The police?

dealt with the police

  • never been pulled over on the bike

    Votes: 220 74.3%
  • accident situation

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • this is my story

    Votes: 67 22.6%

  • Total voters
As for the house bill mentioned way earlier regarding random stops (ie. sobriety check points), been there, done that. These stops are gonna be around. No 4th amendment violation.

If I was actually trying to get somewhere I wouldn't have been happy about it, but I was just out for a ride to enjoy the weather -- stopping didn't bother me a bit.
Might be a little harsh, seems most are a$$hats though, but it is a stereotype and therefore cannot apply to every cop. Maybe some day you will meet a cop that is smoking hot and she just wants to put you in cuffs for fun.:D

always love a woman in uniform. so long that the feelings are mutualy good
I once got pulled over. I was late for work and I was stuck on a red light that just didn't want to turn green. :S

The red light was just before the intersection to get to the highway, so it was perfectly safe to pass the red light right onto the right lane. I checked my mirrors and surroundings, no sign of a cop or traffic. So I violated it.

After a couple of km's I saw a police cruiser speeding excessively on my middle lane, at first I thought they are after a criminal or something, so I moved to the right lane but they moved right behind me and pulled me over :(

Cop: You know how much the ticket is, right?
Me: No
Cop: 700 euros
Me: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat !? Thats how much I make in a month :mad:
Cop: Why did you do it?
Me: I was late for work. It's the 3rd time I'm late and can't risk to get fired, now with the crisis and all ... If I knew the fine, I wouldn't do it ... It's my first violation, you can go check your computer and see that I have no register ... o_O
Cop: (checked my papers - and then came back) I'm not going to write you a ticket, don't let me catch you again.

:D nice cop-guy ... He was maybe around 20 years young, with braces, lol
WOW, you really lucked out on that ticket. 700 EUROS, that is outrageous seems very excessive.

I can relate to issues with being on time to work. I had issues being on time to work when I was in the Air Force and did some really stupid things trying not to be late. So my advice is to re-assess your habits for not just being on time but early. That in its self will save you a lot of grief in the future. Once you make it a habit you won't have to worry about being late and your day will start much smoother.
i have a class b and m license and was going back to work from lunch when i saw the local dps weights and measures tahoe get behind me. when i put my blinker on to turn into the shop driveway he prawly thought i was trying to ditch him so he lit me up. as i stopped in the drive i saw the boss and coworkers look up and wonder wtf weights and measures, who has pulled over all the trucks BUT mine, was doing pulling me over on my bike in the shop drive. i was honest, he was a gentleman, a warning for exp. reg. and i was on my way, all 150 ft to the shop! took care of the reg two days later. good experience. :spank: keep yer tags current. :D
Only time I have been pulled over was with my Learners as well. Was out with my buddy going 55ish in a 45. Nighttime and at the time, didn't have mirrors yet because the guy I bought the bike from had taken them off (who knows why, the dude was an idiot with the bike). He had slowed WAY down only i didn't notice. I look behind to see where he is and there's a good ole po-po behind me. I look forward for about 10 secs and then he lights me up. I pull over and he said I was too close to the other lane (was going through a slight bend so I took the inside curve) and he had me doing 60. The guy knew nothing of motorcycle licensing so he had to consult with his buddies that also stopped by. I could have been booked for speeding, riding at night with a learners, and riding with a passenger with a learners (both illegal in IN). Being quick on my feet and realizing that he knew nothing of bikes, I said they didn't tell me any of that when I got my permit. Kinda gave me a questionable look and said I have way too much paperwork to deal with as is. Go home, take her home, and stay in for the night. :rockon: I literally asked him if I could give him a hug. Been careful ever since. :thumbup:
The only time I was ever pulled over, I had been riding for about a week, was going 20 in a 30 (speeding up from a stoplight) on my old Ninja 250 and got cut off by someone peeling out of a side street in a done-up old Civic. Cop pulled me over and asked what I thought I was doing riding so recklessly, etc, etc, basically being a total DB. I looked at him, said I had only been riding a short time, had neither the skill nor the gumption to ride like a maniac, and heck, I wasn't even sure if a bike could peel out, let alone a 250. I then told him he should probably find the civic, since they had cut me off, and I gave him a partial on the license plate.

Didn't even get a warning.

The only other time I was "stopped", a member of the group I was riding with got caught with no registration sticker, so it wasn't even me.
Got pulled over in a residential zone on the way to work 3 months ago, first time in a LONG time. I was doing about 10 over, and didn't know that they patrol that street often. He was on a side street, and had me. Pulled over into the next side street, killed the bike, side stand, helmet off, stayed seated. As he approached, I asked him how he would like me to proceed, ideally - "Would you rather me stay on the bike, dismount, etc?" I think he liked that I asked, because he gave a detailed answer and was very friendly. Ran my license, but it is out of state so it took a while. Meanwhile we were chatting, and when he saw how long it was taking, he gave up and said something like "I believe that you are current, and that you're not lying to me. I want you to go slower here. I'll be watching." And I do, every single morning. Nice guy.
don't think i've ever been pulled over by the police, but then i just remembered one occasion, way back before i had a bike licence

i was on easter island and had rented a quad bike, there's not really much in the way of roads there, and I was driving around with just a camo hat and sunglasses for ppe. Of course I wanted to see how fast the quad bike could go, so I was zooming around on it (not probably that fast in reality, maybe 100km/h).

