Unknown Problem


May 4, 2008
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Grants Pass, Oregon
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Ok, so here is what happend. I did the headlight mod about 2 weeks ago. The bike has been running fine since then, with no problems. I rode the bike all last week to and from work which is about 30 miles away. Saturday i didn't ride because it was 102 degress outside. Today, i got on the bike, started it up and rode to the gas station. Got gas and then the bike would not start for nothing. I tried to jump it, nothing. I took the bike to the nearest autozone store...on the other side of the parking lot, took out the battery and them charge the battery. After about an hour and a half, i took the battery and put it back into the bike. It started, and drove it straight home.

When i put it onto the charger the volts read 11.15 and when i took it off the charger it read 12.15 and it declining fast to 12.10 when i took the meter off.

Any Ideas?:thumbup:
how old is the battery, may be its time. May have a dodgey cell. Did by any chance see what amperage the mod to the lights was drawing, and if the battery has been getting enough since. Many reasons why, will have to work through and play elimination.
I think it's a 2008, so probably not that old. Perhaps your battery sat on the showroom floor for a long time or was never properly charged to begin with. In any event, no better time to get familiar with push starting you bike!
how old is the battery, may be its time. May have a dodgey cell. Did by any chance see what amperage the mod to the lights was drawing, and if the battery has been getting enough since. Many reasons why, will have to work through and play elimination.

Nope, It has seemed to run fine for the two weeks since it was done. I will but a meter on it tonight. The mod was done weeks ago and everything seemed to work fine since then. Not problems until today.
I bet you got a bad cell in the battery. I had one, dealer replaced it no questions asked. The voltage should hold steady around 12V. It should stay there for days.
Yes 12.7v to be exact.

New means new. It does not mean good. LOL its funny but true. Just cause they send you a new whatever doesnt mean it works.
yeah, I hate YUSA batteries cause out of 300 plus bikes I've sold (scooters) I've had to replace at least 25 that were crap from new...
Ok, so i hooked up a meter today, and here are the readings.

11.65 off
11.80 running (reved up)

have not had any problems yet.

Okay, that's too low. I think you're heading back to an autozone store soon.

Yuasa has a technical manual I think people need to read. Our batteries are the "sealed VRLA" type which require different care than the conventional car battery. One wrong charge or improper maintenance of the battery means an early death.

Yuasa Technical Manual

These batteries can't be junk otherwise there should be a recall on them. People, what are you doing to your batteries?
I bought the bike at the first of the month. No problems since then, and all of a sudden the battery died. One day everything worked fine, the next it started, drove down the road. got gas, then nothing. Autozone only trickled charged the battery enough so i could get home.
When running you should have more like 13.5-14.2V if you have less your battery is shut (probably cell or two shorted out) or there is no current coming from generator.
Better digital meter could easily measure current leakage (if any) when bike is shut down and charging current (20A range) when engine is running.

By the way biker_dude43 nice manual. You can't find something like that easily, thanks!

you guys need practice, it's an artform, you have to get it rolling at least 14mph preferably on a slope, put it in second and let the clutch out till it starts grabbing then release and prepare to ride it out or pull the clutch back in to stop you... I've done it on the DRZ plenty of times so trust me, you get use to it.
Aside from jump starting a bike main thing is to troubleshoot is it just bad battery or bad charging system? If you are close to the dealer go there and they'll know the answer in 10 minutes.

Just got it back from the dealer....they said the battery is holding its charge. and the charging system is working fine. I ask them about what type of volts it is supposed to put out, they said that the bikes charging system is designed to trickle charge the bike's battery, not jump up high in volts. That way the battery lasts longer.
Just got it back from the dealer....they said the battery is holding its charge. and the charging system is working fine. I ask them about what type of volts it is supposed to put out, they said that the bikes charging system is designed to trickle charge the bike's battery, not jump up high in volts. That way the battery lasts longer.

I had a similar experience about a month or so back with my new 07. Oddly enough after the battery crapped out for the second time, I gave it a hard charge for 48 hours, have been monitoring the voltage since, and it's been fine for a month!

Hella weird if you ask me, but I'm still paranoid, checking the voltage before every ride (I installed direct battery leads and use a multimeter with that).