the superman down the road watching my bike sliding and sparking in front of me. ATGATT!!! I've been down enough to know I was going to be fine, almost fun actually.. but as I watched my bike slide, my first thought wasn't oh man I hope I don't get it.. it was "Oh.. that's going to be expensive to fix." Maybe my priorities are a bit screwed up :tard: Had a cringing moment when the rear struck a arrow sign and spun the bike around. Took the sign clean out. The bike slid off the side into some ground up gravel/asphalt which probably caused the most scratching :(

After I stopped sliding I got out of the road quick like and picked the bike up. Picked up the pieces. I know there was no normal reason I should have gone down in that turn. I examined the road to try to determine wtf just happened. I couldn't find anything. Went to look the bike over, and couldn't figure it out. I saw the rim was fubared and was feeling when I saw the tear. Something sliced a nice line mid-corner out of my tire. Instantly deflated. chit happens. I have absoloutely no damage.. not even road rash. My jacket got a bit chewed up and my gloves are toast. Here's the damage.. looking at around $450 in repairs if I go silver. Red plastics are way too expensive. Was getting near the end of life for the tires so I don't include those in the repair cost.

LSL frame sliders rock btw. I'm not sure how.. but the right side one finally snapped off. It's been bent for awhile finally gave up. Probably energy transfer from the impact. No damage to the frame fortunatly that I can see anyway. Sliders Lasted ~6 downs. The front tire is worn sideways where it slid along in the turn.. picture doesn't show it that well I guess.

Since the rim was totally screwed, I got back on the bike and limped it about 4miles the rest of the way to work. I still wasn't late :thumbup: That's one way to impress the boss. Figured I can call in now and they'll never question it hahah. All in all, just another day in motorcycling.
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I've been neglicting the chain because I have new sprockets/chain on order. :spank: 32k miles on that chain it's going to be a bit rough :thumbup:
I've been down enough to know I was going to be fine, almost fun actually..

Maybe my priorities are a bit screwed up

... Sliders Lasted ~6 downs.

All in all, just another day in motorcycling.

Umm... yea...

Glad you made it ok. :) Geesh.
Glad your OK... $450 sounds a bit low to me to get it all fixed up, but good luck with it all!

I'd call my insurance and would let them deal with it... especially if you've gone down half a dozen times already without having a pro look the bike over...
I'm glad you're ok man. But I have to know...
Why have you gone down 6 times? I mean, the tires look pretty squared off, and the edges are not all the way worn in, so you can't be railing that hard. Maybe it's time you took a look at your riding and figured out what's wrong before you end up in a guard rail, or under a car...
Not trying to be a Richard, just a little concerned that you're used to falling off your bike.
ATTGAT!!! glad to see your ok man. What sorta gear were you wearing? Always interested in hearing gear thats been crash tested.
Why have you gone down 6 times?

Over 3 years...
1. Brother knocked the bike over 2 days after I bought it
2. Sand/Gravel on a uphill right hand turn.. was like 10mph.
3. Wet smooth concreate comming out of a parking lot. Bike started sliding like the brakes where locked up.. IE hydroplaning on the stock pos tires.
4. Ford F-150 took me out making an illegal right hand turn while I was taking a protected left.
5. Lowside at the track due to oil from a earlier crash
6. This one..

Since I consider only 2 of them (#2 and #3) my fault, I think I'm doing ok.

What sorta gear were you wearing?

Joe Rocket Reactor Jacket with a Dainese Wave2 back protector
Joe Rocket Airforce Mesh short gloves
Setup Vision Boots
Tour Master Quest pants
Fulmer S1 Helmet
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Over 3 years...
1. Brother knocked the bike over 2 days after I bought it
2. Sand/Gravel on a uphill right hand turn.. was like 10mph.
3. Wet smooth concreate comming out of a parking lot. Bike started sliding like the brakes where locked up.. IE hydroplaning on the stock pos tires.
4. Ford F-150 took me out making an illegal right hand turn while I was taking a protected left.
5. Lowside at the track due to oil from a earlier crash
6. This one..

Since I consider only 2 of them (#2 and #3) my fault, I think I'm doing ok.


So it was really more, "the bike has been over/onto the sliders six times, 5 of which, I was on it." or something like that. (I was wondering the same thing, too. I like to think that we all just care which is why we're askin'... :hug:)

It's interesting that, on the side where the slider broke off, there's no apparent damage to the frame there. Or was the sliding happening on the other side of the bike? <dumb question, just looked at the pics again, bike slid on its left side, broken slider was on the right...>

How many miles on those tires?

This is a good reminder to give the tires a visual once-over before a ride. Though who's to say when yours got cut like that. Did you go back and take a look for debris that might have caused the cut?

Sorry about the event, that sucks. Glad you're ok.
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Glad you're OK!!!

After reading the story before scrolling down to see the pics - the bike doesn't look too bad, but everything's relative.
Glad your's always look worse than they actually are, after a crash, usually!

Good luck with the repair job....sounds like your due for some decent luck anyway.

Take care dude, that kind of thing can happen to anyone. I personally have noticed our roads are covered in all sorts of garbage at the moment.
Might be something to do with a building boom in houses going on in Australia just now. Tradeys (tardes people) with trucks full of metal and garbage that always ends up on the road.

Bailey Balwark
So sorry dude. Great that you're okay! Man, if the sign did that to your rim, your bike really took a wallop after it was already down and sliding for home!
Humping your bike to work afterwards??? You are a SAVAGE!!! Nice job... If youre gonna take a spill you do it with style... Good to hear youre still kicken
Man Ed. I'm glad YOU are okay. That sucks. I hope you can find the parts and pieces to get her back on the road soon.

Just so you guys know, Ed is very good rider, smooth, safe and pulls wicked wheelies. He rides everyday as the FZ is how he gets around, rain or shine, freezing or 110 degrees. He'll hop on his bike and zip up from San Antonio to Austin like it is nothing. Ed is a true road warrior and knows how to ride. Great guy to.
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Glad to hear that you're okay as well. This really points to the importance of safety equipment, even gloves. Take care and I wish you the best with the bike.:Sport: