What's your biker rage story? (mine from today)

Here's this nice video I've found of how a guy on a bike keeps his cool and remains polite.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paRWNZj1V5A]Polite road rage! - YouTube[/ame]
I was riding home from work, doing about 45 when some old guy in a pos k-body chevy pickup pulled halfway out into my lane before he saw me. My back tire was locking up (keeping it in controll feathering the front.) I pretty much came to a stop right passd his truck. I stared at him the whole half assed slide. I flipped up my visor and stopped in the middle of the rode and started yelling at this guy saying "are you f$&)ing kidding me? Are you that go&$$))( retarded? You dumb ol f&$$". You know the works. Well he started saying something, but I didn't have the want to, to listen to what the heck he was saying. So I flipped him the bird and took off. He caught up to me at a light and I got off and turned around. Now he was saying something through a cracked window. My know better kicked in and I shook my head, got back on the bike and rode off.

The guy looked left, right, but didn't look left again to pull out onto the street.

Some old people don't need to even drive.

We had a old couple who was told not to drive, they took off. Down the road. Old man fell asleep, hit a car head on and killed a little girl :(..... Think he went to jail? No...

Did you use your horn?

Remember it's your responsiblity to watch for any vehicles pulling out from any entry or exit point.

Did you use your horn?

Remember it's your responsiblity to watch for any vehicles pulling out from any entry or exit point.

Yes, but old people need to have their license exam retaken every 2 years.

Thank god, here in NYC I have not encountered a lot of them, but whenever I go to suburbs I see them every now and then. I stay clear of them as far as I can.

I know it's ageism and what not, but whatever lives are at risk.
No, your right. I didn't use the horn, bu I saw the guy sitting there and bam when I got about 25 meters he decided to try and jump me. As for the fact i skidded around him. A horn would not have done anything but make him aware that I was coming through his driver window.

Yes old people should get there driving examined more, before another one puts it in drive and not reverse and drives through the front of a store.
Not trying to be a smart ass, but some accidents cannot be avoided. IE drunk drivers, dumb old people ETC. based solely on the fact that I am competent in avoiding a situation. I did exactly what I felt I had to, to make it through that without ending up in a hospital bed.

Don't think that I think I am MR EXPERT, and there is always room for improvement. I have my classes under my belt to practice good habits. Even in ERC and MSRC it was stopping, and evading, but not a single horn used those days.

Your right, I will see about a aftermarket horn while trying to make everyone aware (aside from my exhaust) of my presence on the road.

Look twice, save a life!
No, your right. I didn't use the horn, bu I saw the guy sitting there and bam when I got about 25 meters he decided to try and jump me. As for the fact i skidded around him. A horn would not have done anything but make him aware that I was coming through his driver window.

Yes old people should get there driving examined more, before another one puts it in drive and not reverse and drives through the front of a store.

That's the difference between you and me in traffic. I would have had the horn covered after seeing the guy there, he is an immediate threat and I maybe even would have applied the horn, or I would have adjusted my position if I could. I do all three of the above often, I do not give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

For example, if I am zipping by vehicles lined up in the left hand turn lane and I am in the immediate travel lane, my horn is covered and I always adjust my lane position to either the next lane over or towards the very right side within my lane. I don't want anyone changing their mind the very last minute and pull out of the left turn lane and continue on going straight when there is a green light for the traffic going straight.

Sounds like all of you are giving way too much trust to other drivers.
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