Why dont they wear gear??

From what I see today their has been a change in Harley riders, I see slot of them with full face helmets now, i guess the word got out about but still no gear, my In laws claim it's to hot and they don't drive that fast. I have try to change their way of thinking but it's just a Harley thing I guess. Plus they never really lean and rather take hwy then curvy rds

while I will agree that most Harley and other cruiser riders don't ride as hard as many sport bike guys and therefor have a lower chance of wrecking in the twisties, their chance of getting hit in traffic is not lower and in fact their ability to avoid a collision with a car is lessened by the fact that it takes more distance to stop a 700lb cruiser and swerving is a bit less graceful than a 430 lb bike.
I know what u guys are saying but it's their way of thinking and I believe that's how most of Harley guys think. In the end it's their choice not mine. And your right about not being able to stop or avoid and accident. I wouldnt say I am a great rider but defy better then him and have been riding the same amount of time. Plus most if their family has harleys and they don't wear gear either and have been riding for 20+ years "I guess that's why they feel they don't need them". I wish I could change their mind but they won't listen to me. They only wear their gear when its cold outside :spank:
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Why can't they make gear that looks like the uniform and HAS all the necessary clips, pockets and belts to hold accessible gear? Most other police gear is custom, why stop at something so important?

Next time I have the chance, I'm going to ask the local moto-cop straight up. :thumbup: