Went for a ride yesterday...now I need some help

Oh man what a lousy end to the ride, glad your dad is ok, and YAY for frame sliders!!!

I dropped my dad's bike once, so always wondering when he'll return the favour!! :BLAA:

You could fix it up cheap, nothing to badly damaged it seems, just unsightly. But if you take insurance, depends on their terms, you could fix some stuff, and maybe have change to do the rest?

Either way, good luck.
Thanks for all the responses guys. I decided to price out all the parts that are damaged just to see what we're looking at. Bikebandit.com is about $1,603 with the majority of that coming from a blue front fairing and the blue fuel tank (slightly over $1k right there).

I'm going to tell my dad about my findings and see if that changes his mind about declaring it on his insurance. We'd have to see what the increase in premium would be to determine whether or not it would be worthwhile or we should still just go out of pocket.

Thank you very much FZ1inNH for looking up those parts for me. It seems there is a good probability of getting most of the parts used for relatively cheap if I'm patient. I'm just hoping I can find a used blue front fairing and blue fuel tank in good condition to save a bunch more.

I'll keep you guys posted when I take it to the shop. I'll let you know what they say. I'm sure they'll quote me well north of $2k after their markup on parts + their labor. I think I could replace most of this stuff myself, but I'd like to get the bike looked at just to make sure it's safe to ride.

It looks like I might be out of a ride for a little longer than I had hoped after finding out how much this will likely run us. Like all of you have said, the bike can be fixed/replaced but my dad can't. I'm just glad he wasn't hurt more severely. He's a stubborn, tough old man, and he's been resistant to getting checked out. But I think his shoulder and wrist are causing him enough pain that he'll head to the hospital sometime in the next few days to get checked out.
It is sad that such a great day ended like this, it is very good that both of you are taking it calm and even if upsetting, it is so good that you both had a great time.

Bottom line, a bike is a bike and money could get you even a brand new model, that will never be the case with a person.

Make sure your Dad gets properly check by a doctor, sometimes things might not look serious at all but a minimal injury could potentially get complicated or bring problems on the long run.

It is very wise and nice of your part to spend quality time with your Dad (too bad this one back fired!!!). We take it for granted and as life goes so fast, they will always be our dads and we'll always be their kids. As we were much younger, their lives were dedicated to us. Unfortunately, it is very common that as they (we too) get older, our lives are not as dedicated to them, when even a phone call would make them so happy but we're too busy for that.

Hang in there an best of luck.
It is sad that such a great day ended like this, it is very good that both of you are taking it calm and even if upsetting, it is so good that you both had a great time.

Bottom line, a bike is a bike and money could get you even a brand new model, that will never be the case with a person.

Make sure your Dad gets properly check by a doctor, sometimes things might not look serious at all but a minimal injury could potentially get complicated or bring problems on the long run.

It is very wise and nice of your part to spend quality time with your Dad (too bad this one back fired!!!). We take it for granted and as life goes so fast, they will always be our dads and we'll always be their kids. As we were much younger, their lives were dedicated to us. Unfortunately, it is very common that as they (we too) get older, our lives are not as dedicated to them, when even a phone call would make them so happy but we're too busy for that.

Hang in there an best of luck.

Thanks. These were kind of my thoughts as well. I know I was a difficult teenager. Never really much of a troublemaker but I know I wasn't always pleasant and definitely took for granted all the things they've given me and done for me. I've been trying my best to be a better son lately and it's really paid off in more ways than I can explain. I realize our time on this earth is limited, and as I grow older each year, it seems to pass by faster and faster. I don't want to look back and have any regrets about not spending more time with my family. I really wish I could afford to pay for most of the damage even though it wasn't my fault. None of my friends understand this sentiment. But I don't want this to cause any more tension between my mom and dad than it already has. The additional cost is one more thing for my mom to be upset with my dad about. If I could lighten the burden, it would be better for everyone. It's just too bad that I don't have the money to do it at the moment. I might hold off a little while on getting it fixed until I can pay a good portion of it because I know my parents wouldn't let me pay them back for fixing any of it.
I'd suggest letting your dad's insurance pay for the repair.... if you want to take some of the 'sting' out of it, pay his deductible. all depends on who's insurance is better able to deal with it.

As someone else said, you really need to find out what sort of effect a crash would have on your rates, before you decide to avoid ins altogether. If it doesn't change your rates, it's the whole reason you have insurance in the first place, right? All of the riding gear needs replacing, too..... that's easily another $600-1000, right? (retail?)

