so I was running late....

dude... that sucks hardcore. glad you're still with us. the fz6 can be repaired/replaced but you can't be.

also, mad props for making it into class and still taking your test. bonus points for you
Glad your ok, bet your sore as though! Nasty little accident by the sounds of it.

As for the mesh jacket riding up...i wear a mesh jacket in the extreme heat we are experiencing right now, and have tought how easy it would be for it to "ride up" in an accident....guess i will be wearing that mesh jacket a lot les now. :eek:

Hope the bike comes back together as you least the bike has "cred" now....:(
Glad your ok man. Suxxors about the bike, but naked is cool. So at least there is a upside. Heal up quick and dont bathe in vinager or anything for a while.
Small update....
got a naked headlight. I'll post apic in a few.
Got R6S forks on the way
Ordered some small parts (kill switch brake lever, etc) from ron ayers

Naked here I come. I will post a couple of build shots as I get to them.