On one of the main bits of road into the town the road was coned off and there was a roadside check, I'd spotted them a moment earlier so had slowed down. The policeman checked my licence (I knew he wouldn't understand what most of it meant, as I wasn't sure if i was allowed to ride quads on a car licence). He then asked me if I knew what the speed limit on the island was, "si, es 40 kilometros per hora". He then told me to be careful and let me go on my merry way :)
So this is my story. I was out for a beautiful Saturday Ride with some friends on Mullholland Highway....
I have seen countless videos on youtube of Mullholland Highway.....that looks like a biker haven. Lots of squids on that road too though.
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So here's my story, was on the way home from my girlfriends house about 2 in the morning thursday night, about three other cars on the road. I pull away from traffic lights onto a very long straight open stretch of road, two lanes either side and big gap in the middle, nothing around except the car behind me at the lights. So I open up and head off down the road, getting to about 140k on an 80k section, trying to get home that little bit quicker coz I'm tired. And what do you know halfway down the road the car behind me catches up, oh crap whats that, now its flashing blue lights at me, ****, pull in to the side hoping he is heading off to something else because it is an unmarked special task force car. Nope, he sticks behind me. Damn, I pull in switch the engine off and have the gloves and helmet off before the two Garda get to me. Conversation goes something like this

Me: Good evening Garda.
Garda 1: Evening, so do you know why we pulled you in?
Me: Eh I think I was going a little fast.....
Garda 1: How fast?
Me: Maybe 130 or so
Garda 1: Closer to 140.
Garda 2: May I see your licence please.
Me: Of course ( I hand it over)
Garda 1: How long have you had your full licence.
Me: 7 years
Garda: (Slightly taken aback since I'm only 25) Have you any record or ever been pulled over before.
Me: No I haven't garda.
Garda 2: Ok well, I know its late at night and there is no on else around but just keep it back a little more, you know around 100 is fine.
Garda 1: Yeah we'll let you go this time but the Traffic Corps division wouldn't be so nice. Safe home now and take it easy.
Me: I will garda, thank you, goodnight.
I was coming home after just buying my bike at 1 am in the morning (only time I could pick it up. He signed the title over earlier in the day). Noone is on the road, and I am ripping it going 37 in a 35. As I am coming up to a pretty big intersection, I have the green light, and keep going. Out of nowhere, a huge white van blazes past on the right, running the red. I slam on the brakes, lock up the rear, and barely avoid hitting the side of the van. As I come to a stop, I look to my left, to see the van going across a few lanes of traffic, and rolling into the gas station. I look both ways, again, noone else on the road, and proceed to pull into the gas station as well.

The lady that almost killed me is starting to fill up her tank, like nothing happened. I don't know whether to scream, approach calmly, or knock her out.

I approach calmly and say:

"You almost killed me..."
Her- "Oh yes, sorry about that. I was almost out of gas."
Me- "You. Almost. Killed. Me."
Her- "Just come and look at my gas gauge. It's on empty!"
Me- "So running out of gas is worse than killing a 21 year old kid?"
Her- "Really, I was almost out of gas. I am sure you understand!"
Me- "I am calling the cops..."

I then walk to the other side of the gas station, call the police, and am explaining the situation, she comes over, grabs onto my arm, and tries to yank me away, and wants to give me money. I told her to **** off, and not to touch me again.

Cops arrived in a few minutes. And luckily for me, the one was an avid biker. They issued her a few citations, and I have to show up to testify in court next month. I even got a compliment on my bike.. and a free bottle of chain lube! What a cool guy.
I had you a L O N G shortstory reply but when I sent it, it just suddenly dissolved into nothingness. (Sorry, though it was quite humorous, at least I thought so)
Let me just say this, in a nutshell: LEOs are like us: There are good ones, average ones, and bad ones.
What gets me is that like cagers, so many of them HATE US and really have an attitude when it comes to bikers. If they would scrutinize us the same as they do cagers everyone would be safer and happier.
For example:
There was a trooper who admittedly let several of us go after passing him at over 150 mph, yet yesterday a city cop tried to turn around and come after me after passing me as I (like about twenty cagers) was going only 4 mph over the limit - NOT WITHSTANDING the fact that I was in a long string of traffic with cars in front of me and cars right behind me . . . I was the one that stood out as a speeder to him!
I did get a ticket once for doing 110 mph in a 55 - which I deserved. (Can't blame a LEO for doing his job ; )
Been riding for 3 years now and was pulled over zero times year one, twice last year, and had one run in this year.

