Why dont they wear gear??


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2011
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San Diego
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By "they" I mean chp or bike cops and cruiser riders.

My gf asked me the other day, why i tell her to wear all this gear and harley guys and bike cops wear nothing but a helmet.

I had no answer for her LOL. I just said its because they dont ride as aggressively as a sport bike rider does so they have less of a chance of slipping out. She said but they still lean just as much around corners. I said well maybe they have never been in an accident and just dont know what its like to get scrubbed with steel wool in an open wound with no pain killers :eek:

So i ask all of you veterans, why do they wear half helmets and no gear, especially chp cops?
I would go with the fact that they aren't required to wear it, they still need quick access to their stuff, and they have to maintain an "image".

Furthermore, the full face helmet makes people think they're more "mean". So most places in the US make them wear 3/4 helmets.

As far as Harley riders... Well, see my "image" comment and then look up "retard". Or they think that since they "only" ride on weekends, they'll never wreck.

"But it's hot..." I can take a shower, I can't replace skin.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in3_aJbpkA0&feature=player_detailpage]‪Southwest Police Motorcycle Competition 09‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

When you are this goooooooood! LOL Really...AGATT!
That makes sense with the chp. I couldnt find any info on it, but im curious how many cops have lost their bikes in a turn like us or been in an accident where gear might have saved them.
Generally, most police departments have the highest fatality rates in the motorcycle cop department. That includes SWAT.

I guess that's a pretty telling statistic. Cops generally have the "it won't happen to me" mentality. I guess you'd have to, to work that job. So, motorcycle cops make more money, and usually have better hours. And they can volunteer to work motorcade stuff and make even more money.
But several places make armored police uniform type gear, that won't interfere with gun/equipment access or a armored vest. Why more don't use it is probably because they'd have to pay for it themselves, or it would be hotter.
Story I've always heard is that moto cop uniforms are based on mounted (horse) uniforms.

Seems incongruous at best, dangerous at worst.

The public image / visible face argument can be negated by a modular lid.
in the uk the police wear all the gear, leathers trousers, full face helmets etc, as well as high vis and white helmets

i know in france the police were complaining that they had to wear their uniform and it was unsafe, not sure if that's changed now
Yeah. I didn't say the arguments were good. But that's the usual consensus. There's probably some American macho-ism in that too.
Wow! Well Brittany says it pretty well. Rock The Gear

The next time you, Lisa and I are together we'll talk about my own personal experiences in the crash test dummy arena. Tell Lisa, No! Cruisers don't lean like sport bikes. But that is really beside the point. I don't like supporting the negative aspects of riding but I whole heartedly support wearing all the gear all the time. No if's ands, or buts about it.

You have to rock your gear!!!

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By "they" I mean chp or bike cops and cruiser riders.

My gf asked me the other day, why i tell her to wear all this gear and harley guys and bike cops wear nothing but a helmet.

I had no answer for her LOL. I just said its because they dont ride as aggressively as a sport bike rider does so they have less of a chance of slipping out. She said but they still lean just as much around corners. I said well maybe they have never been in an accident and just dont know what its like to get scrubbed with steel wool in an open wound with no pain killers :eek:

So i ask all of you veterans, why do they wear half helmets and no gear, especially chp cops?

Motor officers for most departments, including mine, are a public relation tool. The command staffs want uniforms and faces to be as visible as possible. In full riding gear, this is not possible.
It's all about projecting a professional public image. :thumbup:

As far as Harley riders, well, because they're Harley riders.
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I have always thought it odd that modern police departments don't allow their motor officers to wear protective gear beyond the helmet, gloves and boots. If memory serves, beyond the PR aspect, I think many officers felt that they weren't as mobile and therefore able to run down suspects on foot in head-to-toe gear.

For my money I'd rather call in the helicopter and backup to chase someone down, than to be all rashed up in a crash.

Dude, I had forgotten about Brittany the Road Rash Queen. I had to stop re-reading her description of the crash's aftermath. I don't know if I could handle that kind of misery - skin grafts and skin injuries in general are extremely painful.

Gear up guys - it's OK to be sweaty and nasty. If you can't afford to be sweaty and nasty, you should take the bus or buy a cheap car.

As the saying goes, if it's too hot for leather, it's too hot to ride.
I think it is because most cops and Harley riders are to big to fit in those leather S&M outfits I see sport bike guys wearing...
I'm pretty sure they won't let you into Harley gangs if you wear gear. In fact some circles will shun you for wearing a sleeved shirt!:spank:
From what I see today their has been a change in Harley riders, I see slot of them with full face helmets now, i guess the word got out about but still no gear, my In laws claim it's to hot and they don't drive that fast. I have try to change their way of thinking but it's just a Harley thing I guess. Plus they never really lean and rather take hwy then curvy rds