Venting about work


I'm a girl dammit!
Premium Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Cape Cod
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I am happy to have my job, and for the most part I love the people and what I do.. although it is slow and I get a bit bored. I have respect for everyone I work with except this one guy who since he started has nickled and dimed this place since he is so cheap. He conducts all of his personal affairs here... showers, (using another co-workers shampoo and soaps) phone (has even family members call in on the 800 number) and has eaten our food time and time again without ever asking, and if you do ask, he lies right to your face and says he did not eat it. He also uses the internet completely inappropriately. He is constantly sucking up to my boss, and my boss just thinks he is an odd duck even though this guy steals from us. We have to lock everything up, our coffee, filters, light bulbs etc. We(me and 2 other girls) started cleaning the office to save on expenses, and one day I was vacuuming under his desk, and I accidentally sucked up a shopping bag. I pulled it out of the vacuum and it spilled open.. trash bags... 6-7 new trash bags I presume he was taking home with him that weekend. Our office manager is aware of all of this, but doesn't tell our boss.. He should be fired, but no one will do a thing.. and I always go through fazes of not letting it bother me, but this guy is the scum of the earth.

Thanks for listening!

Sorry to hear that - it makes it difficult to go to work. If your boss knows what is going on there's really not much that can be done - the only thing you can do is to refuse to let him get to you. That being said, I would bake brownies with exlax and put them in the fridge :)
Or 'chocolate chunk' cookies hehe

It is amazing how much better you feel just typing it out
Oh, and another thing he has done that I had proof of (I am network admin) he set up a date from a match site, and said he was taking a prospect out to lunch.. and billed the company for it. He even added this woman's name and address into our database to make it look better. I am not perfect but I don't steal, lie or cheat... this guy is a narcissistic jerk.
You need to put his profile on a gay dating site and then mail a copy to his house, no not really, but damn, just once...

Good luck, he'll get tossed.
I'd be doing some rude things to various foods and let him have his way. The exlax is a classic. Try some of the raw habeneros inside a treat. Put worms into a sub sandwich. A few beetles inside a cupcake... make him rethink what he is going to steal. Just don't eat anything you put in there later as he may turn the tide on you.

Start bringing food in a soft cooler that doesn't leave your sight.

Set up a networked camera to record the fridge and make it obvious that this is being monitored.

It's a damned shame that you have to do ANY of this Deb. Even worse that no one will step up and do anything about it who sits with authority.
In some companies, if a person is aware of wrong doing and fails to report it, it is just as bad as the actual act.

I had an inspector using the internet at work to look at some "questionable" pictures. Since it was happening in my quality lab, I was called in to answer some questions in front of some VPs and stock holders. That was not a nice day. I got a verbal reprimand and kept my job, the inspector was let go shortly afterwards.

Best advice, cover your a$$ and report the wrongful acts. And get it in writing if you can. Never fails to look out for yourself.
Oh believe me, I have reported it. and my butt is covered... it just sucks that everyone else here is so ethical.. and this one guy isn't and no one wants to rock the boat. I'd have fired his a$$ years ago.. I don't know why anyone wants to keep this mooch on board. I have come close to telling my boss directly, but as I broached the subject and said his name, my boss said, he is an odd duck.. but he is harmless.. so I just had to stop. My other problem is that I care for my boss and this guy is shi**ing on him and it makes me angry. Oh well.. it is what it is and I am going on vacation tomorrow so I will be a week with out it :) maybe when I return he will have a new job somewhere. At least I am an optimist hehe
If i was going to ensure that someone got their deserts... I'd make that their work email address was subscribed to as many gay porn sites as possible (the ones that send gay porn via email).

Of course it's not nice, but imagine when his email inbox was full and someone from your IT Department went around on a security spot check? Pretty sure it'd be breach of company policy.

Of course if your company uses NAT for a single IP for people surfing etc, it would hide the evidence nicely, even if the gay porn sites told him which IP address subscribed for him when trying to defend himself against subscribing to gay porn from work.

In saying that I'm a nice person, so wouldn't do that sort of thing.... would be funny to watch unfold thogh :rockon: