The "Off Topic" thread...

Dodged a very big bullet last night.

Coming home from work, there is a 70 zone on a nice piece of dual carriageway between towns (NFI why its only 70), which further along turns into an 80 (still NFI why its still only 80!).

Anyway seeing ahead there was abit of lightning & sick of riding in the wet, wanted to get home ASAP. So through the 70 section in doing over 90, just as I got to the 80 zone im doing over 100.

I look in my mirror, get that awful feeling, see the flashing lights of an unmarked car gaining on me rapidly. So thinking the worst I start moving across to the gutter/kerb lane. The unmarked car flew straight past me :thumbup:
Dodged a very big bullet last night.

Coming home from work, there is a 70 zone on a nice piece of dual carriageway between towns (NFI why its only 70), which further along turns into an 80 (still NFI why its still only 80!).

Anyway seeing ahead there was abit of lightning & sick of riding in the wet, wanted to get home ASAP. So through the 70 section in doing over 90, just as I got to the 80 zone im doing over 100.

I look in my mirror, get that awful feeling, see the flashing lights of an unmarked car gaining on me rapidly. So thinking the worst I start moving across to the gutter/kerb lane. The unmarked car flew straight past me :thumbup:

Probably saw someone go through a yellow light.:thumbup:
I look in my mirror, get that awful feeling, see the flashing lights of an unmarked car gaining on me rapidly. So thinking the worst I start moving across to the gutter/kerb lane. The unmarked car flew straight past me :thumbup:

Was that before or after you turned off your bikes lights and did a jump off a ramp to get away, Tron style :p

BTW whats the moral of the story here :p
So the US buried Osama at Sea....well, the US buried Megatron at Sea....and we all know how that worked out! :D
Yes I do! What do you have on order?

This :D


Should be here today , they sent it Monday :thumbup:
Gotta say....where have all the Aussies gone??? Our section has been very lame for a few weeks now! Cmon people....get posting!!!! :(
Check this out.....from my gig last night....very very impressive Michael Jackson impersonator and dancers!

[ame=]YouTube - THRILLER[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - SMOOTH CRIMINAL[/ame]
