tire blow out and wreck!

Option #2: I think some shops can restore the rim to original shape?

IMO it's not worth the liability when a $100 or less can get you good used wheel.

These tires are pretty darned indestructible. Worst I've seen over the years was a puncture turned fast leak. Never really seen what I would call a "blow out". For me a blow out is rapid deflation with loss of sidewall and/or tread area.

Hope the you and bike are OK. . .
Something smells a little

Take the assembly off and lets have a look at that tire. I would quess you had a spill and slide the bike into the curb which caught the edge of the rim and the tire deflated.

Glad your OK though.
Option #2: I think some shops can restore the rim to original shape?

Aluminum rims are actually fairly brittle. The rim should be replaced, rather than bent back into shape IMHO. Even if a shop could tweak the lip back into position, there will almost certainly be a stress fracture in the crystalline structure of the metal. Those only get worse over time. Even a microscopic crack will allow moisture to enter the metal's surface, and cause corrosion internally. Cracks don't heal.

This is the same reason that insurance companies will NOT repair an aluminum frame.
I've fixed a few aluminum rims and even mine on my bike from getting over zealous during a tire change, plus im a metallurgist so i know a thing or two about metals. The problem with his rim is no that it's bent, but how far the material has stretched, it will be almost impossible to bring that back to its original shape with out removing material and if that is don it will make it damn near impossible to balance.
Thank you for all of your advice, I thoroughly examined the tire and the rim. I really cant find any big punctures or rips in the tire, I am starting to believe that maybe it just slipped like some of you had mentioned and the crash cause it to deflate. Initially I had assumed it blew just because of how slow I was going and just the way it felt on the bike. I went and checked out the crash site and sure enough the pavement I hit was super slick, as in the surface of a garage floor. So the tire may in fact be ok. I think I was just very pissed and pointing fingers.

So anyway I am in need of a new rim. Id rather replace it instead of trying to bend it back. Also filing an insurance claim I feel would be much more expensive than just paying out of pocket for a new rim. Someone had mentioned that I could use any rim as long as it is the same size, I have been under the impression that the center part of the rim that attaches to the swing arm is unique to the FZ6 am i wrong? Anyone know of any good place to get a used rim that fits?

Thanks again for all the help guys.
Thank you for all of your advice, I thoroughly examined the tire and the rim. I really cant find any big punctures or rips in the tire, I am starting to believe that maybe it just slipped like some of you had mentioned and the crash cause it to deflate. Initially I had assumed it blew just because of how slow I was going and just the way it felt on the bike. I went and checked out the crash site and sure enough the pavement I hit was super slick, as in the surface of a garage floor. So the tire may in fact be ok. I think I was just very pissed and pointing fingers.

So anyway I am in need of a new rim. Id rather replace it instead of trying to bend it back. Also filing an insurance claim I feel would be much more expensive than just paying out of pocket for a new rim. Someone had mentioned that I could use any rim as long as it is the same size, I have been under the impression that the center part of the rim that attaches to the swing arm is unique to the FZ6 am i wrong? Anyone know of any good place to get a used rim that fits?

Thanks again for all the help guys.

Damn, you're a real mensch for admitting all that. :thumbup:

I've trolled many motorcycle forums and this is the first instance of humility I've seen.
I, for one, appreciate your honesty Mate.

Hard to sit there and say "I stuffed up" and I applaud you for doing so.

Hopefully that '07 wheel is still available, and in good condition, for $150.

. . .

I myself was making some extremely poor decisions late one night and figured I'd go pick up some more, umm "drinks" and well leaving that gas station I romped on it a little as I was turning out and the rear tire lost traction like it was on glass and the bike slid right out from under me and stopped inches from a curb.

I've never got back on a bike "like that" again...

Thank you for all of your advice, I thoroughly examined the tire and the rim. I really cant find any big punctures or rips in the tire, I am starting to believe that maybe it just slipped like some of you had mentioned and the crash cause it to deflate. Initially I had assumed it blew just because of how slow I was going and just the way it felt on the bike. I went and checked out the crash site and sure enough the pavement I hit was super slick, as in the surface of a garage floor. So the tire may in fact be ok. I think I was just very pissed and pointing fingers.
. . . . . .

Thanks again for all the help guys.

Hats off to both of you for calling it like it is as sh!t happens and we move on being a bit wiser! So - lets move on and get a new rim under there!