As you were not riding it, how can you be at fault?

If your dad needs to go to PT, or surgery (knocks on wood) the financial consequences can mushroom quite nastily. Far better to have a claim in place, methinks.

Worst case, your rates go up. Even if they doubled, you'd be better off once you go 'big picture' on all the associated costs. As I said, I don't believe your personal rates would be affected, as you were not the operator. Dad is a licensed operator and simply lost the fight with gravity. You are not at fault for that.

At least make the call, and explore the idea. "Hypothetically speaking......"
Fortunately, my dad was wearing all the gear!

First of all,- glad your dad is relatively OK(Any crash you can walk away from is a good crash), and so sorry about the bike.

Second of all,- as I read your description, your dad was NOT wearing all the gear!!
Riding pants (with protection pads) and Riding boots are missing ......
On top of that a turtle shield is also a part of ATGATT.
Also glad to hear your dad's ok....

I bought my 07 with similar right side damage. Yours has slightly more damage than mine did. The headlight assembly tends to tear off the plastic mounting tabs (that you can't see until its apart) and the main fairing support (bolts to the front of the frame) tends to bend easily. If you look straight forward while on the bike you'll probably see the nose twisted upward on the left. You'll need that main support most likely.

My parts were in excess of $1300, I did all the labor myself. Yours will be closer to $1,500- 2K in factory parts. If your halfways mechanically inclined, you can do the repairs yourself.
I'd suggest letting your dad's insurance pay for the repair.... if you want to take some of the 'sting' out of it, pay his deductible. all depends on who's insurance is better able to deal with it.

As someone else said, you really need to find out what sort of effect a crash would have on your rates, before you decide to avoid ins altogether. If it doesn't change your rates, it's the whole reason you have insurance in the first place, right? All of the riding gear needs replacing, too..... that's easily another $600-1000, right? (retail?)

As you were not riding it, how can you be at fault?

If your dad needs to go to PT, or surgery (knocks on wood) the financial consequences can mushroom quite nastily. Far better to have a claim in place, methinks.

Worst case, your rates go up. Even if they doubled, you'd be better off once you go 'big picture' on all the associated costs. As I said, I don't believe your personal rates would be affected, as you were not the operator. Dad is a licensed operator and simply lost the fight with gravity. You are not at fault for that.

At least make the call, and explore the idea. "Hypothetically speaking......"

Good points. I guess it's worth checking out and asking the insurance company. I didn't think I could call my insurance company and tell them that someone else was riding my bike and wrecked it, and that they would still cover it. I thought they would only do that if I wrecked it, because mine is the only name listed on the policy.

Thanks for the help as usual RJ!

If my rates double, they would be at $2000/yr. In 2 years I would have paid the cost of the repair in additional insurance premiums.
On top of that a turtle shield is also a part of ATGATT.

Turtle shield?
Turtle shield?

It comes down to whether your policy allows you to give permission to other riders, or if your dad's covers any vehicle he operates.

Like I said, it really comes down to how much you would be dinged on the rates. Insurance is not just legal theft of your money for permission to use the roads. Seems like a real need, and an intelligent use of the services you have already paid for.
If you are short on $$ I would replace the peg, mirror, rear plastics with used and try to salvage the tank and front fairing. Some sandpaper and flat black paint might fix up some of the smaller details like scratched controls and stuff. Perhaps a PDR technician can fix the tank (at least dentwise) I would think it would be pretty easy for them to do. Paint may not be perfect but slap a couple stickers on and you are all set. :D
You reckon? I think they had zero effect.

looks like they did protect the chassis and engine cases. I don't know how else you'd protect those upper plastics...short of a "stunt cage". :thumbup:

I have to agree with tuningfork. I think the chassis and engine parts would have been scratched up pretty badly if it weren't for the frame sliders.

Thanks again RJ. You've made some good points and I'm definitely going to give the insurance a serious consideration. I think my dad's does cover him on any vehicle he operates. Not sure if mine would cover another operator though. Looks like I've got some phone calls to make when I get home.
FWIW, my insurance went up $5/month after I totaled my first FZ6. I used the insurance money to buy the exact same model (used). All I told them was that a small animal ran under my tire and made me crash.

I can't imagine your rates would double after an accident... you pay for insurance specifically for the situation you are in now, and if the fact that it's your dad who was riding it is an issue, I'd tell them I was riding and a squirrel ran under my tire and made me crash mid-corner.
Why would your rates be jacked up (doubled/tripled or what not) in such a case? it was an accident and you weren't at fault!