Last Year:

1. Was driving like a squid and had an NYPD highway patrol officer run me down in his charger on the Bruckner Expressway, proceed to tell me I was "driving like a d1ck" and then have me turn off my bike and literally walk it across the highway as he motioned traffic to stop. After telling me I need to slow it down amongst other things, and saying if he ever pulled me over again I would be in for it, he let me off with no tickets. I WAS driving like a d1ck, and this incident did slow me down considerably. Havnt ridden like that since.

2. Was pulled over by another NYPD highway officer for not using signals when changing lanes. Used to be very careless with my signal use on the highway but have since used them every single time. Another positive result from a run in wit the leo. After showing him that my signals did in fact work, he let me off without any tickets.

This Year:

Had several Ezpass issues (outlined in another thread) and subsequently out of anger rode around the toll gate several times on my way to work. Morning cop saw me do this three times and on the fourth attempt he blocked me in front of the toll and had a talking to me. After taking my credentials, he told me if he saw me do it again I would get a summons in the mail no questions asked. This time he let me off, though. Ezpass issue has been rectified, no trouble since.
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I was late for work last month and over took a lot of cars. I was doing between 50 and 90 over the limit. Got pulled by an unmarked car without any speed detecting gear. I apologized and ate humble pie. He said he didn't know how fast I was going and I was an idiot to which I agreed. He asked where I was going and I told him I was the Nurse in charge of the ED.
I was let off with a warning. Fair play to the Officer, I was sure I was going to get done. In the Republic of Ireland they can't currently endorse a UK License. I can get the fines though. Maybe this had something to do with it.
Needles to say I have been taking it very handy since.

Technically I've never been stopped. Three of us (mine: FZ6, both the others: CBR600RR) had turned onto a road where the limit was 55mph. The lead bike gets up to 70mph. The cop in the median turns on his overheads. We all pull over. Cop tells the lead bike to stay but the other two can go up to the next intersection and wait. Lead bike gets ticket for speeding.

BTW, I'm also a cop. I don't ride any different or have some magical halo over my helmet that gets me passes while riding or driving. I'm normally obeying traffic laws (speed laws sometimes are hard to obey). There are times where if I got stopped I should get a ticket. But it hasn't happened yet. Pull out the professional courtesy card? If I did something that would warrant being stopped then I deserve it. I wouldn't expect a pass on something that I would write a ticket to someone else for. I'm not a hypocrite.
If I did something that would warrant being stopped then I deserve it. I wouldn't expect a pass on something that I would write a ticket to someone else for. I'm not a hypocrite.

good on you for being fair minded - not using possible perks of the job, I respect that
It happened last Memorial day.
I drove from Delwater Gap on RT 80, it was sunny and really warm. When i was driving to home some car make an accident , so the cap stop all the traffic. Everybody stooped. lot of cars were on the shoulder ( me too). so i was second behind some another car. I turned off engine and i waited. after 15 min i took couple pictures, and i tried move my bike ( didn't start up just push ) forward. ( i saw some nice girl in the car before me...:p) so, i just pushed my bike like 2 feet and the State Cop comes to me and he started tell to me ( i don't know English very well so i said ok , ok, ok, ) and he wanted my DL, so i gave him, after 2 min he brought me 2 tickets, for incorrect passing on the right side, and dangerous driving ( somthing like this) what give me 7 points together .:( but this is just begin story, because before he gave me a tickets i took couple pictures where was the accident and where i was. when i back home i read the ticket and i found something really intertsting, on the ticket my bike to Green Kawasaki , but i have blue yamaha, so that is wired for me..:/ So i can not pay this ticket, but i need to go to the curt ( i checked on web). Does any body has same situation? I will be first time in my live in curt, i am scary.

i am sorry for not grammatical language.
It happened last Memorial day.
I drove from Delwater Gap on RT 80, it was sunny and really warm. When i was driving to home some car make an accident , so the cap stop all the traffic. Everybody stooped. lot of cars were on the shoulder ( me too). so i was second behind some another car. I turned off engine and i waited. after 15 min i took couple pictures, and i tried move my bike ( didn't start up just push ) forward. ( i saw some nice girl in the car before me...:p) so, i just pushed my bike like 2 feet and the State Cop comes to me and he started tell to me ( i don't know English very well so i said ok , ok, ok, ) and he wanted my DL, so i gave him, after 2 min he brought me 2 tickets, for incorrect passing on the right side, and dangerous driving ( somthing like this) what give me 7 points together .:( but this is just begin story, because before he gave me a tickets i took couple pictures where was the accident and where i was. when i back home i read the ticket and i found something really intertsting, on the ticket my bike to Green Kawasaki , but i have blue yamaha, so that is wired for me..:/ So i can not pay this ticket, but i need to go to the curt ( i checked on web). Does any body has same situation? I will be first time in my live in curt, i am scary.

i am sorry for not grammatical language.

I've had cops write me tickets before and they purposefully wrote down the wrong information so that in court it gets thrown out. Either the cop did that or you have the wrong tag on your bike.