so I was running late....


Mad like crazy not angry
Dec 19, 2007
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Sarasota, FL
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On my way to school, my alarm hadn't been set. I wake up late, get dressed and head out. Not quite awake yet and totally unfocused, I realise that I am headed straight for a median's curbing. I panic, grab a handfull of front brake, feel the front wash out(lots of loose sand in the road), let off of the front brake, and go down hard.

I was going about 30-40 mph. Got some nice rash on my arm, stomach, and both knees. I had on my Jo eRocket Phoenix 4.0 mesh jacket on and that saved most of my skin but it slid up on my stomach (I was sliding feet first) and that is how I got rashed on my stomach. I also jammed my toe in my boot and it is nice and purple.

My FS6 slider totally bent around and really didn't do anything (well it kept the frame off the ground) Buit I think it hit the curb not the asphalt (concrete rash on it). My fairing is trash, I dented my tank and broke one of the grab handles. So to be new again I will have to replace every piece of plastic minus the left side pod. I am ok and the bike really didn't come out too bad.

In summary if you are not totally awake......take the car, it's alot safer. And when you are in class (yes, I still went, we had a test) with torn up clothes and a smashed bike, it sucks.

So now I am off to find a streetfighter headlight assembly to replace the stocker........
Sorry to hear you went down, but I'm glad you're ok. I'm betting you just learned a lesson that you won't soon forget.

Never ride while tired, emotional, or buzzed. Too many things can go horribly wrong amazingly quick when you're not feeling 100%.
Man, that really sucks! Broken motorcycle and skin rash all over to boot.
I sure hope you passed your test....
For safety sake, if you are tired, sick, or just feeling sluggish it is best
to ride your bike another day. I have allergies and when I have an allergy day
am afraid to get on the Fizzer dut to lack of attention ad feeling poorly.
Sorry again for you, get well soon! Good luck on the naked bike project.
PS :(There are a few body parts on EBay Motors now.
Sorry to hear you went down, but I'm glad you're ok. I'm betting you just learned a lesson that you won't soon forget.

Never ride while tired, emotional, or buzzed. Too many things can go horribly wrong amazingly quick when you're not feeling 100%.

I already knew it......just made a bad desicion.:confused:
Damn!!! Glad you're not hurt bad! Sorry to hear about this! Hope you heal up fast!

Post some pics when you feel up to it.
Damn!!! Glad you're not hurt bad! Sorry to hear about this! Hope you heal up fast!

Post some pics when you feel up to it.

the pics will be no good......I have already pulled off the fairing, etc. to start the rebuild. I want no evidence of my stupidity! :thumbup:
Sorry to hear you went down man, glad you're OK. Good luck with the rebuild. Cant believe you went to class afterwards either, no way I could focus to take a test after that.

Also, about the sliders, do you think they were ineffective because of the way you went down on the curb or because of the sliders themselves? I ask because I also have FS6 sliders...
Sorry for your misfortune, but I am glad you were not seriously hurt. Another FZ6 with be re-born from the ashes as a streetfighter:rockon:
Sorry to hear you went down man, glad you're OK. Good luck with the rebuild. Cant believe you went to class afterwards either, no way I could focus to take a test after that.

Also, about the sliders, do you think they were ineffective because of the way you went down on the curb or because of the sliders themselves? I ask because I also have FS6 sliders...

I thinkit was because of the curb. The slider itself held up well it was the hardware that bent.

p.s. I had motivation grade 12.9 bolts because FS6 hosed me on one of my bolts. The FS6 bolts are class 10.9 (I think) so they may break or bend easier.
as everyone else has said glad your "okay"! bike can be fixed/replaced, but you can't!!! Things happen to even the most experienced
that sucks man.. sorry to hear about your bad fortune. good to post it up here to give us all a reminder that we all need to make sure we are in the "right frame of mind" to not get hurt.. feel better man
Damn, glad to hear you are relatively ok madman.

At least you had a good crash, (If there's such a thing), no major damage to you or the bike.

Take care mate, get it fixed and back on the road soon.

Thanks for the advise but do you have any advise for the members who don't have the luxury of owning a four wheel vehicle? I ride in all kinds of weather as well as being in all kinds of mental and physical conditions and I just roll the dice and take my chances.

Kudo's for you taking the test in the condition you were in......I hope you did well. You sure deserve it for showing up under the circumstances.

So how many miles did you have on your bike?
Thanks for the advise but do you have any advise for the members who don't have the luxury of owning a four wheel vehicle? I ride in all kinds of weather as well as being in all kinds of mental and physical conditions and I just roll the dice and take my chances.

Kudo's for you taking the test in the condition you were in......I hope you did well. You sure deserve it for showing up under the circumstances.

So how many miles did you have on your bike?

Vegas, I would say
1. remeber to set your alarm.
2. If you are running late and tired take a few minutes extra to a. take a shower b. drink some coffee c.drink an energy drink d.whatever it takes to bet your head about you. If you are already late a few more minutes late is better than dead.
3.if you are stressed or angry take a few minutes for some deep breathing or meditation so you will be focused on riding.

we have all seen the crazy people out there Don't add any factors into you getting hurt. And if your bike is your only means of transport......when you crash it, you are screwed even if you come out o.k.

I had around 12K miles on my bike in just over a year (Oct. 31st 2007- Jan. 31st 2009)

Good question Vegas!