twisted ankles :(


The Toy Lady
Elite Member
Nov 13, 2007
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I'm sure somebody out there has had a twisted ankle before. Can ya tell me what to expect? I fell off my garden wall on Saturday :)tard:) & Dr. said it's not broken but bruised badly enough to have fluid on the joint? Whatever.
I'm kind of worried I won't be able to hold up the bike when I come to a stop. I'd love to have some feedback.........
Word of advice: give it enough time to heal. Don't try to push yourself by putting a lot of weight on it before it heals. I twisted my ankle pretty badly (I was running down the stairs and my left foot twisted sideways under all of my 180 lbs), X-rays did not show any broken bones, but I was given a sports cast that helped immobilize the ankle joint. Many years later, whilst rotating my ankle I can feel it "pop" slightly. It does not feel the way it did before I twisted it. Take it easy....
Ouch. I had a stage 3 sprain on the ankle (what the doctor called it) It felt like i broke it. when it first happened it swelled a little and was very painfull. Any kind of movement or anything touching it hurt bad. After a few days it balloned up. Couldnt even put a shoe on and it turned blue and green. Lasted a few weeks. Staying off of it made it better. Hope you get well
I passed my bike test on a badly twisted/sprained ankle due to the bike falling and catching my my ankle under the peg and rolling it completely over with the bike on it. I was practicing before the test.

But i still rode but made sure that i was tender on it. Not the best idea, but the bottom line is that you know your body the best and only you can make the call..
:( Sorry to hear about that.

I think you should just kick back and let it heal. Keep your foot elevated and ice it. If you don't, it could prolonge the healing process. That's just my .02 :D
:( Sorry to hear about that.

I think you should just kick back and let it heal. Keep your foot elevated and ice it. If you don't, it could prolonge the healing process. That's just my .02 :D

have your wife bring you beers all night... it hurts too much for you to go to the fridge on your own.... right...:rockon:
:( Sorry to hear about that.

I think you should just kick back and let it heal. Keep your foot elevated and ice it. If you don't, it could prolonge the healing process. That's just my .02 :D

thanks, been doing that....that's why I put so much time into Wavex's little game. I just sat here with my little ice pack listening to old theme songs :rockon:
if your doc allows... take Advil and ice it while elevated.....

you want the anti-inflammatory effects of the ibuprofen -- not aspirin or neproxin

do not rush it.... keep up the ice and advil

you will be fine:rockon:
oops... have your hubby bring them to you then...

I assumed and you know what happens when i assume... I make an.....:scared:

I don't drink beer......and my husband is on his annual Father's Day trip with our son. They went north thru Wyoming, west to Idaho, into Washington, down to Oregon, then to the California coast for a day, east thru Nevada and they are currently in Grand Junction. They'll be home tomorrow.
And No offence taken.....(but dude look at my avatar)
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I don't drink beer......and my husband is on his annual Father's Day trip with our son. They went north thru Wyoming, west to Idaho, into Washington, down to Oregon, then to the California coast for a day, east thru Nevada and they are currently in Grand Junction. They'll be home tomorrow.
And No offence taken.....(but dude look at my avatar)

sorry, avatar is a bit small, is that an angel doll made out of a doily type of thing? not trying to be a jerk, but i just can't make it out
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sorry, avatar is a bit small, is that an angle doll made out of a doily type of thing? not trying to be a jerk, but i just can't make it out

LOL @ Rob

I'm not sure what it is either. BTW....what is your name, lytehouse?
if its been over 24 hours dont bother with ice it wont help anything. heat it to loosen the muscles and alow the blood to flow better alowing for a faster healing time. ice is to reduce swelling and swelling does not continue after 24 hours. and a sprain sucks it will hurt but u wont hurt it any more by riding.
I'm sure somebody out there has had a twisted ankle before. Can ya tell me what to expect? I fell off my garden wall on Saturday :)tard:) & Dr. said it's not broken but bruised badly enough to have fluid on the joint? Whatever.
I'm kind of worried I won't be able to hold up the bike when I come to a stop. I'd love to have some feedback.........
Information obtained from
-Management of Ankle Sprains
Lewis-Gale Clinic, Salem, Virginia
TIM L. UHL, PH.D., A.T.-C., P.T., and CARL G. MATTACOLA, PH.D, A.T.-C.
University of Kentucky College of Allied Health Professions, Lexington, Kentucky
Hughston Clinic, Columbus, Georgia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Signs and symptoms

I: partial tear of a ligament Mild tenderness and swelling
Slight or no functional loss (i.e., patient is able to bear weight and ambulate with minimal pain)
No mechanical instability (negative clinical stress examination)
II: incomplete tear of a ligament, with moderate functional impairment Moderate pain and swelling
Mild to moderate ecchymosis
Tenderness over involved structures
Some loss of motion and function (i.e., patient has pain with weight-bearing and ambulation)
Mild to moderate instability (mild unilateral positivity of clinical stress examination)
III: complete tear and loss of integrity of a ligament Severe swelling (more than 4 cm about the fibula)
Severe ecchymosis
Loss of function and motion (i.e., patient is unable to bear weight or ambulate)
Mechanical instability (moderate to severe positivity of clinical stress examination)

Ankle sprains are probably in the top 5 of presenting complaints to Emergency departments. The mechanism of injury pattern is usually caused by inversion of the foot (common) or ever eversion (less common) Often there is no need to x-ray the ankle as universally a set of diagnostic rules are followed called the "Ottawa rules" (thanks Canada). These simple rules have a very good sensitivity for identifying fractures (broken bones). Often the patient will disbelieve the doctor when they are told an x-ray is not required. Sprains can also be under estimated as they cause a large degree of discomfort and reduced mobility.
Depending on the degree of spray depends on the level of treatment. Broadly speaking there is now a general consensus that RICE along with early mobilisation of the joint offer quicker recovery times and fewer longterm complications (even with a grade III sprain). It may take several months for a sprain to fully recover.
rsw81 will be able to give further advice on this subject.

Good luck

it is an angel...I make them out of linen, just few stitches here & there, a little cutting, a few more stitches, and Bingo! It's a form of needlework adapted from Norway, I think, called hardanger. My other hobby.
And thanks to everyone for the input. :cheer:
Brenda (lytehouse)
I can't really add anything new as far as treatment of the ankle, but I'd give it a day or two and reevaluate , then probably ride anyway. I can't make out the avatar either, but looked at your profile and noticed your occupation, ever go to Pawtucket?, if you do, I'm 1/2 hour away, always looking to meet members, just let me know. Hope the ankle heals quickly