SoCal "Hoonapalooza" June 22 2013

Here's that suspicious spot on the road, captured by Google Maps...

Montezuma Valley Rd. - Weird

That's exactly the junk David hit as he was going through the corner. :eek:

Funny, I noticed that spot same afternoon and played (with boot sole) with it (was it with Nick watching?) but it didn't feel to be slick. I'm inclined it was an object or something else on the roadway. I imagine Wavex or somebody else here may take a harder look/study...:confused:

I'm just speculating but I don't think it was the slickness of the patch but the uneveness of the surface that may cause a tire at lean angle to break loose of its traction limits. Just my .01 worth... :confused:

Interestingly last night I was looking at a video of Cali rider, Wavex and I going down Montezuma Valley Rd.(Nicknamed,"The Glass Elevator") in Dec. 2009 Check the video at 1:14-15 That same spot was there in 2009. Maybe not slippery to your foot but the lateral force of your bike tire in the turn with that hot tarmac may have allowed the tire tires to move. All they have to move is a little and recovery can be very very hard if you have no room and hard stuff to hit.

I totally agree with David we have to be responsible and allow more room for anomalies.

Edit: As Cali rider pointed out very early on, that dark area at 1:14-15 also has a depression.You can see it when my bike hits it.

[ame=]Montezoomers.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
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I really did get tattoos for us all to commemorate Hoonapalooza 2013 and I think you should each have one. David, I will bring yours the next time I visit. For you other guys, I can mail yours to you if you pm your addy. Unless I'm going to see you next Tues with motojoe !

Where will you put yours? I'm looking forward to seeing pics - hahaha

Just went through most of this thread - boy am I glad David is relatively okay. Sacre bleu! :thumbup:

Glad to hear that everyone helped out a fallen brother to improve a situation that could have gone worse. Hope to ride with you all sometime soon...
